N ews B ulletin # 17

18 April, 2002. 01:30 UTC

Log Updates & Corrections, Low-bands & Feedback

Logs - On-line logs have been updated.  QSOs up to 17/04/02 21:35


Log Corrections - Your Pilot team has received a few queries regarding logging errors.  Please appreciate a Pilot cannot change a log entry himself.  The QSL Manager (who is on-site) has the final ruling.  Your Pilot team are endeavouring to resolve any logging issues ASAP.  To help us sort out any descrepancies please provide the following detail when you contact us: 

Date  UTC  Band  Mode  Your Callsign.


Low-bands - Our low-band guru wishes to pass on his apologies for last night.  Terrible static crashes and QRN made conditions very difficult.  The two Beverage RX antennas will be going up today and should provide quieter receive conditions on the reef.

Feedback to Pilots - We appreciate all constructive comments passed onto our Pilots.  You can rest assured this information is being passed onto the reef crew.

Statistics - You can see what we've been working and where on the stats page.  The WPX data file is getting rather large so be patient when loading!  From the graphs you can see 15M has made the most QSOs.

above - Just in case you were wondering... this is VK9ML!
The antenna behind the tent is the 6M yagi - as close as possible to keep the feedline short on this band.
Zodiac is parked on beach and is used to commute to the two cats.
Picture taken from Bach & Byte moored in the lagoon.