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Last Updated 12 March, 2003

ATV-At the Australian International Airshow 2003

Held at the Avalon Airport- Geelong- Victoria

ATV has been traditionally provided for car parking and traffic control by Neal- VK2TNE and Dave Reed.

But because Neal was unavailable for the 2003 Airshow, Paul- VK2JPL Took over For The 2003 Airshow--

The shack was placed on a hill where there was a 360 Deg view- The video from the 7 cameras was routed

through a rotary switch and then using a Ryder style ATV transmitter sent 3.5 Klm to the Traffic and Transport



Traffic And Surveillance Cameras

The ATV Aquipment

One cameras view of part

of the 20,000 cars

Airbus- part of the exhibits

Rain threatening