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H (  H  H <p5-f `J_@E 0 0 YBack to Index 1f    H <;-fT>@F 0 0 YBack to Index 2f   H 6?-f|6c T Abstinence  f  K H  `A-  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NdPH@___PPT9"@ %The world is sweet in the heart, and green to the eye; and verily God hath brought you, after those who went before you: then look to your action, and abstain from the world of wickedness. 0 EfEf  H 0pG-fT>@G 0 0 [ End Show f   H  `  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7   H  `O-  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NU PH@___PPT9"@ "The man I most emulate is a Muslim unencumbered; a man of small family, and little money, a performer of prayers and a perfect worshipper of God in private, one who is unknown, and hath enough to supply his wants, and when he dies, he will leave few women to cry for him, and few legacies. 0# "EfEf"   H  `4P-  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N ,PH@___PPT9"@ "There is no monasticism in Islam. 2# !Ef"   H <Z-2 OIndex 13   H hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' -= @B +  0L0  ~ 0 L (  L  L <Zf `J_@J 0 0 YBack to Index 1f    L <`-fT>@K 0 0 YBack to Index 2f   L 6|f-f|6c  Aged Persons :(  ff      L  `8g-  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NdSPH@___PPT9"@ {To every young person who honors the old, on account of their age, may god appoint those who shall honor him in his years. 0| {EfEf{  L 0q-fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f   L  ` t-  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7  L  `z-  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N PH@___PPT9"@ 7Verily, to honor an old man is showing respect to God. 08 7EfEf7   L <}-2 OIndex 13   L hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' -= @B + 0L0 @ P(  P  P <-f `J_@R 0 0 YBack to Index 1f    P <-fT>@S 0 0 YBack to Index 2f   P 6Ċ-f|6c  Alms-giving  (  f     P  `-  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NdPH@___PPT9"@ UThe best of alms is that which the right hand gives, and the left hand knows not of. 0V UEfEfU  P 0-fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f   P  `0-  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7 m P  `-  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N PH@___PPT9"@ GThere are seven people whom God will draw under His own shadow, on the day when there will be no other shadow; one of them a man who hath given alms and concealed it, so that his left hand knew not what his right hand did. 0 EfEf   P  `-  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NV PH@___PPT9"@ _[The people of the Rasul's house killed a goat, and the Rasul enquired, "What remained of it?" Aishah said, "Nothing but its shoulder; for we have sent the rest to the poor and neighbors." The Rasul said, "The whole goat remaineth except its shoulder; that is, that remaineth which ye have given away, and what ye have kept in the house is frail." 0\ [EfEf    "  \     $   I   P <-2 OIndex 13   P hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' -= @B + 0L0 ~vP T (  T  T <-f `J_@U 0 0 YBack to Index 1f    T <X-fT>@V 0 0 YBack to Index 2f   T 6-f|6c jAnimals  (  f    T  `P-  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NdSPH@___PPT9"@ vFear God, in treating dumb animals and ride them when they are fit to be ridden and get off them when they are tired. 0w vEfEfv  T 0,-fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f   T  `-  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7  T  `-  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N O PH@___PPT9"@ An adulteress passed by a dog at a well; and the dog was holding out his tongue from thirst, which was near killing him, and the woman drew off her boot, and tied it to the end of her garment, and drew water for the dog, and gave him to drink; and she was forgiven for that act. 0 EfEf 6  T  `-  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N NPH@___PPT9"@ A woman was punished for a cat which she tied till it died from hunger. She gave the cat nothing to eat, nor did she set it at liberty so that it might find some food. 0 EfEf   T <-2 OIndex 13   T hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' -= @B +2  0L0 1 ) ` X{ (  X  X <-f `J_@X 0 0 YBack to Index 1f    X <-fT>@Y 0 0 YBack to Index 2f   X 6-f|6c sBeauty (( f    X  `L-  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NdPH@___PPT9"@ s That person will not enter Paradise who hath one atom of pride in his heart." And a man present said, "Verily, a man is fond of having good clothes, and good shoes." Muhammad said, "God is Beauty and delighted in the beautiful; but pride is holding man in contempt." 0   EfEf   X 0-fT>@[ 0 0 [ End Show f   X  `-  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7   X < -2 OIndex 13   X hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' -= @B +l 0L0 kcp \ (  \  \ <-f `J_@\ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f    \ <0fT>@] 0 0 YBack to Index 2f   \ 60f|6c tBegging ( ( f    \  ` 0  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NdPH@___PPT9"@ QEvery man who shall beg, in order to increase his property, God will diminish it.0R QEfEfQ  \ 0 0fT>@^ 0 0 [ End Show f   \  `0  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7  \  `0  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NPH@___PPT9"@ pVerily God loves a Muslim with a family, who is poor, and withholds himself from the unlawful and from begging. 0q pEfEfp   \  `0  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NLPH@___PPT9"@ WVerily it is better for any of you to take your rope and bring a bundle of wood upon your back and sell it, in which case God guards your honor than to beg of people, whether they give or not; if they do not give, your reputation suffers, and you return disappointed; and if they give, it is worse than that, for it lays you under obligation. 0X WEfEfW   \ <02 OIndex 13   \ hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D='  = @B +  0L0    `(  `  ` <H0f `J_@a 0 0 YBack to Index 1f    ` <`yfT>@b 0 0 YBack to Index 2f   ` 600f|6c u Benefits ( ( f    `  `50  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NdSPH@___PPT9"@ pThere are two benefits, of which the generality of men are the losers, and of which they do not know the value. 0q pEfEfp  ` 0;0fT>@c 0 0 [ End Show f   `  `.0  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7   ` <C02 OIndex 13   ` hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' -= @B + 0L0    d (  d  d <H0f `J_@e 0 0 YBack to Index 1f    d <PO0fT>@f 0 0 YBack to Index 2f   d 6PS0f|6c tCharity ( ( f    d  `{  ? f?"6?@`NNN?Nj PH@___PPT9"@ @Prayers lighten the heart, and charity is proof of Iman (Faith), and abstinence from sin is perfect splendor; the Quran is a proof of gain to you, if you do good, and it is a detriment to you if you do wrong; and every man who rises in the morning either does that which will be the means of his redemption or his ruin. 0A @EfEf.3     d 0W0fT>@g 0 0 [ End Show f   d  `p]0  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7 = d  `g0  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NVPH@___PPT9"@ When you speak, speak the truth; perform when you promise; discharge your trust; commit not fornication; be chaste; have no impure desires; withhold your hands from striking, and from taking that which is unlawful and bad. The best of God's servants are those who when seen, remind of God; and the worst of God's servants are those who carry tales about, and do mischief and separate friends, and seek for the defects of the good. 0 EfEf   d <|k02 OIndex 13   d hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' 0= @B +J  0L0 I A  h(  h  h <Tt0f `J_@h 0 0 YBack to Index 1f    h <x0fT>@i 0 0 YBack to Index 2f   h 6e0f|6c jChastity (  f    h  `0  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NjPH@___PPT9"@ ,Modesty and chastity are part of the faith. 0- ,EfEf,  h 00fT>@j 0 0 [ End Show f   h  `0  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7   h <Č02 OIndex 13   h hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' 0= @B + 0L0    l (  l  l <0f `J_@k 0 0 YBack to Index 1f    l <0fT>@l 0 0 YBack to Index 2f   l 6H0f|6 vChristians and Jews ( f    l  `x0  ? f?"6?@`NNN?Nj PH@___PPT9"@ oMuhammad once referred to strife, and said, "It will appear at the time of knowledge leaving the world." Ziad said, "O Messenger of God, how will knowledge go from the world, since we read the Quran, and teach it to our children, and our children to theirs; and so on till the last day?" Then Muhammad said, "O Ziad, I supposed you the most learned man of Medinah. Do the Jews and Christians who read the Bible and the Evangel act on them?" 0 EfEfbi    )  N  l 00fT>@m 0 0 [ End Show f   l  `L0  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7 e l  `<0  ? f?"6?