When the issue of Ham Licence is concerned, a police clearance Certificate issued by the S.I. or O.C. of the Police Station where the applicant for the Ham licence stays will be adequate. One should realise that this is the procedure involved when passports are issued. The time delay is also considerably less when the issue of police clearance certificate is faster. Decentralisation of licensing authority will also help. Let there be four Zones in India where offices for the issue of ham licences be located
(name) RAJESH NAMBIAR (call-sign) VU3VOC (email)
De-centralization for issuing licenses is probably not a good idea in India, since it will cause cause much more confusion and chaos without a centralized single database for the licenses issued. Instead of creating such confusion, putting a bit more resources into the existing license issuing admin. might help. Regarding delay in police verification: Rules should be simplified so that anyone holding a valid Indian Passport is issued license immediately once a report regarding successful completion test requirements is received by the licensing authority Getting a passport is a relatively painless process now.(in such a case, copy of passport should also be included in the list of documents required to be submitted when one applies for license).
(Name) Salim (Callsign) VU2LID (email) [email protected]
There are a lots of Unused prefixes that could be allocated to Amateurs. My suggestion is to allocate different prefixes to different States. For Example, VU6 can be TN, VV6 can be Kerala. and Islands should get different Prefixes depending on the region.. Eg. VVypin Island - 8T6. This will help the process of decentralizing the licencing as one prefix will be handled by only one monitoring station. This could also help the DXing enthusiasts and ARSI could organize contests easily.

(Name) Binu (Callsign) VU2NGB
There should be a timelimit of 3months for the state police to submit verification reports for enabling regional monitoring stations to permit/recommend issue of licence
(Name) K.P.Narayanan Nair (Callsign) vu2nyr (email) [email protected]
Different Prefixes should be alloted  region wise, which helps decentralising and efficient managment of licencing. Monitoring station in charge shoulds be authorised to give temporary permission to change of location for demonstrations. rather than a communication with WPC in Delhi  which may take years to respond......To do so the present manpower to write the Licence should be increased. The Licencing is still a MANUAL Task, in this DIGITAL age, the Communication ministry is still running the  PAPER workshop with a minimun of 3 to four files to update to create a single Licence, with the same entry being done. The ministry should at least go in for a computer network of monitoring station in differnt parts of India, a central control could be there from the Delhi, This may reduce the burden of people to come to the capital for the enquiry and other matters.
(Name)  Sunil.U.K  [ handle U.K ](Callsign)  vu2ukr(email)

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