Orange Hamfest 2025

                         Our 50th year!


                  Hosted by:

Orange ARC, Jefferson County ARC and Beaumont ARC


The Orange Hamfest is an ARRL sanctioned event.

WHEN: Saturday, February 21st - 22nd, 2025 – A Two-Day Event!

WHERE: Orange County Convention & Expo Center @ 11475 FM 1442   

Orange, Texas 77632


(Coordinates: 30 07.28N & 093 52.92W or 30.1244,-93.8922)


Hamfest TIME: Feb. 21st - 1PM to 6:30PM and Feb. 22nd - 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.



Map for directions to the Orange Hamfest >>>


Take the 869 Exit off of IH-10 going East or West and turn South on FM 1442 and

the Orange Co. Convention and Expo Center is half mile on the right. Follow the signs.


Google Map and Directions from your starting point:''/@30.1208104,-93.9517098,12z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m9!4m8!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x863952c16b95ec97:0x6c6059f784b89da4!2m2!1d-93.8816688!2d30.120829!3e0


Tailgating available in designated area, see below:



      The Orange County Convention and Expo Center is ADA compliant




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 Assistance Animals: Service and assistance animals are permitted in all public areas and at all times.


Orange Hamfest Events Schedule and Fees:

Friday 21st:

6:00 AM – Hall Setup and Preparation

8:00 AM – 12 Noon Commercial Dealers and Vendors Setup – Enter at Vendor Entrance Only

1:00 PM to 6:30 PM - Hamfest opens for General Admission, flea market, dealers & tailgating

6:30 PM     Friday Dinner at Expo Center

Saturday 22nd:

6:00-7:30 AM- Setup for Dealers, Vendors, and Flea Market

7AM - 2:00 PM - Hamfest opens for General Admission, Programs & Forums

10:00 AM — VE testing

1:30 PM - Grand Prize Drawings

2:00 PM—Close



Admission …. $10.00 per person for the 2 days (visible wrist band ID required for admission)

(Age 12 years & younger free admission)

Dealer tables ………… $15.00ea

Flea market tables ….. $15.00ea

Tailgate spaces ………. Free - there is limited spaces in designated tailgating area

 Friday Dinner …………$15.00 per plate


For more information on Lodging:

hotel.jpg          or visit website  Click Here for Hotels


             2025 Grand Prizes:


 Prize – ICOM  IC-2730A Dual Band 50 Watt 144/440 MHz Mobile                 A close-up of a radio

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1st Prize – ICOM  IC-7300 HF/50MHz 100 Watt SDR Transceiver        A close-up of a radio

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2nd Prize - YAESU FT-710 AESS HF/50MHz 100W SDR Transceiver     A close-up of a radio

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3rd Prize – ICOM  IC-2730A Dual Band 50 Watt 144/440 MHz Mobile                      A close-up of a radio

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The tickets for the Grand Prize and door prizes are: $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00, 12 for $10.00, etc.

The Grand Prizes will be drawn at 1:30 p.m. You NEED NOT BE PRESENT for the Grand Prize drawings.

You MUST BE PRESENT for all door prize drawings.

Door Prize tickets will be put back in for The Grand Prize Drawings.


2025 Door Prizes

Many hourly door prizes Friday and Saturday











   2025 PROGRAMS and FORUMS SCHEDULED – Updated 2/01/2025


Feb 22nd - Saturday Scheduled FORUMS




9:00-10:00 AM

ARES Current Issues- STX monthly reporting compared to the rest of the ARRL sections in the country – Jeff Walter KE5FGA - ARRL STX SEC

Conference Room #2


10:00-11:00 AM

ARRL Current Issues-


Conference Room #2

11:00 AM-12 Noon


Conference Room #2


9:00-10:00 AM

Preparing for VE Testing

Agri-Life Room

10:00 AM - done

VE Testing*

Agri-Life Room




9:00-10:00 AM

Meshtastic (SETMESH) - Greg Pritchett- WE5D

Dupont Room

10:00-11:00 AM

ARRL frequency measurement test, methods and tips - Steve Gomez, KE5O

Dupont Room

11:00 AM-12 Noon

Communication Trailer Design and Build – Josh Johnson -KC5JMJ with the South West Louisiana Amateur Repeater Club. The Comm trailer is on site for tours.

Dupont Room

 *No pre-registration is required for VE Testing.  The FCC now requires new amateur radio applicants to create an FCC

user ID and register for a FCC Registration Number (FRN) on the FCC registration website before taking their examination. 

Bring your FRN, the original and a copy of any current FCC License and any C.S.C.E.’s, picture ID, and $15 (cash) testing fee.  


