>>> who am i? thanks to the dictionaries, now you and I know...

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drifter n - a wanderer who has no established residence or visible means of support [syn: vagrant]
(From WordNet 1.6)

n 1 (usually derogatory) - aimless or rootless person; as in 'he is just a drifter - he can't settle down anywhere. '
2 boat used for fishing with a drift-net.
(Oxford advanced learners' dictionary of current english, 1992) 

Yes. I am a boat. I therefore have gotten out of my identity cruises, as you can very well see. Want to know more about me? Have you got that sinking feeling (like the pirates in the Asterix comics) already??

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>>> <= index

all rites reversed 2001 ramjee (ramjee swaminathan)
10:20 AM 6/6/01