PAGE  2       PAGE  3      PAGE  4      PAGE  5      PAGE  6                                                     GNARC Field Day 2002. Stamford Amateur Radio Association Field Day

You can help me identify people in these photos. I only need the last two numbers of each photo. e-mail                                            




The Greater Norwalk Amateur Radio Club is sponsoring an exciting event on Saturday and Sunday, June 22 - 23.               So check back next year. !

From 2:00pm Saturday through the night 'til 2:00pm on Sunday we will be operating 6 Amateur Radio Stations:

All modes, Phone, CW & Digital.

If you are new to Amateur Radio, come talk with our members about the exciting activities of Amateur Radio including:

Location: Veterans Memorial Park in Norwalk.

Admission is Free! Come any time. Setup starts at 9:00am and operation begins at 2:00pm.
For additional information E-Mail John/N1OLO . We look forward to seeing you there!

Is held each year at around the same time. So check back!