(logs 16 - 23 OCT 1999: file=mc9910ma.txt) MASSACHUSETTS PARALLEL EFFORT TO 1999 NEWFOUNDLAND DXPEDITION Report from Mark Connelly - Times / dates = UTC / 1999 [Connelly*B-MA] = Billerica, MA (GC= 71.221 W / 42.533 N) (home) [Connelly*D-MA] = Duxbury, MA (GC= 70.651 W / 42.047 N) (west end of Powder Point Bridge, at King Caesar Road) [Connelly*H-MA] = East Harwich, Cape Cod, MA (GC= 70.021 W / 41.713 N) (near junction of Routes 39 & 137: pitch pine forest 2 km from ocean) [Connelly*R-MA] = Rockport, MA (GC= 70.622 W / 42.667 N) (Granite Pier) Receiver: Drake R8A Antenna systems: cardioid array with BBL-1 broadband loop, AWP-1 whip, prototype Superphaser-2 phasing unit ====================================================== *** TRANS-ATLANTIC DX *** 549 | ALGERIA | Les Trembles, OCT 16 2340 - AA talk & teletalk; fair. [Connelly*D-MA] 585.2 | unID | OCT 16 2338 - possibly Tunisia here with het against Spain-585.0. [Connelly*D-MA] 603 | SPAIN | RNE5, Sevilla / Palencia, OCT 16 2336 - // 855 with man in SS; to fair peak. [Connelly*D-MA] 612 | MOROCCO | Sebaa-Aioun, OCT 19 2246 - AA music, then AA talk by man; low audio level on big carrier. [Connelly*R-MA] 621 | CANARY ISLANDS // SPAIN | RNE1 synchros, OCT 16 2247 - loud with fast SS talk. [Connelly*D-MA] + OCT 19 2245 - two men in SS; good. [Connelly*R-MA] 639 | SPAIN | RNE1, La Coruna, OCT 16 2222 - // 684 with SS interview; poor through slop from a jumble of stations (Guadeloupe et al.) on 640. [Connelly*D-MA] 648 | GAMBIA | Bonto, OCT 16 2344 - African vocal and percussion; peaking well over Spain. [Connelly*D-MA] 648 | SAUDI ARABIA (t) | Jeddah, OCT 19 2241 - most likely this with Koran recitation (droning a cappella AA male vocal); poor to fair, dominant. [Connelly*R-MA] 684 | SPAIN | RNE1, Sevilla, OCT 16 0456 - SS newstalk; good. [Connelly*H-MA] + OCT 16 2219 - entertainment-related SS interview; good. WRKO was all groundwave at the time, so it was easily nulled. [Connelly*D-MA] 693.7 | AZORES | RDP, Santa Barbara | OCT 19 2231 - // 836 with vocal; strong carrier but weak audio. [Connelly*R-MA] 711.04 | WESTERN SAHARA | Laayoune, OCT 16 2217 - AA-Berber vocal with drums, violin; initially in WOR slop, but then it boomed in with a strong signal. [Connelly*D-MA] 729 | SPAIN | RNE1, Oviedo et al., OCT 16 2226 - bits of SS teletalk; more slop from CHTN-720 than from anything on 730. [Connelly*D-MA] 747 | CANARY ISLANDS // SPAIN | OCT 16 2232 - mellow jazz, then man & woman in SS; over others. [Connelly*D-MA] 801 | SPAIN | RNE1 synchros, OCT 16 2348 - fast SS talk; poor, in PJB/WCCM-800 slop. [Connelly*D-MA] 836 | AZORES | RDP, Pico da Barrosa, OCT 16 0348 - end of vocal (sounded like Ray Charles), then PP talk; fair. Somewhat stronger than Canaries-837. [Connelly*H-MA] + OCT 16 2207 - excellent with jazz. [Connelly*D-MA] 837 | CANARY ISLANDS // SPAIN | COPE synchros, OCT 16 2331 - fair with somewhat-muffled SS talk by man // 1296. [Connelly*D-MA] + OCT 19 2225 - SS talk; fair over 836 het. [Connelly*R-MA] 846 | ITALY | Rome, OCT 16 0222 - classical piano music; fair. [Connelly*H-MA] 855 | SPAIN | RNE1, Murcia et al., OCT 16 0352 - woman in SS; fair, through WEEI slop. [Connelly*H-MA] + OCT 16 2337 - several SS announcers; good, generally over the 850 slop. [Connelly*D-MA] 873 | SPAIN | SER synchros, OCT 16 2328 - // 1179 with slow deliberate SS group discussion, then a bit of organ music; fair. [Connelly*D-MA] 882 | CANARY ISLANDS // SPAIN | COPE synchros, OCT 16 2212 - SS teletalk; good. [Connelly*D-MA] 891 | ALGERIA | Algiers, OCT 16 0230 - AA male vocal and steel guitar; very good. [Connelly*H-MA] 918 | SPAIN | R. Intercontinental, Madrid, OCT 16 2322 - excited SS talk by man; very good. Semi-auroral conditions weakened CJCH to let this one slide right by. [Connelly*D-MA] 954 | SPAIN | R. Espana, Madrid, OCT 16 0241 - to good peak with SS telephone interview. [Connelly*H-MA] + OCT 16 2320 - Beatles- influenced vocal; good to excellent. [Connelly*D-MA] 963 | PORTUGAL | R. Renascenca, Seixal, OCT 16 2319 - man & woman in PP; fair (though WZAN-970 slop bad at times). [Connelly*D-MA] 981.11 | ALGERIA | Radiodif. Algerienne, Algiers, OCT 16 2318 - pan-pipes / flutes, male AA pop-style vocal; huge, demolishing WTRY/WCAP-980. Measured freq. 110 Hz high of nominal 981. [Connelly*D-MA] 999 | SPAIN | COPE, Madrid, OCT 16 2315 - monotone-delivery SS news by man; through slop from Latin American mix on 1000. [Connelly*D-MA] 1008 | CANARY ISLANDS | Las Palmas, R. Las Palmas / RadioVoz, OCT 16 2313 - SS talk with flute interludes; fair. [Connelly*D-MA] 1017 | SPAIN | RNE5 synchros, OCT 16 2311 - // 1107 with SS news interview; over Middle Eastern music station (presumably the Turk). [Connelly*D-MA] 1026 | SPAIN | SER synchros, OCT 16 2310 - fast SS talk / teletalk; over others, fair through WBZ slop. [Connelly*D-MA] 1035 | PORTUGAL | R. Nacional, Lisboa, OCT 16 2309 - plaintive PP vocal; fair with WBZ phased. [Connelly*D-MA] 1044 | MOROCCO | Sebaa-Aioun, OCT 16 2131 - AA vocal & violins, then fast AA talk by man; good on pre-sunset fade-up. [Connelly*D-MA] 1053 | MOROCCO | Tanger, OCT 16 2352 - female AA vocal; good. [Connelly*D-MA] 1053 | SPAIN | COPE, Zaragoza / Castellon, OCT 16 2308 - SS talk; under huge unmodulated carrier that was probably from the Moroccan. [Connelly*D-MA] 1062 | NIGERIA (t) | OCT 16 2306 - folk-style vocal, possibly religious. [Connelly*D-MA] + OCT 19 2302 - African-accented EE talk by man; taking a pounding from CBA-1070 slop. Lost at 2305 when CBA went from talk to brassy jazz. [Connelly*R-MA] 1071 | SPAIN | EI, Bilbao, OCT 16 2256 - some kind of question- and-answer session with man & woman in SS; good. [Connelly*D-MA] 1088 | ANGOLA | Radio Nacional, Mulenvos, OCT 16 2253 - bits of PP talk; poor, faintly hetted by weaker 1089. [Connelly*D-MA] 1089 | UNITED KINGDOM | Talk Radio synchros, OCT 19 2344 - EE talkshow; very jumpy fades, in & out of WBAL/LA's-1090 slop. This was one of the very few northern Europeans making any kind of a showing at all. [Connelly*R-MA] 1098 | SPAIN | RNE5 synchros, OCT 16 2252 - // 