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Burnside Bridge Antietam Battlefield


Present Alert Status

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Alert Status For Airports

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Change is a constant, but the pace of change since September, 2001  is almost scary.  We were relaxed and easy-going, and now we are very cautious and protective of all that we have and do.  As a result of those happenings, and a change of administration in the Washington County Department of Emergency Services there have been a number of changes, with signs of more to come. 

One of the most important changes is that now we will have to have a Washington County Identification Badge.   In order to get such identification, you must be registered with us, and establish that you are trained in traffic handling and emergency response. To make the application process a little more convenient an application is attached in PDF format.  Please complete the application and mail it to KD3JK at his call book address.  He will process the application and notify you of your status.   

In addition to being registered, it is expected that the operator will participate in nets, take advantage of training, be willing to assist in drill planning, and participate in drills.

There are so many different skills that we need during an emergency.  Take a look at the page on our activations.  You will find a lot more information there.


Send mail to [email protected] with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright � 2012 Washington County ACES

 This page was last modified on December 12, 2012

The use of  the ARES� symbol in any printed matter or in any electronic media,  is registered mark of the American Radio Relay League, Incorporated and is used by ARES groups with permission.