United States Naval Academy        

  US Naval Academy
MARS Station NNN0NNN operations during Hurricane Floyd 9/16/1999

Skip NNN0PEK manually switching to battery power
The Big Berthas near the Sailing Basin barely budge
However, visibility gets worse
Due to mechanical difficulties, the beams won't rotate -- but they're pretty
Skip NNN0PEK and Mike NNN0OOQ form ART 3 NNN0DJR, patrolling Annapolis
ART 3 is joined by Midn Grant Garcia, president of USNA club W3ADO and a MARS wanna-be
The reflective strips on foul weather gear make them great safety items
After the storm, OOQ's car is found under a tree. Luckily, only minor damage sustained.
OOQ and PEK pose during a break
OOQ reports an EEI from NNN
As the day progresses, the shack gets messier
PB&J, cookies, and soda cans everywhere
A minor setback, the SO-239 on the Kenwood TS-440 HF open-circuits.
We visit OOQ's QTH, but the lights are out...
... and another big tree is down!
Luckily, it fell the other way.
The door opening onto the roof -- how windy will it be?
Enough to not go out too far!
OOQ wanted to check the halyards
The USNA Cushcraft R7000 vertical leans over in the wind, and the ladder line of the G5RV flaps loose
The Severn River is rough!
Not many cars out on the bayfront
Floyd reduced to tropical storm winds, and was far nicer than expected

Point of Contact : LT Johnson/K3FOR/NNN0PEK, Officer Representative 
Revision Date :  
URL : http://www.qsl.net/w3ado/