@`NNN?Nc PH@___PPT9"@ ?Do not exceed bounds in praising me, as the Christians do in praising Jesus, the son of Mary, by calling Him God, and the Son of God; I am only the Lord's servant; then call me the servant of God and His messenger. 0 EfEf   l <02z OIndex 13   l hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' 0= @B +Y  0L0 X P  t (  t  t <Xf `J_@u 0 0 YBack to Index 1f    t <fT>@v 0 0 YBack to Index 2f   t 60f|6c m Cleanliness (  f     t  `0  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NjYPH@___PPT9"@ tWere it not for fear of troubling my disciples, verily I would order them to clean their teeth before every prayer. 0u tEfEft  t 0X0fT>@w 0 0 [ End Show f   t  `0  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7  t <002 OIndex 13    t  `<0  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N PH@___PPT9"@ .God is pure and loves purity and cleanliness. 0/ .EfEf.  t hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' 0= @B + 0L0    x) (  x  x <f `J_@x 0 0 YBack to Index 1f    x <0fT>@y 0 0 YBack to Index 2f   x 60f|6c l Compassion (  f    | x  `0  ? f?"6?@`NNN?Nj PH@___PPT9"@ VWhen the child (of Zainab) was brought to Muhammad, dying; its body trembling and moving; the eyes of the Apostle of God shed many tears. And Sad said, "O Messenger of God! What is the weeping and shedding of tears?" Muhammad replied, "This is an expression of the tenderness and compassion, which the Lord has put into the hearts of His servants; the Lord does not have compassion on and commiserate with His servants, except such as are tender and full of feeling." 0 EfEf.    x 0x0fT>@z 0 0 [ End Show f   x  `0  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7  x <02 OIndex 13    x  ` 1  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NF PH@___PPT9"@ Muhammad said, "Do you think this woman will cast her own child into the fire?" Those present said, "No." Muhammad said, "Verily God is more compassionate on His creatures, than this woman on her own child." 0 EfEf >    S  x hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' 0= @B +k  0L0 j b  | (  |  | <0f `J_@{ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f    | <0fT>@| 0 0 YBack to Index 2f   | 6x1f|6c w Conscience ( (  f    |  `41  ? f?"6?@`NNN?Njg PH@___PPT9"@ uA man asked Muhammad what was the mark whereby he might know the reality of his faith. Muhammad said, "If thou derive pleasure from the good which thou hast performed and thou be grieved for the evil which thou hast committed, thou art a true believer." The man said. "In what doth a fault really consist?" Muhammad said, "when action pricks your conscience, forsake it.". 0v uEfEfu  | 0ĈfT>@} 0 0 [ End Show f   |  `(1  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7  | <x"12 OIndex 13    |  `%1  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N  PH@___PPT9"@ 5All actions are judged by the motive prompting them. 06 5EfEf5  | hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' 0= @B +( 0L0 ' q(     <f `J_@~ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f     <01fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f    6861f|6c m Contentment (  f       `61  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NjPH@___PPT9"@ NRiches are not from an abundance of worldly goods, but from a contented mind. 2O MEfN   0;1fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f     `T:1  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7   <pG12 OIndex 13     `,H1  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NPH@___PPT9"@ zWhen you see a person, who has been given more than you in money and beauty; then look to those who have been given less. 0{ zEfEfz    `PM1  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N] PH@___PPT9"@ [Look to those inferior to yourselves, so that you may not hold God's benefits in contempt. 0\ [EfEf[    `U1  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N  PH@___PPT9"@  God loves those who are content.0!  EfEf    hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' (= @B +{ 0L0 zr (     <]1f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f     <p`1fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f    6d1f|6c rControl of Self ( f      `g1  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NjPH@___PPT9"@ ;The most excellent Jihad is that for the conquest of self. 0< ;EfEf;   0(n1fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f     `o1  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7   <v12 OIndex 13     `y1  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NWPH@___PPT9"@ RThe exercise of religious duty will not atone for the fault of an abusive tongue. 0S REfEfR    `Lz1  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N* PH@___PPT9"@ ;A man cannot be a Muslim till his heart and tongue are so. 0< ;EfEf; Y   `1  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N PH@___PPT9"@ 3That person is wise and sensible who subdues his carnal desires and hopes for rewards from God; and he is an ignorant man who follows his lustful appetites, and with all this asks for God's forgiveness. 0 EfEf   hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' -= @B +T 0L0 SK  (     <܋1f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f     <1fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f    6@1f|6c u Courtesy ( ( f      `L  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NjPH@___PPT9"@ )Humility and courtesy are acts of piety. 0* )EfEf)   01fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f     `ܟ1  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7   <12 OIndex 13     `1  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NcRPH@___PPT9"@ dVerily, a man teaching his child manners is better for him than giving one bushel of grain in alms. 0e dEfEfd :   `d1  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N<  PH@___PPT9"@ When victuals are placed before you no man must stand up till it be taken away; nor must one man leave off eating before the rest; and if he doeth he must make an apology. 0 EfEf    `1  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N PH@___PPT9"@ FIt is not right for a guest to stay so long as to incommode his host. 0G FEfEfF    `D1  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NCPH@___PPT9"@ TIt is of my ways that a man shall come out with his guest to the door of his house. 0U TEfEfT   hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' 1= @B +  0L0   0 (     <1f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f     <$1fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f    61f|6c sCrimes (( f   (   `1  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NjPH@___PPT9"@ The greatest crimes are to associate another with God, to vex your father and mother, to murder your own species, to commit suicide, and to swear to lie. 0 EfEf   01fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f     `<1  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7   <12 OIndex 13    hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' 1= @B +  0L0   @  (     <P1f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f     <1fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f    6d1f|6 vCultivation of Land ( f      `1  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NjYPH@___PPT9"@ xThere is no Muslim who plants a tree, or sows a field, and man birds or beast eat from them, but it is charity for him. 0y xEfEfx   01fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f     `1  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7   <12z OIndex 13     `2  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NPH@___PPT9"@ `Whoever brings the dead land to life; that is cultivates waste land, for him is reward therein. 0a `EfEf`   hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' 1= @B + 0L0  ~ P  (     <2f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f     <x 2fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f    62f|6c fDead( f      `2  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NjPH@___PPT9"@ Do not speak ill of the dead. 0 EfEf   0d2fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f     `02  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7   <$!22 OIndex 13  S   `,#2  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NPH@___PPT9"@ -And behold! a bier passed by Muhammad, and he stood up; and it was said to him, "This is the bier of a Jew." He said, "Was it not the holder of a soul, from which we should take example and fear?" 0 EfEf    `-2  ? f?"6?