- President: Les Neilson VK4FAEB
- Vice President:Jan Oksiuta VK4EBP
- Secretary:Jlim kelly VK4HJK
- Assistant Secretary:
- Treasurer: Kevin Dibble VK4ZR
- Librarian: Vacant
- Webmaster: Vacant
- Providor: Vacant
- Station Managers:
- 10m (HF): Les Parker VK4SO
- 70cm (UHF): Erik Neilson VK4FAEC
- Repeater Officer: Kevin Dalton VK4WA
- Repeater Officer: Jan Oksiuta VK4EBP
- Project Co-ordinators: Les Neilson VK4FAEB
- Awards and QSL Manager:
- Publicity: Liason Officer: Les Neilsen VK4FAEB
- QSP Newsletter:
- Club Equipment Officer: Les Parker VK4SO
- WIA Accredited Examiners: Les Parker VK4SO
WIA Accredited Learning Facilitator #LF-082: Jan Oksiuta VK4EBP
- BARCfest Organiser:
Committee positions are elected at the Annual General Meeting which is held in May each year.