All Meeting / Forum times and content are subject to change.




                 VE TESTING

VE testing will start at 10:00 A.M Saturday, Feb. 22nd.

No pre-registration is required for VE Testing. 

The FCC now requires new amateur radio applicants to

create a FCC user ID and register for a FCC Registration Number (FRN)

on the FCC registration website before taking their examination. 

Bring your FRN, the original and a copy of any current FCC License and

any C.S.C.E.’s, picture ID, and $15 (cash preferred) testing fee.  


We will have the latest forms available


VE Testing to be held in Agri-Life Room



VENDORS Confirmed to be at Orange Hamfest     817-602-1834         email: [email protected]





          A blue tape measure on a wire

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          Reel POTA-ble EFHW 40-10M Antennas


       [email protected]




    More to come!!




Hamfest Sponsors


A group of books with text

Description automatically generated           "All Ham and No Spam"

 [email protected]

 (888) 482-3249

     Email  [email protected]




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Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997.




Hamfest Food and Drinks Concessions 2/01/2025

A logo with a map and stars

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Food Trucks




More to Come!


                Notice !!!  Friday Night !!!

Remember our Friday Dinner (Feb. 21st)

All Hams and their family, who are in Town Friday for the Hamfest,

are invited to eat with us at the Expo Center.

Featuring a smoked chicken half, sides and a dessert.

No alcohol allowed. Serving starts at 6:30 p.m. Don’t be late.

   There will be a $15.00 per plate charge for dinner!


Coke, sodas and other drinks will be available for a charge. 


Contacts For Hamfest Table Information:


 (409) 988-8906 text, call or leave a message or Email: [email protected]


Dealers, Vendor and Swap tables are located inside the air-conditioned Expo Center Ballroom (10,800 sq. ft.) and

will be available for $15.00 each for individuals, dealers and vendors.

They may be reserved in advance by completing the Table Reservation form.

Note change, only one admission ticket included with table purchase(s).

Dealers, Vendors and Flea market set-up is 8AM-12Noon Friday (21st) and 6:30AM-9:30AM Saturday (22nd).

Unreserved tables will be rented on a first-come/ first-served basis.

Electrical power (110V outlet) is available for most table locations.

Tables that are reserved but not claimed by 8:30AM Saturday (22nd) will be rented.

The Orange Amateur Radio Club/Hamfest Directors reserves the right to limit non-Ham Radio oriented sales and their table location.

The sale or display of firearms, weapons and sexually offensive materials is prohibited.

Hamfest Directors will be fair to resolve any disputes and have the final decision on any disputes.

There are a limited number of tables for the non-Ham radio related sales.

These tables will be located in the hallways surrounding the outside of the Expo Center Ballroom.


Make your reservations now!  Over 117 - tables available in the Ball Room.


Approximately 45 - tables are available as of Feb. 09, 2025.


Additional tables may be available outside the Ball Room in the Halls for Ham and non-Ham radio related items and exhibitors.


No refunds on unclaimed tables.

Reserved tables not claimed by 8:30AM the day of the Hamfest, will be re-rented!!!



A blueprint of a building

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                                        EXPO Center Hamfest Table floor plan




To reserve tables – fill out a Table Reservation form and mail to:


Orange Amateur Radio Club Inc.

P.O. Box 232

Orange, Texas 77631-0232


For table questions you can email us at [email protected]    or text, call or leave a message 409-988-8906


Must be postmarked by February 14, 2025




ORANGE HAMFEST TABLE RESERVATION FORM –2025****web     Download a PDF doc for Table Reservation


Name__________________________________ Call __________



Provide Email address ______________________________for a confirmation in lieu of mailed hardcopy,


Number of Tables needed _______at $15.00 each.  Confirm if electrical power is needed (Yes / No).                                                           


Number of additional admission(s) at $10.00 each: _____________________


Note change, only one admission ticket included with table purchase(s).


No power cords or power strips provided or available. Please provide your own power cords.                                                            


Power available from the 120-volt outlets is on a first come/first serve basis, please share!


Total Amount Enclosed $________________________ (make checks or M.O. payable to Orange Amateur Radio Club)


For table questions you can email us at [email protected] or text, call or leave a message 409-988-8906




Note: For a hardcopy confirmation of your registration, fill in this part

of the form and send an SASE with your Table Reservation Form. We also can email you to confirm tables!


Name and Call sign ______________________________________


Amount received ________________________ for ________ tables.


Hamfest representative acknowledgment ________________________ Date ______


Email _______________________________________________



Page updated 2/09/2025


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