@`NNN?Ng V PH@___PPT9"@ ^When the bier of anyone passes by him, whether Jew, Christian, or Muslim, rise to your feet." 0_ ^EfEf^   hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' 1= @B + 0L0 `  (     <32f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f     <\92fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f    6(f|6c rDeath (( f   C   `>2  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N6 PH@___PPT9"@ Wish not for death any of you; neither the doer of good works, for peradventure he may increase them by an increase of life; nor the offender, for perhaps he may obtain the forgiveness of God by repentance. Wish not, nor supplicate for death before its time comes; for verily when you die, hope is out and the ambition for reward: and verily, the increase of a Mumins' (Muslim's) life increases his good works. 0 EfEf.i  ,   0$B2fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f     `lK2  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7   <P22 OIndex 13     `PQ2  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N  PH@___PPT9"@ nDeath is a blessing to a Muslim. Remember and speak well of your dead, and refrain from speaking ill of them. 0o nEfEfn    `TV2  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N 3PH@___PPT9"@ ;The grave is the first stage of the journey into eternity. 0< ;EfEf;   hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' 1= @B +  0L0   p  (     <f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f     <`a2fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f    6f2f|6c qDebt (( f   4   `m2  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N"PH@___PPT9"@ Whoso desires that God should redeem him from the sorrows and travail of the last day, must delay in calling on poor debtors, or forgive the debt in part or whole. 2 Ef   0r2fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f     `w2  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7   <}22 OIndex 13     `2  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N PH@___PPT9"@ oWhoso has a thing wherewith to discharge a debt, and refuses to do it, it is right to dishonor and punish him. 0p oEfEfo   hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' 1= @B +  0L0    (     <ԇ2f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f     <fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f    6x{2f|6c y Deliberation ((  f      `2  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NjPH@___PPT9"@ A good disposition, and deliberation in affairs, and a medium in all things, are one part of twenty-four parts of the qualities of the prophets. 0 EfEf   0ؕ2fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f     `2  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7   <22 OIndex 13    hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' 1= @B + 0L0     (     <ȥ2f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f     <l2fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f    6d2f|6 vDisposition to Good ( f      `ܰ2  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NjPH@___PPT9"@ VHe is of the most perfect Muslims, whose disposition is most liked by his own family. 0W VEfEfV   02fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f     `2  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7   <|f2M OIndex 13  K   `|2  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N@ PH@___PPT9"@ %Verily the most beloved of you by me, and nearest to me in the next world, are those of good dispositions; and verily the greatest enemies to me and farthest from me, are the ill-tempered. 0 EfEf    `2  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N) k PH@___PPT9"@ 5I have been sent to explain fully good dispositions. 06 5EfEf5   hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' 1= @B +x  0L0 w o (     <2f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f     < 2fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f    682f|6c m Disputation (  f      `l  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NPH@___PPT9"@ WMankind will not go astray after having found the right road, unless from disputation. 0X WEfEfW   0fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f     `D2  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7   <22 OIndex 13    hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' = @B +l  0L0 k c   (     <pf `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f     <2fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f    6,2f|6c tDivorce ( ( f      `2  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NjYPH@___PPT9"@ rEvery woman who asks to be divorced from her husband without cause, the fragrance of the Garden is forbidden her. 0s rEfEfr   0 2fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f     `4  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7   <42 OIndex 13     `4  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N0PH@___PPT9"@ <The thing which is lawful, but disliked by God, is divorce. 0= <EfEf<   hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' 2= @B + 0L0   (     <L4f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f     <4fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f    6\4f|6c tDuty of Believers ( f   M   `4  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NjPH@___PPT9"@ 'I have left two things among you, and you will not stray as long as you hold them fast; one is the Book of God (Quran), the other the Laws of His Messenger (Sunna). 0 EfEf.     0h#4fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f     `'4  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7   <t.42 OIndex 13     `/4  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N}s PH@___PPT9"@ zMuhammad once said to Anas, "Son, if you are able, keep your heart from morning till night and from night till morning, free from malice towards anyone;" then he said, "Oh! my son, this is one of my laws, and he who loves my laws verily loves me." 0 EfEf.      `84  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N PH@___PPT9"@ vHe is not a good Mumin who commits adultery or gets drunk, who steals, or plunders, or who embezzles; beware, beware. 0w vEfEfv   hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' = @B +  0L0    S (     <?4f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f     <D4fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f    6@ 0 0 [ End Show f     `W4  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7   <`^42 OIndex 13     `_4  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N PH@___PPT9"@ lKeep yourselves far from envy; it eats up and takes away good actions, like as fire eats up and burns wood. 0m lEfEfl   hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' 4= @B +  0L0   (     <h4f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f     < fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f    6n4f|6c X Experience (  f      `4r4  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NjYPH@___PPT9"@ }He is not a perfect man of fortitude, who hath not fallen into misfortunes; and there is no physician but the experienced. . 0~ }EfEf}   0z4fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f     `,t4  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7   <42 OIndex 13    hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' 4= @B +  0L0     (     <І4f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f     <t4fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f    6f|6c Y Forgiveness (  f     `܈4  ? f?"6?@`NNN?Nj PH@___PPT9"@ pOnce Muhammad was asked, "O Apostle of God!" How many times are we to forgive our servant's faults?" He was silent. Again the questioner asked, and Muhammad gave no answer. But when the man asked a third time, he said, "Forgive your servants seventy times a day." 0  EfEf   04fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f     `4  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7   <42 OIndex 13     `P4  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N PH@___PPT9"@ [Do not say, that if the people do good to us, we will do good to them; and if the people oppress us, we will oppress them; but determine that if people do you good, you will do good to them; and if they oppress you, you will not oppress them. 0 EfEf   hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' = @B +X  0L0 W O  (     <f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f     <4fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f    64f|6c X Gentleness (  f     `@4  ? f?"6?@`NNN?Nj PH@___PPT9"@ JVerily, God is mild, and is fond of mildness, and He gives to the mild what he does not to the harsh. Whoever hath been given gentleness has been given a good portion, in this world and the next. God is gentle and loves gentleness. Verily you have two qualities which God and His Messenger love - fortitude and gentleness. 