Files for Windows (64 bit)

Read ALL instructions first!

Various virus detection software (wether from Microsoft or commercial add-ons) may give a warnings about downloadsdepending on how they are configured. Feel free to run your virus software (always a good idea) but then you will have to navigate past the warning window (if you get one).  

Getting to save the download is very dependent on the virus product,
Windows may have a Discard button (or equivalent),
use the arrow next to it, to find the button labeled Keep the file (or equivalent).

Some cases give a very generic window with a linkor button that says More Information if so follow that
and likely its again just text to tell you why this was posted.

  • Click the link to download the zip file.

  • Get past the any warnings (feel free to run any virus checks first).
  • After the file has downloaded, click on the file name (lower left of screen).
  • On the File Explorer window, click the "Extract All" icon (top middle of screen).
  • On the Destination window, click the "Extract" button.
  • The install is complete!
  • The file can be deleted to save disk space.

  • On File Explorer, click QuickStart.bat, for a high level feature tour.
  • .
  • Then click Start.Here.bat, to open a Terminal window and explore MCPT with the help of the User Guide.
  • .

    Click below, if you are new to: windows, batch files, or command line usage.
    Windows & File Information

    Use the BACK button, or use the X to close the window and go back.