Ham Radio 
 Mobile Caravanning / Camping 
Mt Vaca Radio Club aka Yolo Amateur Radio Society
Mobileer Yahoo Group - California - Sam's Radio Hams

 Ham Reports 
 Sacramento Valley Section Nets - Local Nets, Frequencies, Web Pages, E-Mail Groups 
 Ham Radio Caravaning & Camping - Our Ham Radio trip reports and photos. - 1964 to 2012 
   YARS 2 m Mon night Net - 8:30 PM PT. K6MVR rptr   Mounting Ham Rigs on Cutting Boards - Photo 
 Mt Vaca 2 m Sat night Net - 7:45 PM PT. K6MVR rptr   Mt Vaca 75 m Sat night Net - 8:00 PM PT, 3918.5 kHz 
 Cellular & other not-Ham Comm 
 Alternate Posting Address - Yahoo Groups, PDF 2010   Cellular Roamung - PDF Mwmo, October 2015 

 www.qsl.net/w6tee/ - updated Oct 25, 2015 