2K IEfJ   04fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f     `4  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7   <42 OIndex 13    hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D='  = @B +  0L0     (     <4f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f     <4fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f    6l4f|6c QGod( f     ` 4  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NjYPH@___PPT9"@ sGod said, "I fulfill the faith of whoso puts his faith in Me; and I am with him, and near him, when remembers Me." 0t sEfEfs   04fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f     `4  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7   <42 OIndex 13  !   `4  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N PH@___PPT9"@ yWe were with Muhammad on a journey, and some men stood up repeating aloud, "God is most great," and the Rasul said, "O men! Be easy on yourselves, and do not distress yourselves by raising your voices, verily you do not call to one deaf or absent, but verily to one who hears and sees; and He is with you; and He to whom you pray is nearer to you than the neck of your camel." 0z yEfEf.h      hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D='  = @B +  0L0    (     <D4f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f     <lfT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f    6D5f|6c jGod s Kindness( f  G   `5  ? f?"6?@`NNN?Nj)PH@___PPT9"@ !If the unbeliever knew of the extent of the Lord's mercy, even he would not despair of Paradise. God's kindness towards his creatures is more than a mother's towards her babe. If you put your whole trust in God, as you ought, He most certainly will give you sustenance, as He does the birds; they come out hungry in the morning, but return full to their nests. Trust in God, but tie it (your camel). 2 Ef0     0t4fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f     `5  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7   <t52 OIndex 13    hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D='  = @B +5 0L0 4 , 0 ~ (     <5f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f     <5fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f    6"5f|6c SHeart( f  0   `@&5  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NjPH@___PPT9"@ Beware! verily there is a piece of flesh in the body of man, which when good, the whole body is good; and when bad, the whole body is bad, and that is the heart. 0 EfEf   0fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f     `l$5  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7   <352 OIndex 13     `75  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N}PH@___PPT9"@ ^Muhammad said, "O Wabisah! are you come to ask what is goodness and what is badness?" Wabisah said, "Yes, I am come for that." Then He joined his fingers and struck them upon Wabisah's breast, that is made a sign towards his heart, and said, "Ask the question from thine own heart." This he repeated three times aloud and said, "Goodness is a thing from which your heart finds firmness and rest; and badness is a thing which throws you into doubt, although men may free you." 0 EfEf.      hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D='  = @B + 0L0 @ -(     <PC5f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f     <G5fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f    6K5f|6c ]Heaven and Hell( f  #   `O5  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NKPH@___PPT9"@ Hell is veiled in delights, and Heaven in hardships and miseries. Paradise is nearer to you than the thongs of your sandals; and the Fire likewise.0 EfEf   0\U5fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f     `W5  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NIXKPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7   <4\52 OIndex 13     `b5  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N PH@___PPT9"@ YPeople asked Muhammad if to say "There is no deity but God" was not the key to Paradise. He said, "Yes, but it is a key which hath wards; and if ye come with a key of that description, Paradise will be opened to you, otherwise it will not." 0 EfEf    `j5  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N PH@___PPT9"@ Paradise is nearer to you than the thongs of your sandals; and the Fire likewise. What is Paradise? Muhammad replied, "It is what the eye hath not seen, nor the ear heard, nor ever flashed across the mind of man." R SEfGfEfEf<w \    hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' 5= @B +y  0L0 x p P (     <v5f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f     <d|5fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f    6f|6c Y Hospitality (  f     `x5  ? f?"6?@`NNN?Nj"PH@___PPT9"@ jHe who believes in one God, and a future life, let him honor his guest. Whoever believes in God and the Hereafter must respect his guest; and whoever believeth in God and the Hereafter must not incommode his neighbors, and a Mumin must speak only good words, otherwise remain silent. It is not right for a guest to stay so long as to incommode his host. 2k iEfj   05fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f     `5  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7   <$52 OIndex 13    hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' 5= @B +s  0L0 r j `  (     <(5f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f     <fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f    6D5f|6c VHumility (  f     `ؠ5  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NjYPH@___PPT9"@ fVerily God instructs me to be humble and lowly and not proud; and that no one should oppress another. 0g fEfEff   05fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f     `D5  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7   <52 OIndex 13     `5  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N PH@___PPT9"@ mA tribe must desist from boasting of their forefathers; if they will not leave off boasting, verily they will be more abominable near God, than a black beetle which rolls forward filth by its nose; and verily God has removed from you pride and arrogance. There is no man but either a righteous Mumin or a sinner; mankind are all sons of Adam, and he was from soil. 0n mEfEfm   hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D='  = @B +< 0L0 ;3p (     <$5f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f     <fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f    65f|6c SIslam( f  u   `5  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NjTPH@___PPT9"@ O"Inform me in the nature of Islam," said Sufyan, "so that I may have no occasion to ask others about it." Muhammad said, "Say, O Sufyan, 'I believe in God;' after which obey the commandments, and abandon the things forbidden." 4 GfGf   05fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f     `l5  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7   <h52 OIndex 13     `5  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NZ PH@___PPT9"@ ~Islam commenced in a forlorn state, and will quickly return to what it was in the beginning; then be joyful, ye who are firm. 4 ~GfGf~ .   `5  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N tPH@___PPT9"@ My religion is like clouds dropping much rain; some of them falling on pure, favorable soil, cause grass to grow; some of them fall in hollows from which mankind are benefited, some fall on high lands from which benefit is not derived; then the two first are like the persons acquainted with the religion of God and instructing others; and the last like the person not regarding it nor accepting the right path. 4 GfGf   hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' 5= @B +  0L0   (     <5f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f     <5fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f    6f|6c SJihad( f     `5  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NjPH@___PPT9"@ The most excellent Jihad is that for the conquest of self. The ink of the scholar is more holy than the blood of the martyr. 2 Ef   0(5fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f     `D7  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7   <72 OIndex 13    hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D='  = @B +[ 0L0 ZR  (     < 7f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f     <5fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f    6D7f|6c VKindness (  f  ]   `\7  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NjPH@___PPT9"@ 7To gladden the heart of the weary, to remove the suffering of the afflicted, hath its own reward. In the day of trouble, the memory of the action comes like a rush of the torrent, and takes our burden away. 0 EfEf   07fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f     `P5  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7   <72 OIndex 13     `"7  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N6% PH@___PPT9"@ He who helped his fellow-creature in the hour of need, and he who helped the oppressed, him will God help in the Day of Travail. 