
Let me introduce you to the greatest hobby in the World. Ham Radio has a lot to offer. This page will be directed toward those who want to learn more about what ham radio is, as well as how to get an amateur radio ticket. Further, I will give some web sites where you can obtain a lot of interesting and useful information concerning ham radio.
With permission I will quote a short passage from The Radio Amateur's Handbook:
"Well, every minute of every hour of every day, 365 days a year, radio amateurs all over the world are communicating with each other. It's a way of discovering new friends while experimenting with different and exciting new ways to advance the art of their hobby.
Ham radio is a global fraternity of people with common and yet widely varying interests, able to exchange their ideas and learn more about each other with each new contact. Because of this, radio amateurs have the unique ability to enhance international relations as does no other hobby."
Below are some Web sites which will be useful if you want to learn more about amateur radio. Many of the sites will also have information about how to study for and pass the test. Good luck and enjoy.

For a lot of additional information about getting a new ham ticket you might check out a category in one of my other sites where several hams have given information about the process. To read more there go to:

Finally, probably the best way to get help in your effort to get a ham ticket is to find a good "ham radio club" in your area.
There you will find other hams who are anxious to help you in your study, preparation for, and getting your Amateur Radio License.

updated 3/15/11