Hurricane Katrina Ham Activities – CARES Members



30 August -- Daytime Texas Traffic Net (DTTN) relinquishes the 7285 kHz frequency to the West Gulf Coast ARES Net.  Many of the DTTN members (including W5ALL in Roswell, NM) put on their ARES hats.  Because of his location in Roswell, W5ALL was able to copy Gulf Coast ARES stations on 7285 kHz and also copy Salvation Army (SATERN) stations on 14.265 MHz.  He was thus able to relay several emergency messages between the 20-meter and 40-meter emergency nets.


31 August -- More of the above, plus a little health and welfare traffic on 7290 kHz.


1   September – Some liaison between 20 and 40-meter nets by W5ALL – band conditions changing.  All nets quit handling H/W traffic due to the volume of emergency traffic.


2   September – Due to changed band conditions, monitoring only by W5ALL


3   September -- Due to poor band conditions, monitoring only by W5ALL


4   September -- KD5DXV, KA1CXE, and KD5ZME asked to set up a 2-meter communication link between the Chaves County EOC and the National Guard Armory.  The Chaves County Office of Emergency Management, Teresa Barncastle, requested this link in anticipation of the arrival of several hundred evacuees from the Gulf Coast.

W5ALL receives ARRL “orders” to proceed to Montgomery, AL for assignment in Mississippi.


5 September – W5ALL departs early morning for Montgomery with two HF and five VHF radios, with antennas and a lot of other gear – traveling in self-sustained camper van with generator.  While in route, receives instructions to go direct to Mobile, bypassing the Montgomery operation.

KD5DXV, KD5ZME, and KA1CXE establish the special 2-meter link for the Chaves OEM.


6 September – W5ALL arrives in Mississippi


7 September – W5ALL arrives in Mobile where he receives Red Cross credentials, permitting travel into the affected area.  He is assigned to the South Central Mississippi Chapter, headquartered in Hattiesburg, MS – drives to Hattiesburg, passing much destruction on the way. 


8   September
21 September
– W5ALL serves as net control for South Central Mississippi Red Cross VHF net 0800–2000 hrs.  Worked in van, running generator for power.


22 September – W5ALL starts return to Roswell.