0 EfEf c   `,7  ? f?"6?@`NNN?Nk PH@___PPT9"@ =Whoever is kind to His creatures, God is kind to him; therefore be kind to man on earth, whether good or bad; and being kind to the bad, is to withhold him from badness, thus in heaven you will be treated kindly. 0 EfEf   hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' 7= @B +-  0L0 , $  v (     <%7f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f     < 47fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f    677f|6c W The Quran (  f     ``<7  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NjPH@___PPT9"@ /The Quran consisted of five heads, things lawful, things unlawful, clear and positive precepts, mysteries, and examples. Then consider that lawful which is there declared to be so, and that which is forbidden as unlawful; obey the precepts, believe in the mysteries, and take warning from the examples. 00 /EfEf/   0>7fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f     `G7  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7   <J72 OIndex 13     `P7  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N%  PH@___PPT9"@ [The other messengers of God had their miracles, mine is the Quran and will remain forever. 2\ ZEf[   hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' 7= @B +  0L0  R(     <X7f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f     <fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f    6^7f|6c SLabor( f     `_7  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NjPH@___PPT9"@ VHe who neither works for himself, nor for others, will not receive the reward of God. 4W VGfGfV   0i7fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f     ` o7  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7   <\r72 OIndex 13     `u7  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NPH@___PPT9"@ 8Those who earn an honest living are the beloved of God. 49 8GfGf8    `8  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N PH@___PPT9"@ ,Modesty and chastity are part of the faith. 4- ,GfGf, 5   `7  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N   gWhoever desires the world and its riches, in a lawful manner, in order to withhold himself from begging, and for a livelihood for his family, and for being kind to his neighbor, will come to God with his face as bright as the full moon on the fourteenth night of the lunar month.  Gf     `7  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N\xPH@___PPT9"@ 9Give the laborer his wage before his perspiration be dry.4: 9GfGf9   hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' 7= @B +n 0L0 me  (     <,f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f     <7fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f    67f|6c VLearning (  f     `T7  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NjPH@___PPT9"@ (He dies not who gives life to learning. 0) (EfEf(   07fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f     `7  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7   <72 OIndex 13     `7  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N% uPH@___PPT9"@ QVerily God does not take away knowledge from the hands of His servants; but takes it by taking away the learned; so that when no learned men remain, the ignorant will be placed at the head of affairs. Causes will be submitted to their decision, they will pass sentence without knowledge, will err themselves, and lead others into error. 0R QEfEfQ M   `x7  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N]PH@___PPT9"@ 'To spend more time in learning is better than spending more time praying; the support of religion is abstinence. It is better to teach knowledge one hour in the night than to pray all night. 0 EfEf   hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' 7= @B +  0L0     (     <x7f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f     <7fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f    647f|6c fMan s Growth (  f     `7  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NjPH@___PPT9"@ ^The son of Man grows and with him grow two things - the love of wealth and love of long life. 0_ ^EfEf^   0<7fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f     ` 7  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7   <72 OIndex 13  J   ` 7  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N PH@___PPT9"@ $"Who is the best man?" Muhammad replied, "He is the best man whose life is long and whose actions are good." "Then who is the worst man?" "He whose life is long and whose actions are bad. 0 EfEf   hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' 7= @B +s  0L0 r j (     <f `J_@t 0 0 YBack to Index 1f     <7fT>@u 0 0 YBack to Index 2f    6H7f|6c VMeanness (  f     `l  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NjYPH@___PPT9"@ iShall I tell you the very worst among you? Those who eat alone, and whip the slaves, and give to nobody. 0j iEfEfi   0x7fT>@v 0 0 [ End Show f     `7  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7   <72 OIndex 23    hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' 7= @B + 0L0  (     <7f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f     <8fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f    6 8f|6c UModesty( f     `8  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NjPH@___PPT9"@ 3Modesty True modesty is the source of all virtues. 04 3EfEf3   0@8fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f     `8  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7   <82 OIndex 23      `8  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NPH@___PPT9"@ ,Modesty and chastity are part of the faith. 0- ,EfEf,     ``8  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N PH@___PPT9"@ pMeekness and modesty are two branches of Iman; and vain talking and embellishing are two branches of hypocrisy. 0q pEfEf.)  C     `8  ? f?"6?@`NNN?Nf  PH@___PPT9"@ All kinds of modesty are best. 0  EfEf   hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' 7= @B +/ 0L0 . &  x (     <d+8f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f     <HfT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f    618f|6c X Monopolies (  f     `T58  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NjPH@___PPT9"@ Monopoly is unlawful in Islam. 0  EfEf   088fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f     `>8  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7   <(B82 OIndex 23      `H8  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N]PH@___PPT9"@ 6The holder of a monopoly is a sinner and an offender. 07 6EfEf6 0    `G8  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N PH@___PPT9"@ The bringers of grain to the city to sell at a cheap rate gain immense advantage by it, and those who keeps back grain in order to sell at a high rate is cursed. 0 EfEf   hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' 7= @B +s 0L0 rj  (     <U8f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f     <lZ8fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f    6L^8f|6c UMothers( f     `8I8  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NjPH@___PPT9"@ $Heaven lies at the feet of mothers. 0% $EfEf$   0`e8fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f     `  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7   <m82 OIndex 23      `q8  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N- PH@___PPT9"@ "O Messenger of God! Verily I have done a great crime; is there any act by which I may repent?" He said, "Have you a mother?" "No," said the questioner. "Have you an aunt?" asked Muhammad. He said, "Yes, I have." Muhammad said, "Go, do good to her, and your crime will be pardoned." 0 EfEf     `x  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N PH@___PPT9"@ gI and a woman whose color and cheeks shall have become black from toiling in the sun shall be near to one another in the next world as my two fingers; and that is a handsome widow, whose color and cheeks shall have become black in bringing up her family. 