CLEGG Radio products came into being in 1950 when Ed Clegg, then w2loy, formed a small company doing contract development of RADAR equipment, principally high power pulse modulators and regulated high voltage DC power supplies for testing MULTI-KW magnetrons, klystrons, traveling wave tubes etc.The group was formed by a number of former KUTHE LAB employees where Ed had been Chief Engineer. KUTHE was the principal developer and producer of hydrogen thyratron tubes. CLEGG Lab customers were ITT Labs, Bell Labs, Sperry, Lockheed Electronics, US Army Signal Corp Labs ,etc. The operation grew somewhat during the early 50's but had one basic problem: 50% of the work was basic design of "one of a kind" large units. The other 50% required fabrication and installation each unit. There were periods of time when Ed was up to his ears in design work and the handful of technicians, mechanics and wiremen had to sit and wait until the design was finished and the material to start fabrication arrived. No problem! We could keep everyone busy if we had an ongoing and repetitive product line. Ed was an active and enthusiastic ham and what more fun product line could there be than ham radios. Several HF rigs were prototyped at CLEGG LABS but with COLLINS, DRAKE, HALLICRAFTERS, JOHNSON, WORLD RADIO and others satisfying the HF market and very few manufacturers addressing the VHF market the choice was made and the 62T10 11/10/6/2 Meter transmitter was born.( Ed's roll model was Art Collins and if 32V2 was a good enough name for Art's super HF radio then 62T10 was a worthy choice for a transmitter that picked up in frequency where Collins left off.)
Since retiring in 1988 I spent several years building items of test equipment but as the ravages of age began to win over my ability to stand at a bench and hang new antennas around the property I succumbed to examining antenna designs the easy way: sitting at a computer with antenna simulator and Smith Chart programs. I've amassed a rather large file of data on selected antenna projects and propose to add some of these to this web site.
For a brief example of these CLICK HERE:120 Ft Dipole