Member of the Tall Pines Intertie, a linked repeater system in South Georgia.
147.285 +600

Welcome to the Coastal Plains Amateur Radio Club. The club is located in south central Georgia. The repeater is 147.285 +600 with a PL tone of xxx.xx. The Coastal Plains ARC repeater is part of the Tall Pines Intertie, a linking system which links repeaters together across south Georgia. This linking system has a number of nets during the week for Amateur Radio Operators. The CPARC repeater on 147.285 is available to ham operators traveling in south Georgia. It can normally be accessed from I-75 from just below Cordele to about Adel Georgia.

As I get these pages built you will find more detailed information about the Tall Pines Intertie and Amateur Radio Clubs in South Georgia.

President  - KI4BSB, Steve Carpenter

Vice Pres. -

Secretary/Treasurer -


Remember to check into the CPARC net each Tuesday night at 9pm on 147.285 or a repeater in the Tall Pines link system.

The Albany ARC has a net on Monday nights at 9 pm on 146.82 -600 or a repeater in the Tall Pines system.

















Pages built by Wayne Harrell - WD4LYV