0 EfEf   hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' 7= @B + 0L0   (       <8f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f      <h8fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f     6@ 0 0 [ End Show f      `t8  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7    <8f2M OIndex 23  H    `8  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N PH@___PPT9"@ "'Aishah said, "A party of Jews asked permission to go to Muhammad, and said, 'Death upon you.' And I answered their insult by saying, 'Rather upon you be death and curse.' Then Muhammad said, 'Be mild O Aishah! and make a point of being kind, and withhold thyself from speaking harshly.' I said, 'Did you not hear what they said?' He said, 'Verily, I do always say,' "Be the same to you."' 0 EfEfH     h    `@8  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N) PH@___PPT9"@ BZaid, Muhammad's servant, said, "I served Lord Muhammad ten years, and he never said 'Uff,' to me; and never said, 'Why did you do so?' and never said, 'Why did you not do so?'" 0 EfEf< R  Y    hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' 7= @B +  0L0   0 . (     <8f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f     <8fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f    68f|6 @Muhammad The Prophet s Kindness!( !f !    `H8  ? f?"6?@`NNN?Nj`PH@___PPT9"@ }Once Muhammad was distributing meat in Jiranah; and behold a woman came close to him, and he spread his garment for her to sit upon. When people saw such respect paid to this woman, they asked who she was; and those present said, "This is his nurse." 0 EfEf.'     08fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f     `h8  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7   <082 OIndex 23      `8  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N PH@___PPT9"@ `When anyone was sick Muhammad used to rub his hands upon the sick person's body, saying, "O Lord of mankind! Take away this pain, and give health; for Thou art the giver of health: there is no health but You, that health which leaves no sickness." 0 EfEf   hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' 7= @B +U 0L0 T L @  (     <<8f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f     < fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f    68f|6 <Muhammad The Prophet s Mission( f     `<8  ? f?"6?@`NNN?Nj PH@___PPT9"@ When the ambassadors of Bani Amir went to Muhammad, they said, "You are our master." He said, "God is your master." Then they said, "You are most excellent of the highest degree." And when He heard this He said, "Say so, or less, and do not exceed reasonable bounds in praise." 0 EfEfH       0d8fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f     `8  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7   <82 OIndex 23      `9  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NpPH@___PPT9"@ 7Muhammad slept upon a mat, and got up very marked on the body by it: and someone said, "O Messenger of God! If you had ordered me, I would have spread a soft bed for thee." Lord Muhammad said, "What business have I with the world? I am a man on horseback, who stands under the shade of a tree, then leaves it." 08 7EfEf7   hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' 7= @B + 0L0   P  (     <9f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f     <D 9fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f    6f|6 <Muhammad The Prophet s Prayers( f     `9  ? f?"6?@`NNN?Njn PH@___PPT9"@ t Muhammad used to say after making the profession of faith, "O Lord I supplicate Thee for firmness in faith, and inclination towards the straight path, and for Your aid in being grateful to You, and in adoring You in every good way; and I supplicate You for an innocent heart which shall not incline to wickedness and for a true tongue. I supplicate You to guide me to all which You know to be virtuous and to preserve me from all which You know to be vicious. I supplicate You to forgive me my faults for You know them all. 0   EfEf    0L9fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f     `9  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7   <"9H2/ OIndex 23  <    `%9  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N PH@___PPT9"@ When the Messenger of God entered a place of worship he said, "O God! Pardon my sins, and open for me the gates of Your compassion," and on leaving he would repeat the same. 0 EfEf   hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' 9= @B +  0L0   `  (     <f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f     <019fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f    649f|6c \Neighborliness( f  !   `$89  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NjPH@___PPT9"@ The best of persons in God's sight is the best amongst his friends; and the best of neighbors near God is the best person in his own neighborhood. 0 EfEf   009fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f     `@9  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7   <F92 OIndex 23      `I9  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N} PH@___PPT9"@ A Muslim who mixes with people and puts up with their inconveniences, is better than one who does not mix with them, and bear with patience. 0 EfEf   hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' 9= @B +  0L0   p 6 (       <P9f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f      <V9fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f     6Y9f|6c UOrphans( f  O    `\9  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NjPH@___PPT9"@ )I and the guardian of orphans (whether the orphan be of his near or distant relations, or of strangers) will be in one place in the next world; like my two fingers, nearly touching each other. 0 EfEf    0d9fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f      `4h9  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7    <n92 OIndex 23      `q9  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N6 PH@___PPT9"@ The best Muslim house is that in which is an orphan, who is benefited; and the worst Muslim house is that in which an orphan is ill-treated. 0 EfEf    hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' 9= @B + 0L0    $ (  $  $ <y9f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f    $ <4fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f   $ 6f|6c UParents( f   $  `9  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NjPH@___PPT9"@ ^God's pleasure is in a father's pleasure; and God's displeasure is in a father's displeasure. 2_ ]Ef^  $ 09fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f   $  `9  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7  $ <92 OIndex 23    $  `l9  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NWPH@___PPT9"@ THe who wishes to enter Paradise at the best door must please his father and mother. 0U TEfEfT ;  $  `9  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NZ PH@___PPT9"@ There is no child, a doer of good to his parents, who looked on them with kindness and affection, but God will grant with every look the rewards for an approved pilgrimage. 0 EfEf  $ hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' 9= @B +  0L0   ((  (  ( <9f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f    ( <d9fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f   ( 69f|6c Y Peacemaking (  f  1 (  `9  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NPPH@___PPT9"@ Shall I not inform you of a better act than fasting, alms, and prayers? Making peace between one another: enmity and malice tear up heavenly rewards by the roots. 0 EfEf  ( 0x9fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f   (  `|9  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7  ( <92 OIndex 23   ( hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' 9= @B +  0L0    ,6 (  ,  , <x9f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f    , <9fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f   , 69f|6c SPride( f   ,  `  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NjPH@___PPT9"@ :The proud will not enter Paradise, nor a violent speaker. 0; :EfEf:  , 09fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f   ,  `9  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7  , <`92 OIndex 23    ,  `9  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N PH@___PPT9"@ ~ That person will not enter Paradise who hath one atom of pride in his heart." And a man present said, "Verily, a man is fond of having good clothes and good shoes." Muhammad said, "God is Beauty and delighted in the beautiful; but pride is holding man in contempt." 0   EfEf   , hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' 9= @B +v  0L0 u m  0 (  0  0 <9f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f    0 <9fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f   0 69f|6c VProgress (  f   0  `d9  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NjPH@___PPT9"@ HModesty Everyone is divinely furthered in accordance with his character.0I HEfEfH  0 09fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f   0  `;  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7  0 <@;2 OIndex 23    0  `;  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NPH@___PPT9"@ Every human being hath two inclinations - one prompting him to good and impelling him thereto, and the other prompting him to evil and thereto impelling him; but Divine assistance is nigh, and he who asks the help of God in contending with the evil promptings of his own heart obtains it.. The best of good acts in God's sight is that which is constantly attended to although in a small degree.0 EfEf  0 hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' 9= @B + 0L0  4(  4  4 < ;f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f    4 <;fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f   4 6;f|6c X Prophecies (  f  h 4  `;  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NPH@___PPT9"@ BMen will be liars towards the end of the world; and will relate such stories as neither you nor your fathers ever heard. Then avoid them, that they may not lead you astray and throw you into contention and strife. 