1107 with segment of flute jazz, then SS talk; strong. Synchro echo of up to a half-second (!) between stations was noted. [Connelly*D-MA] 1107 | SPAIN | RNE5 synchros, OCT 16 2247 - man & woman in SS with interspersed music, not parallel to RNE1 (e.g. 621) at this time. [Connelly*D-MA] 1116 | SPAIN | SER synchros, OCT 16 2246 - restricted (telephone type) audio quality on SS talk by man; good signal strength. [Connelly*D-MA] 1125 | SPAIN | RNE5 synchros, OCT 16 2245 - SS talk over a weak het from approx. 1125.5 (maybe one of the synchros off channel ?) [Connelly*D-MA] 1134 | SPAIN | COPE synchros, OCT 16 2243 - fast SS talk about events in "la capital"; good, totally dominant. [Connelly*D-MA] 1179 | CANARY ISLANDS // SPAIN | SER synchros, OCT 16 2125 - fast SS newstalk; pre-sunset fade-up over slop from WJJF daytimer. [Connelly*D-MA] 1197 | SPAIN | EI, Vitoria, OCT 16 2354 - calm-voiced man in SS; dominant. [Connelly*D-MA] 1251 | LIBYA | Tripoli, OCT 16 2356 - AA vocal; fair. [Connelly*D-MA] 1296 | SPAIN | COPE, Valencia, OCT 16 0256 - short segment of music, then man in SS. No sign of Sudan at the time. [Connelly*H-MA] + OCT 16 2331 - // 837 with SS talk; poor. [Connelly*D-MA] 1305 | SPAIN | RNE5 synchros, OCT 16 2356 - SS talk with synchro- echo; over rumble. [Connelly*D-MA] 1467 | FRANCE | TWR, Roumoules, OCT 19 2215 - EE religious talk; in slop. [Connelly*R-MA] 1521 | SAUDI ARABIA | BSKSA, Duba, OCT 16 0301 - AA news by man; good to excellent. [Connelly*H-MA] + OCT 16 2131 - male AA vocal; over SAH, bits of second audio (probably Spain), and a bit of slop from daytimer WGAM. [Connelly*D-MA] 1530 | SAO TOME E PRINCIPE | VOA Relay, Pinheira, OCT 16 0313 - VOA discussion program in EE; fair with WSAI phased. [Connelly*H-MA] 1550 | ALGERIA | RASD Clandestine, Tindouf, OCT 16 2231 - Oud music, female Berber-style vocal; huge, crushing the NY or PA nostalgia station. [Connelly*D-MA] + OCT 19 2318 - AA-style music with drums, then into SS talk by man with ID mentioning "saharaui". [Connelly*R-MA] 1575 | SPAIN | SER synchros, OCT 19 2321 - SS talk with restricted "telco quality" audio; poor. [Connelly*R-MA] 1583.6 | CEUTA | RadiOle, OCT 16 0306 - plaintive ballad, then SS talk; good. Not much showing on 1584. [Connelly*H-MA] + OCT 16 2129 - male vocal with acoustic guitar; fair. [Connelly*D-MA] 1584 | SPAIN | SER synchros, OCT 19 2325 - // 1575 with SS talk having a definite synchro echo; to fair peak over het from weaker Ceuta-1583.6. [Connelly*R-MA] Not MW, but I had to include this ... 11902.54 | ST. HELENA | OCT 23 - test broadcast booming in on upper sideband through the entire 1900-2315 UTC period. Many e-mail reports were read on the air and numerous pop-rock hits ("La Vida Loca" near the beginning of the broadcast, "The Final Countdown" near the end, etc.) were played. Announcers mentioned that this was the last test that this station was going to run. I got a good deal of it on tape. It was running parallel to 1548 kHz medium wave ... did anyone log them on that frequency ?? [Connelly*B-MA] *** PAN-AMERICAN DX *** 526 | BAHAMAS | ZLS, Stella Maris, OCT 16 1007 - "ZLS" code beacon; fair through RVC-530 slop. [Connelly*H-MA] 530 | TURKS & CAICOS | R. Vision Cristiana, OCT 16 1007 - SS hymn; huge. [Connelly*H-MA] + OCT 16 2342 - SS ID "Radio Vision Cristiana, la Emisora de Dios"; local-like. There was something in EE under, but possibly just a TIS rather than Falklands. [Connelly*D-MA] 535 | GRENADA | GBC, St. George's, OCT 16 2341 - woman giving speech about the Government of Grenada and efforts to help young people; good. [Connelly*D-MA] + OCT 20 0048 - lounge-jazz style female vocal; to good peak. [Connelly*R-MA] 540 | MEXICO | XEWA, San Luis Potosi - Monterrey, OCT 16 1102 - romantic SS vocal; over/under WLUX. [Connelly*H-MA] 555 | ST. KITTS & NEVIS | ZIZ, Basseterre, OCT 16 2339 - Carib-EE talkshow; fair with WGAN phased. [Connelly*D-MA] 570 | CUBA | R. Reloj, OCT 16 1008 - Reloj clock ticks and SS news about Habana; over WMCA. [Connelly*H-MA] 591 | CUBA | R. Musical Nacional, OCT 20 0031 - bits of music, SS talk noted along with a fat het against WEZE/VOCM/SS'er-590. ID'ed subsequently by Don Moore in Iowa. [Connelly*R-MA] 600 | CUBA | R. Rebelde, CMKV, Urbano Noris, OCT 16 1002 - // 620 with morning greeting and song. [Connelly*H-MA] 620 | CUBA | R. Rebelde, Colon / Moa, OCT 16 1002 - // 600 with greeting "muy buenas dias ... Radio Rebelde". [Connelly*H-MA] 630 | PUERTO RICO | WSKN, San Juan, OCT 16 1000 - Super Cadena mention in fast-paced SS news. [Connelly*H-MA] + OCT 16 2343 - Cadena mentions; mixed with WPRO. [Connelly*D-MA] 640 | CUBA | R. Progreso, Guanabacoa / Las Tunas, OCT 16 0958 - SS talk about plantations outside Habana; huge dominant signal. + still here at OCT 16 1013 UTC with talk about Copa Mundial. [Connelly*H-MA] 640 | VENEZUELA | Union R., YVQO, Puerto La Cruz, OCT 16 2300 - fast SS sportstalk, ID // 1090; slightly over Guadeloupe. [Connelly*D-MA] 650 | COLOMBIA | RCN Antena Dos, HJKH, Bogota, OCT 20 0030 - Antena Dos ID; very good. [Connelly*R-MA] 670 | CUBA | R. Rebelde, CMQ, Arroyo Arenas, OCT 16 1012 - music, then SS phone conversation with a woman with several Cuba references, // 600, 620. [Connelly*H-MA] 670 | VENEZUELA | R. Rumbos, YVLL, Caracas, OCT 16 2235 - SS sportstalk with Venezuela and Copa Mundial mentions; over others. [Connelly*D-MA] + OCT 19 2238 - SS talk about electoral politics in Caracas. [Connelly*R-MA] 680 | PUERTO RICO | WAPA, San Juan, OCT 20 0200 - SS talk with detailed Puerto Rico weather including high and low temperatures for a number of cities. Announcer ID'ed W-A-P-A call (by individual letters) and the calls of two other Puerto Rican stations on the same news "mini-network". This was loud: actually OVER LOCAL WRKO !! [Connelly*R-MA] 690 | ANGUILLA | Caribbean Beacon, The Valley, OCT 16 0455 - EE preaching; over presumed Colombia (who had accordion music). [Connelly*H-MA] + OCT 16 2346 - preaching about the escape from Egypt; excellent, over Venezuela/Brazil. [Connelly*D-MA] + OCT 19 2233 - good with Caribbean-accented