I have a large family.

My wife Karen , who is without a doubt the most caring and patient person in the world
she would have to be to live with an amateur radio operator like myself.

My 6 (yes count em SIX) children.

Jessica - 15 years old - Lives in Perth Western Australia, travelling to germany in 2001
for a years study with the exchange program. Wants to work in Forensic Science.

Liam - 10 years old - Musician & composer. Loves lego and playing his keyboard. Pokemon is a favorite of his !

Alexander - 9 years old - Fisherman & radio enthusiast, takes after the old man,. will probably end up a technician . But he wants to be a police officer.

Elana - 8 years old - An absolute stunning and brilliant girl who is always keen to help others.

Jasmin - 4 years old - A terror

Lucinda - 2 years old - A terror in training

So thats the family . All in all we are a happy bunch, diverse and different all.