4 GfGf  4 0&;fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f   4  `,;  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7  4 <-;2 OIndex 23    4  `1;  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NO PH@___PPT9"@ Ye follower of Muhammad, I swear by the Lord, if ye did but know what I know of the future state, verily ye would laugh little and cry much. 4 GfGf ~  4  `42;? f?"6?@`NNN?N` PH@___PPT9"@ XVerily, of things which I fear for you, after my departure from the world, is this: that the ornaments and goods of the world may be pleasing to you. Then a man said, "O Messenger of God! Does good bring harm?" Muhammad said, "Verily good does not bring harm: I mean if there be much wealth it is a blessing; and there is no harm in it, unless from stinginess and extravagance; like the spring, which causes nothing to grow but what is good: and harm and destruction are from abuse thereof." 4 GfGf  4 hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' ;= @B +  0L0    8 (  8  8 <C;f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f    8 <F;fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f   8 606;f|6c X Punishment (  f  W 8  `$N;  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NjPH@___PPT9"@ 1God does not remove anyone out of the world, but that he wishes to pardon him; and by the diseases of his body and distress for food, He exacts the punishment of every fault that lies on his shoulder. 0 EfEf  8 0U;fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f   8  `dY;  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7  8 <S;2 OIndex 23    8  `Xa;  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N PH@___PPT9"@ 0Verily the reward is as great as the misfortune; that is, the more unfortunate and calamitous one is, the greater and more perfect his reward. And verily, when God loves a people, He entangles it in misfortune; therefore, he who is resigned to the pleasure of God, in misfortune, for him is God's favor. 01 0EfEf0  8 hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' ;= @B +  0L0   <(  <  < <k;f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f    < <TfT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f   < 6q;f|6c TPurity( f   <  `s;  ? f?"6?@`NNN?Nj PH@___PPT9"@ They will enter the Garden of Bliss who have a true, pure, and merciful heart. Religion is admonition, and it means being pure. 0 EfEf  < 0l{;fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f   <  `~;  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7  < <;2 OIndex 23   < hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' ;= @B +  0L0    @Q (  @  @ <T;f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f    @ <fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f   @ 6;f|6c W Relatives (  f  O @  `;  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NjPH@___PPT9"@ )He is not a perfect performer of the duties of relationship who does good to his relatives as they do good to him. He is perfect who does good to his relatives when they do not do good to him. 0 EfEf  @ 0ܚ;fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f   @  `X;  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7  @ <;2 OIndex 23  4  @  `̥;  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N6 PH@___PPT9"@ Giving alms to the poor hath the reward of one alms; but that given to kindred hath two rewards; one, the reward of alms, the other, the reward of helping relations. 0 EfEf  @ hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' ;= @B +g  0L0 f ^ D(  D  D <@f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f    D <;fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f   D 6H;f|6c X Repentance (  f   D  `;  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NjPH@___PPT9"@ AA sincere repenter of faults is like him who has committed none. 0B AEfEf.   /  D 0;fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f   D  `;  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7  D <;2 OIndex 23   D hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' 4= @B +;  0L0 : 2 H (  H  H <8;f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f    H <;fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f   H 6;f|6c W Reverence (  f   H  `;  ? f?"6?@`NNN?Nj)PH@___PPT9"@ Muhammad said one day to His companions, "Worship God as becommeth you." They said, "Verily, O Apostle of God, we do worship Him, and praise be to God who has imbued us with it." Then Muhammad said, "It is not so; but whoever reverences God as it is suitable for him to do must guard his head from humbling itself to others, and from pride and arrogance towards God and God's creatures; he must guard his senses from whatever is wrong, and must guard his mouth from eating forbidden things, and his heart from receiving what is prohibited; and he must keep his death in mind, and the rotting of his bones. And whoever wishes for future rewards must abandon the ornaments of the world. Therefore, anyone attending to the aforementioned points has verily reverenced God as it his duty to do. 0 EfEf.9     H 0p;fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f   H  `;  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7  H <;2 OIndex 23   H hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' 4= @B +  0L0   LR (  L  L <;f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f    L <p;fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f   L 6;f|6c X Seemliness (  f   L  `<  ? f?"6?@`NNN?Njn PH@___PPT9"@ eA Bedouin was standing in the mosque of the Prophet, and defiled it; when he was immediately taken hold of; and Muhammad said, "Let him alone, and throw a skin of water upon the spot; because ye were not created but of comforters and not sent to create hardships." And they let him alone till he had done, and then Muhammad called the Bedouin to him, and said, "This mosque is not a proper place for that, or any kind of filth; mosques are only for the mention of God, saying prayers, and reading the Quran." 0 EfEf  L 0 <fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f   L  `P <  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7  L <<2 OIndex 23   L hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' ;= @B +-  0L0 , $ 0Pv (  P  P <D<f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f    P <#fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f   P 6| <f|6c ]Self-Indulgence( f   P  `"<  ? f?"6?@`NNN?Nj PH@___PPT9"@ Muhammad asked His companions, "What are your opinions of the merits of that person, who drinks liquor, commits adultery, and steals? What should his punishment be?" They said, "God and His Messenger know best." He said, "These are great sins, and the punishment for them very dire." 0 EfEf  P 0+<fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f   P  `%<  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7  P <l3<2 OIndex 23   P hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' <= @B +/  0L0 . & @ Tx (  T  T < 8<f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f    T <&fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f   T 6D@<f|6c VServants (  f  H T  `B<  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NjPH@___PPT9"@ "To those of your servants who please you give to eat what you eat yourself; and clothe them as yourself; but those who do not please you, part with them; and punish not God's creatures. 0 EfEf  T 0J<fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f   T  `pD<  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7  T <Q<2 OIndex 23  c  T  `S<  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N2 PH@___PPT9"@ =Zaid, Muhammad's servant, said, "I served Muhammad ten years, and he never said 'Uff,' to me; and never said, 'Why did you do so?' and never said, 'Why did you not do so?'" 0 EfEf< M  Y  T hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' <= @B +b 0L0 aYP X(  X  X <^<f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f    X <b<fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f   X 6,f<f|6c RSick( f   X  `$j<  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NB`PH@___PPT9"@ GThere is not any Muslim who visits another in sickness, in the forenoon, but that seventy thousand angels send blessings upon him till the evening; and there is no one who visits the sick, in the afternoon, but that seventy thousand angels send blessings upon him till daybreak, and there will be a pardon for him in Paradise. 