EE local news with a warning about the approach of Hurricane Jose. [Connelly*R-MA] 690 | BRAZIL | R. Dragao do Mar, ZYH587, Fortaleza, OCT 16 2234 - PP preaching; in mess with Anguilla and Venezuela. [Connelly*D-MA] 690 | VENEZUELA | YVMR, Barquisimeto, OCT 16 2346 - adverts for businesses "en Venezuela". Signal was a bit under Anguilla. [Connelly*D-MA] 700 | COLOMBIA | R. Net, HJCX, Cali, OCT 16 0447 - leading the pack with SS news with several Bogota items. [Connelly*H-MA] 700 | JAMAICA | RJR, Montego Bay, OCT 16 0503 - black DJ talked about groups performing at various local clubs, then a gospel- influenced R&B vocal followed; over Colombia. [Connelly*H-MA] + OCT 20 0157 - slogan "The Supreme Sound, RJR", followed by Jose Feliciano version of "Light My Fire". [Connelly*R-MA] 705 | ST. VINCENT & THE GRENADINES | Kingstown, OCT 20 0019 - "Miss You Like Crazy" by Natalie Cole; fair. [Connelly*R-MA] 710 | CUBA | R. Rebelde synchros, OCT 16 0505 - // 600 with SS vocal & tropical-style instrumentation; loud, over WOR. [Connelly*H-MA] 730 | MEXICO | XEX, Mexico City, OCT 16 0440 - music, SS talk, slogan "La Nueva Equis"; excellent. [Connelly*H-MA] 750 | VENEZUELA | RCR, YVKS, Caracas, OCT 16 0358 - dominant with the Venezuelan National Anthem. [Connelly*H-MA] 760 | BRAZIL | R. Record, ZYH888, Fortaleza, OCT 16 2213 - already good, and just slightly behind daytimer WVNE. It was 100% alone when WVNE was nulled with the cardioid array. The program was a man and a woman with PP religious talk. At 2215 WVNE closed leaving this in the clear, fully in control of the channel with a better-than-S9 signal. [Connelly*D-MA] 760 | COLOMBIA | RCN, HJAJ, Barranquilla, OCT 20 0016 - RCN ID; over Cuba growl. [Connelly*R-MA] 760 | MEXICO | XEABC, Mexico City, OCT 16 1056 - Mexican music, into SS talk with apparent "A-B-C" mention; poor, fading. [Connelly*H-MA] 770 | COLOMBIA | RCN, HJJX, Bogota, OCT 16 0648 - Colombian political news in SS, then into a music program. [Connelly*H-MA] + OCT 20 0155 - excited SS announcer // 760; under WABC. [Connelly*R-MA] 780 | VENEZUELA | R. Coro, YVMN, Coro, OCT 16 0418 - R. Coro jingle, timecheck, mellow SS vocal; good. [Connelly*H-MA] 800 | NETHERLANDS ANTILLES | Trans-World Radio, PJB, Bonaire, OCT 20 0100 - SS talk about the true meaning of love, then some light music, followed by Radio Transmundial ID, a mailing address in Miami, and mentions of Bonaire - Antillas Holandesas; very good, well over WCCM/VOWR/CJAD jumble. [Connelly*R-MA] 830 | CUBA | R. Reloj, OCT 20 0151 - Reloj ticker and beeps audible through YVLT/others. [Connelly*R-MA] 830 | ST. KITTS & NEVIS | TBN, Basseterre, OCT 16 0353 - // 7510 with woman talking to minister about the value of TBN's programming; good. [Connelly*H-MA] 830 | VENEZUELA | R. Sensacion, YVLT, Caracas, OCT 20 0150 - R. Sensacion ID, then mellow vocal; briefly atop the pack. [Connelly*R-MA] 840 | unID | OCT 20 0103 - likely a Venezuelan here with Caracas and R. Noticias mentions in SS newscast. The channel was very congested with Latin