Sandusky Radio Experimental League

January February 2002Newsletter

By N8BPE January 21, 2002

NEW Officers

W8LBZ begins 2002 with new enthusiasm and hopes for a great year of amatuer radio.

This year marks another year for the Sandusky Radio Experimental League and its new cadre. President N8BPE.... Vice President KA8BQK...Secretary Tresurer K8RUP


We are proud of our Operating Committee consisting of WA8VOE and KI8BV . You will notice our plans for special events on the Upcomming events item on the web page. We are also proud to have an Operating Trailer to take to the Lake Erie Islands, which are steeped in History and a well known tourist destination. Join us in these great chance of a lifetime sites and lots of fellow hams to do what hams to best.(Ham, refreshments, and commradery in the hobby) Past years have proven unique opportunities to see places normally off limits to the general public. Hold on to your hat Commodore Perry.

KI8BV Op CommiteeWA8VOE Op Commitee

Gibralter Island


We are proud to have a unique Club house where we members have access 24/7. Fully equiped HF gear, Vhf-Uhf gear, our repeaters operations room and meeting room it is a fun place to access. This past year we upgraded our computer to a Pentium III class processor with a Pentium I being used for logging. We are currently working on our club history and how the club grew since 1932 when a few hams decided to organize and form what is today the, S.R.E.L. Future newsletters will include snippets of how we got started.


With our History in mind, we have awarded W8VPY(John) an award as the oldest living club member from the charter group. He has been thru the metamorphisis from the idea of a club in Sandusky to the members building a clubhouse. John still attends almost every meeting and is our "sage" in keeping us inline and ontrack. His bond is Bond #2.

Thank you John for making it possible for us to enjoy our club! More on John and the S.R.E.L. History in newsletters to come.


What's new?

We are blessed with many skilled people in our club and this year we would like to utilize them in some programs regarding new areas of interest. If there is interest, we are asking WD8CXB to give some classes in HTML source programing. How does a web page work on the internet? How can i write and edit my web page? How can I use ham radio to locate my mobile on the internet on a map using GPS and Ham radio technology?(Checkout our Sandstone link and see what it looks like! How are repeaters linked into networks so we can talk from Cleveland to Gibsonburg or Amherst to Sandusky. How can we use them? And other programs as interest dictates.

We are planning for classes for the entry level ham ticket and are looking for new persons interested in becoming a ham radio operator. Contact Luther KA8BQK for more information or stop by at our meetings.

As you can see we have an ambitous plan for 2002. You make the difference and hand promote ham radio. Watch the Web page for the latest updates and news of club activities.

Have you seen the E.C. for Erie County? We offer you K8HLH 73's de N8BPE