Page 2
Here is a second page of pictures. See some of the kids, the regular and "occasional" story tellers and workers, puppets, Living Christmas Tree characters who visit to tell the Christmas story in their own words, ventriliquist characters, and others.

CLICK on pictures below to enlarge them.

Teresa tells a story

Former Minister to Children
Miss Suzanne

Kids, 2002 Sept. 15

Child experience story
Miss Dianne, former Minister to Children

Bible Story Time

Kids, 2002 December 22

Dr. Kay tells a mission story

Miss Vicki and "Lefty"

Worship in song

Miss Susan - What's inside this pumpkin?

Bible Drill demonstration

What are those other two guys doing in the drill?

Dr Kay tells the Bible story

2004 Bible Drill demonstration.

2004 Bible Drill demonstration.

Vicki - Flannelgraph Bible Story

2004 March 21.

"Orzile" from the planet "Upsedownsie"

Allen tells about little Samuel

Would you buy a used camel from this man?

Miss Jennifer tells a Bible story

Bella Gaudette and Skye

Obedience - as we're supposed to obey God

Love and trust, going both directions

Bible story using flip charts

Puppet Ministry

Photographs by Shelby Ennis

Puppeteers needed! If you would like to participate in the Puppet Ministry, please see Shelby Ennis, , for more information.
Also, regular and substitute pianists are needed for CWS.
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