Americans: no single station stayed atop the pile for very long. [Connelly*R-MA] 860 | VENEZUELA | R. Enlace 860, YVYE, Valle de la Pascua, OCT 20 0000 - SS talk with Valle de la Pascua mention; over others. [Connelly*R-MA] 890 | CUBA | R. Progreso, CMDZ, Santiago de Cuba, OCT 16 0958 - // 640 with SS agricultural discussion; way over second SS (possibly WBPS). [Connelly*H-MA] 895 | ST. KITTS & NEVIS | VON, Bath Village, OCT 16 2326 - vocal with a bit of Ray Charles style piano; poor, slopped. [Connelly*D-MA] 900 | MEXICO | XEW, Mexico City, OCT 23 1000 - Mexican C&W style vocal, SS talk with local mentions; fair over others. + OCT 23 1015 - romantic SS vocal; over domestic that mentioned "Pinardville". [Connelly*B-MA] 910 | VENEZUELA | RQ-910, YVRQ, Caracas, OCT 16 2324 - SS sports interview show with Caracas and La Guaira mentions, remote coverage from a stadium with echoey public address announcements, then talk about the alcalde (mayor) of Caracas; loud, rolling over WABI & other domestics. [Connelly*D-MA] 920.15 | COLOMBIA | Emisora Fuentes, HJAA, Cartagena, OCT 20 0106 - man with SS Colombian news; occasionally splittable from CJCH/WHJJ. [Connelly*R-MA] 940 | MEXICO | XEQ, Mexico City, OCT 23 0957 - end of song, "Q" (coo) mention, then woman said "en la Republica Mexicana"; over Reloj Cuban. [Connelly*B-MA] 940 | PUERTO RICO | WIPR, San Juan, OCT 20 0108 - woman with SS news about San Juan and other Puerto Rican cities; good, well over others. [Connelly*R-MA] 960 | CUBA | R. Reloj, OCT 16 0412 - clock ticks, "RR" beeps, and woman reading news in SS; over a jumble of domestics. [Connelly*H-MA] 1000 | VENEZUELA | YVMN or YVOA, OCT 16 2317 - Venezuela mentions, joking, laughing, party music: a more informal programming style than on RCN-Colombia. [Connelly*D-MA] 1010 | BRAZIL | R. CBN, ZYH625, Fortaleza, OCT 16 2312 - reverberated PP talk; mixed with SS station (YV ?) and phase-nulled WINS. [Connelly*D-MA] 1020 | VENEZUELA | R. Margarita, YVRS, La Asuncion, OCT 16 2351 - Mundial Margarita ID, then tropical music with '40s / '50s style Latin dance rhythms; excellent, totally killing KDKA. [Connelly*D-MA] 1030 | MEXICO (t) | XEQR, Mexico City, OCT 16 1035 - probably this with SS talk under WBZ, too late for much else. [Connelly*H-MA] 1050.3 | unID | OCT 20 0110 - rapid-fire SS talk by man; hacked up by WEVD/CHUM. Can anyone in Florida or elsewhere nail down an ID on this ? [Connelly*R-MA] 1080 | VENEZUELA | R. Barcelona, YVQJ, Barcelona, OCT 16 2254 - SS local sports coverage; at least 20 dB stronger than WTIC ! [Connelly*D-MA] + OCT 20 0111 - SS talk and Barcelona mentions; somewhat under WTIC. [Connelly*R-MA] 1090 | VENEZUELA | Union R., YVSZ, Caracas, OCT 16 2259 - SS sportstalk, Union Radio ID, Venezuela mentions; dominant. [Connelly*D-MA] 1100 | BRAZIL | ZYK694, Sao Paulo, OCT 16 2250 - reverberated PP talk (seemed sports-related); atop Antigua, others. [Connelly*D-MA] 1100.8 | unID | OCT 16 2248 - SS vocal on this off-channel station; ID material not noted. [Connelly*D-MA] 1110 | VENEZUELA | R. Carupano, YVQT, Carupano, OCT 16 2246 - SS talk about activities in Puerto la Cruz; atop second SS station. [Connelly*D-MA] 1130 | VENEZUELA (t) | R. Ideal, YVRL, Macuto, OCT 20 0144 - SS talk with apparent Ideal (ee-day-ahl) mentions; slightly over other Latin Americans in a difficult-to-maintain phase null on WBBR. [Connelly*R-MA] 1160 | BERMUDA | VSB3, Hamilton, OCT 16 2241 - // BBC-5975 with old-fashioned radio drama; excellent, alone on channel. [Connelly*D-MA] 1170 | COLOMBIA | CARACOL, HJNW, Cartagena, OCT 16 2353 - Bogota news items in SS; over a pile-up of at least 3 others. [Connelly*D-MA] 1200 | VENEZUELA | YVOZ, Caracas, OCT 16 2257 - "transmite de Caracas ... Radiotiempo ... mil dos cientos AM"; excellent with local WKOX phase-nulled down into the dirt. [Connelly*D-MA] 1210 | VENEZUELA | R. Anzoategui, YVZT, Barcelona, OCT 16 2355 - Venezuela mentions; mixed with WPHT and a weak low het of about 600 Hz. [Connelly*D-MA] + OCT 20 0121 - Anzoategui ID, then romantic vocal; slightly under WPHT. [Connelly*R-MA] 1280 | BERMUDA | VSB2, Hamilton, OCT 20 0140 - EE preacher mixing with WADO's SS. WFAU was in a poor third place with a Johnny Mathis song. [Connelly*R-MA] 1370 | unID | OCT 20 0138 - probably a coastal Venezuelan briefly atop with SS sporting event. [Connelly*R-MA] 1375.02 | ST. PIERRE ET MIQUELON | RFO, OCT 16 2358 - FF talk, jazz; excellent. [Connelly*D-MA] 1470 | VENEZUELA | R. Vibracion, YVSY, Carupano, OCT 23 2258 - most likely this with SS talk and Venezuela mentions. YVJW Valencia is also possible, but much less commonly heard here. Domestic skip was nearly non-existent at the time. WZOU-ME took over later as auroral effects diminished. [Connelly*B-MA] 1500 | VENEZUELA | YVRZ, Cumana, OCT 16 2359 - frequent Caracas mentions; good with WTOP phased. [Connelly*D-MA] + OCT 20 0136 - reverberated R. Dos Mil ID; in WTOP null. [Connelly*R-MA] 1529.54 | unID | OCT 16 0303 - het, bits of audio, but the identity remains elusive. I haven't seen it ID'ed elsewhere. Uruguay-1529.6 was heard in Newfoundland, but this is probably something else. [Connelly*H-MA] 1550 | unID | OCT 23 2230 - most likely previously-logged HJCB Barranquilla, Colombia with SS talk briefly dominant. Conditions were auroral in the immediate post-sunset period. [Connelly*B-MA] 1570 | DOMINICAN REPUBLIC | HIAJ, Santo Domingo (t), OCT 20 0127 - almost certainly R. Amanecer Internacional with religious music and SS talk; most of the domestic activity was knocked out by the cardioid array's null to the west. [Connelly*R-MA] + OCT 23 2302 - SS religion just under low-power groundwave semi-local WNSH during aurora. [Connelly*B-MA] 1580 | unID | OCT 23 2250 - probably HJQZ Barranquilla (heard before); fast SS talk eventually covered by Caribbean culture program from WSRF-Florida. [Connelly*B-MA] 1610 | ANGUILLA | Caribbean Beacon, The Valley, OCT 19 2322 - preacher asked for donations and said he'd been on the air "for 25 years with no hypocrisy and no subterfuge"; briefly atop TIS mess. [Connelly*R-MA]