AA3OY Jerry
Thank God today is Friday!!

This page is dedicated to memory of AA3OY, Jerry and W3PP Dallas. Jerry passed away May 7 1998 and Dallas died in a plane crash last summer in south Carolina while flying down to work C6APR in the Bahama Isl.

My name is John Dize, W3BJ. My equipment is Yaesu FT 1000MP, Yaesu FT 2000 and Kenwood TS 940sat. I run a G5RV on 80M, a homemade vertical on 40M and Hygain Th3Mark4 on 10-15-20M. Amplifiers are Ameritron AL82, Kenwood TL 922a. My main hobby is chasing DX. I have confirmed 326 countries with 5 band DXCC(10-15-20-40-80)

Our local repeater is located in Princess Anne, Maryland on146.625 -025 with 156.7 tone. While passing through Eastern Shore give me a call. We offer the best seafood on the East Coast, and Crisfield is the Seafood Capitol of the World. As soon as I figure out how to send pictures on the computer, I will show you my shack. I would to thank my volunteer examiners who have made a successful program for us. W3KSV-Robert, N3ETP-Bobby who ran this program for years and taught me everything I know. W3OR-Ron, KB3QV-Bill -If not for these people the Eastern Shore would be lacking a few new operators. In the past 2 years we have put hundreds of hams on the air to enjoy this hobby.

Blaine(N3YMH) can be found on 6 meters or on 2 meter simplex any day of the week, if he is not out picking cucumbers or eating ice cream.

Chuck, N3RKT, has put in place a new repeater for the Crisfield area, 145.110. We will be able to reach to the Western Shore and beyond. Our hopes is to link up our local repeater with the main one in Princess Anne some day. We offer many advantages in emergency situations. We have access to generators and mobile units if ever needed. Most of our operators are RACES and ARES certified and are SKYWARN certified.

Some of my first students have went on to make good ham radio operators. KB3CGN, Jack, is a perfect example. He is dedicated to Ham radio now is willing to help in any emergency situation. Also N3ZWG, William, is always there ready for anything. N3ZWF, Danny, is Jack's son is a truck driver and can heard up and down the road. N3SZJ, Ken, and N3RKW are on the verge of upgrading to Advanced. N3ZWH, Les, is also got into the operations. Les is a Deputy Sheriff and carries his ham radio equipment with him. He is always there if needed in emergency situations. Another law officer is KB3YB, John, just retired from 30 years on Maryland State Police.We have a variety of professional people at our disposal in the Delmarva Peninsula Area. This little group is within a 15 square mile area.

Please send me email comments: W3BJ, BIG JOHN billions visitors since Feb 1, 1999

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SCARES       xxtra class hams
146.625 -025  Repeater map

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