Morse code was invented by Sir Samuel Morse in late 19th Centuary. It consists of series of Dits and Dashes for each alphabet, number and punctuation marks. For the ASOC examination this is a must for Grade I, Grade II and Advanced grade and Restricted grade is exempted from morse code. Untill the advent of modern day communication system the Morse code was used for telegram, and now also in many places Morse code is used for telegrams. The advantage of Morse code compared to voice is that when the atmospheric condtions deteriorate and voice cannot be effectively reach the destination due to noise. Whereas morse code which is just audio switch ON and OFF can be easily identified. The below gives the Morse code chart. Categorically divided into Alphabets, Numbers and Punctuation marks. Morse Code can be generated using a simple Audio Oscillator using IC 555 timer or a Buzzer, battery and a switch as morse key as shown in the figure.


A     . -         di-dah
B     - . . .     dah-di-di-dit
C     - . - .     dah-di-dah-dit
D     - . .       dah-di-dit
E     .           dit
F     . . - .     di-di-dah-dit
G     - - .       dah-dah-dit
H     . . . .     di-di-di-dit
I     . .         di-dit
J     . - - -     di-dah-dah-dah
K     - . -       dah-di-dah
L     . - . .     di-dah-di-dit
M     - -         dah-dah
N     - .         dah-dit
O     - - -       dah-dah-dah
P     . - - .     di-dah-dah-dit
Q     - - . -     dah-dah-di-dah
R     . - .       di-dah-dit
S     . . .       di-di-dit
T     -           dah
U     . . -       di-di-dah
V     . . . -     di-di-di-dah
W     . - -       di-dah-dah
X     - . . -     dah-di-di-dah
Y     - . - -     dah-di-dah-dah
Z     - - . .     dah-dah-di-dit


0     - - - - -    dah-dah-dah-dah-dah
1     . - - - -    di-dah-dah-dah-dah
2     . . - - -    di-di-dah-dah-dah
3     . . . - -    di-di-di-dah-dah
4     . . . . -    di-di-di-di-dah
5     . . . . .    di-di-di-di-dit
6     - . . . .    dah-di-di-di-dit
7     - - . . .    dah-dah-di-di-dit
8     - - - . .    dah-dah-dah-di-dit
9     - - - - .    dah-dah-dah-dah-dit


Full stop          . - . - . -   di-dah-di-dah-di-dah
Comma              - - . . - -   dah-dah-di-di-dah-dah
Semi-colon         - . - . - .   dah-di-dah-di-dah-dit
Hyphen             - . . . . -   dah-di-di-di-di-dah
Question Mark      . . - - . .   di-di-dah-dah-di-dit
Invitation to Transmit     - . -  .    dah-di-dah
Wait               . - . . .    di-dah-di-di-dit
End of Message     . - . - .    dah-di-dah-di-dah-dit
End of Work        . . . - . -   di-di-di-dah-di-dah
Error              . . . . . . . .  di-di-di-di-di-di-di-dit
Received message     . - .      di-dah-dit
Separation         - . . . -    dah-di-di-di-dah

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