4H GGfGfG  X 04s<fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f   X  `w<  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7  X <|<2 OIndex 23    X  `\<  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N PH@___PPT9"@ GThere is not any Muslim who visits another in sickness, in the forenoon, but that seventy thousand angels send blessings upon him till the evening; and there is no one who visits the sick, in the afternoon, but that seventy thousand angels send blessings upon him till daybreak, and there will be a pardon for him in Paradise. 4H GGfGfG (  X  `<  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N> PH@___PPT9"@ Feed the hungry and visit a sick person, and free the captive, if he be unjustly confined. Assist any person oppressed, whether Muslim or non-Muslim. 4 GfGf  X hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' ;= @B +B 0L0 A 9 ` \ (  \  \ <,f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f    \ < fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f   \ 6<f|6c STruth( f  * \  `|<  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NjPH@___PPT9"@ He is not of me who, when he speaks, speaks falsely; who, when he promises, breaks his promises; and who, when trust is reposed in him, fails in his trust. 0 EfEf  \ 0<fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f   \  `̟<  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7  \ <|<2 OIndex 23    \  `<  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NPH@___PPT9"@ ,Strive always to excel in virtue and truth. 0- ,EfEf,   \  `<<  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N| PH@___PPT9"@ GSay what is true, although it may be bitter and displeasing to people. 0H GEfEfG  \ hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' <= @B +w  0L0 v n p `(  `  ` <<f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f    ` <x<fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f   ` 6<f|6c SUsury( f   `  `\<  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NjYPH@___PPT9"@ pThe taker of usury and the giver of it, and the writer of its papers and the witness to it, are equal in crime. 0q pEfEfp  ` 0<fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f   `  `<  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7  ` <<2 OIndex 23   ` hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' 4= @B +j  0L0 i a  d (  d  d < <f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f    d <4<fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f   d 6<f|6c TWidows( f  [ d  `<  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NjPH@___PPT9"@ 5A giver of maintenance to widows and the poor, is like a bestower in the way of God, an utterer of prayers all the night, and a keeper of constant fast. 0 EfEfH9    :  d 0|<fT>@  0 0 [ End Show f   d  `<  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7  d <h<2 OIndex 23    d  `p<  ? f?"6?@`NNN?Nv PH@___PPT9"@ gI and a woman whose color and cheeks shall have become black from toiling in the sun shall be near to one another in the next world as my two fingers; and that is a handsome widow, whose color and cheeks shall have become black in bringing up her family. 0 EfEf  d hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' <= @B +' 0L0 & hp(  h  h <<f `J_@  0 0 YBack to Index 1f    h <=fT>@  0 0 YBack to Index 2f   h 6h=f|6c SWives( f   h  `=  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NjPH@___PPT9"@ #Admonish your wives with kindness. 0$ #EfEf#  h 02fT>@  0 0 [ End Show f   h  `|=  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7  h <=2 OIndex 23    h  `=  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NyPH@___PPT9"@ A Muslim must not hate his wife; and if he be displeased with one bad quality in her, then let him be pleased with another that is good. 0 EfEf   h  `x =  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N PH@___PPT9"@  I (Muaviyah b. Haidah) said, "O Apostle of God! What is my duty to my wife?" He said, "That you give her to eat as you eat yourself, and clothe her as you clothe yourself; and do not slap her in the face nor abuse her, nor separate yourself from her in displeasure. 0   EfEfH       h  `x(=  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N9 (PH@___PPT9"@ tHe is the most perfect Muslim whose character is best; and the best of you are they who behave best to their wives. 0u tEfEft  h hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' = @B + 0L0  l(  l  l <+=f `J_@  0 0 YBack to Index 1f    l <$3=fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f   l 68=f|6c SWomen( f   l  `6  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NjPH@___PPT9"@ "Women are the twin halves of men. 4# "GfGf"  l 0YfT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f   l  `?=  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7  l <DC=2 OIndex 23    l  `I=  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N9PH@___PPT9"@ kThe world and all things in it are valuable; but the most valuable thing in the world is a virtuous woman. 4l kGfGfk U  l  `4H=  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NS PH@___PPT9"@ /When a woman performs the five times of prayer, and fasts the month of Ramadan, and is chaste, and is not disobedient to her husband, then tell her to enter Paradise by whichever door she likes. 4 GfGf   l  `A=  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N  PH@___PPT9"@ HWhoever does good to girls, it will be a curtain to him from hell-fire. 4I HGfGfH   l  `[=  ? f?"6?@`NNN?Nf PH@___PPT9"@ Whoever looks after two girls till they come of age, will be in the next world along with me, like my two fingers joining each other. 4 GfGf  l hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D=' == @B +m 0L0 ld p(  p  p <c=f `J_@ 0 0 YBack to Index 1f    p <g=fT>@ 0 0 YBack to Index 2f   p 6l=f|6c SWorld( f   p  `o=  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N"dPH@___PPT9"@ IThis world is a prison for the Faithful, but a Paradise for unbelievers. 0J IEfEfI  p 0t=fT>@ 0 0 [ End Show f   p  `x=  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NhXjPH@___PPT9"@ 7The Prophet Muhammad (Peace of Allah be upon Him) Said:48 7GfGf7  p <}=2 OIndex 23    p  `=  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N<PH@___PPT9"@ /The love of the world is the root of all evil. 00 /EfEf/ Q  p  `=  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N PH@___PPT9"@ +The world is sweet in the heart, and green to the eye; and verily God has brought you, after those that went before you: then look to your actions, and abstain from the world and its wickedness. 0 EfEf   p  `=  ? f?"6?@`NNN?NF  PH@___PPT9"@ ZBe in the world like a traveler, or like a passer on, and reckon yourself as of the dead. 0[ ZEfEfZ   p  `ԑ=  ? f?"6?@`NNN?N PH@___PPT9"@ yCursed is this world and cursed is all that is in this world, except the remembrance of God and that which aids thereto. 0z yEfEfy  p hA&޽h ?474907786UWZgWn_ph"@` 33___PPT10i.+%+D='  = @B +rP X cI4I %53EmP_jQyI5} #0b;JT`p}BHк z9 /d)u;J?WA8brJŏXE8QF _*8BOZXgis~Ջ?zB]1Oh+'0T hp   $Slide 1atcreceptionMhammad (PBUH)atcreception1Microsoft Office PowerPoint@3&0@1aJ@@aaJGSg  )'    """)))UUUMMMBBB999|PP3f333f3333f3ffffff3f̙3ff333f333333333f33333333f33f3ff3f3f3f3333f33̙33333f333333f3333f3ffffff3f33ff3f3f3f3fff3ffffffffff3ffff̙fff3fffff3fff333f3f3ff3ff33f̙̙3̙ff̙̙̙3f̙3f333f3333f3ffffff3f̙3f3f3f333f3333f3ffffff3f̙3f3ffffffffff!___wwwff4'A x(xKʦ """)))UUUMMMBBB999|PP3f3333f333ff3fffff3f3f̙f3333f3333333333f3333333f3f33ff3f3f3f3333f3333333f3̙33333f333ff3ffffff3f33f3ff3f3f3ffff3fffffffff3fffffff3f̙ffff3ff333f3ff33fff33f3ff̙3f3f3333f333ff3fffff̙̙3̙f̙̙̙3f̙3f3f3333f333ff3fffff3f3f̙3ffffffffff!___www_eef_eef_eef_eef_eef_eef_eef_eef_eef_eef_eef_eef_eef_eef_eef_eef_eef_eef_eef_eef_eef_eef_eef_eef_eef_eef_eef_eef_eef_eef_eef_eef_eef_eef_eef_eef_eef_eef_eef_eefeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeefeefeefeefeefeefeefeefeefeefeefeefeefeefeefeefeefeefeefeefeefeefeefeefeefeefeefeefeefeefeefeefeefeefeefeefeefeefeefeefeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeefe_feefe_feefe_feefe_feefe_feefe_feefe_feefe_feefe_feefe_feefe_feefe_feefe_feefe_feefe_feefeefe_feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee膦ef?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./012456789:ERoot EntrydO)PicturesƫCurrent User3SummaryInformation(UPowerPoint Document(V3DocumentSummaryInformation8f