We're trying something new:   A Laurel Highlands VHF Society Members-Only section!
For a first endeavor, you'll find the Society's roster for 2002. Thanks to Mark [W3ISI] for his input. I hope to expand this area in the weeks ahead to build greater "value" to the Society's website. Some of the present "open" info may wind up in the Members Only area as we move forward. This is a new area [JavaScript], so please bear with me as I learn and try to put that new knowledge into practice.
In preparation for this section, I have emailed all members [all of you who have passed along your email address, that is!] with a Username and Password. For the time-being, let's ride with those. In the future, I hope to be able to address requests for changes.
Finally, the Jscript for this page comes from The Javascript Source , a source of free Javascript code applications. Thanks, guys!
de.............   Larry, K3LBP
Members-Only Area!

Free JavaScripts provided
by The JavaScript Source