Peak Voltage 8.5 KV, Anode Current 8 A, Output 8.3 KW.
Several years ago I was researching the development of military radio in Australia. I wondered if the Radiophysics Laboratory, RPL, part of the CSIRO, might have been involved. Instead I discovered a large archive of the Australian development of radar during WW2. These files, around twelve 4 drawer filing cabinets, were stored away and long forgotten. They were still classified Top Secret and I had to get permission from the Chief of RPL to view them. A while later the Australian War Memorial, AWM, put Mr. Ed Simmons in touch with me. Ed was a WW2 RAAF ground radar technician and was researching radar from the RAAF view. Ed and his co-authors, Morrie Fenton and Norm Smith went on to publish a number of books on RAAF ground radar and in doing so revived the RAAF radar association, bringing together many of the old personnel who had lost touch, and discovering history that would have been lost forever. Their books also served as models for similar publications in other countries. I was pleased to provide technical information and help Ed and his crew. (I was "adopted" by the Radar Association, which caused some amusement at luncheons when little old ladies, ex-servicewomen or spouses of servicemen and now in their 70's, couldn't help asking if I'd lied big time about my age when I joined the services.) I wrote a brief history of RAAF ground radar for Electronics Australia in 1993 and a number of radar related articles for other magazines. As a result of all this activity I accumulated a large data base of radar related publications and it is listed below. It's not complete and probably never will be.
There has been an enormous amount written about the development of radar, some excellent and some of it a load of rubbish, and there is steady trickle of new publications, some of which falls into the latter category. For further extensive references I recommend “A Radar History of World War II” by Louis Brown, published 1999.
Because I was researching radar in Australia there are Australian radar reports that are not necessarily available elsewhere.
This list is set out with:
Subject, Catalog No., Author, Publisher, Date
The abbreviations are as follows:
The Origin code is the country from which the publication emanated:A Australia | C Canada | G Germany |
J Japan | NZ New Zealand | R Russia |
SA South Africa | UK United Kingdom | US U.S.A. |
The Subject code is:
MH Military History | RH Radar History | WH Wireless History |
MT Military Technical |
RT Radar Technical |
WT Wireless Technical |
The Catalog No. is the ISBN or other reference number allocated to the publication.
Author is self explanatory.
The Publisher is:CSIR Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (Australia) | RAA Royal Australian Artillery |
RPL Radiophysics Laboratory (Sydney) | AP Air Publication (UK RAF) |
HMSO Her Majesty's Stationery Office (UK) |
Date is when first published.
Periodicals and Magazines are shown in inverted commas.
154 Radar,
Truscott 1944-45 (The Story of a RAAF Radar Station in the Kimberleys)
RH, 0 959 68664 9, Fenton M., M.Fenton, 1990
Pioneer Award (to Ivan A. Getting of MIT for Microwave radar developments)
RH, IEEE AES TRANS. Vol. 11 No. 5 Sept. 1975
M/c Radar Interrogator-Beacon Systems
RH, Wood K.A., Journal of I.E.E. Vol. 93 Pt. III (Radiolocation), 1946
Wing in Action
MH, Air 16-914, UK Public Records Office
in Radar
RH, Porter F.H., private publication, 1946
for Metric and Decimetric Wavelengths (Radar)
RT, Smith R.A., Cambridge University Press, 1949
Aerials for Radar Equipment
UK, RH, Ratcliffe J., Journal of
I.E.E. Vol. 93 Pt. III (Radiolocation), 1946
Airborne Electronic Warfare, History,
Technique and Tactics
MH, 0 7106 0353 3, Streetly M.,
Janes, 1988
Analysis of the Development of
Transportable Air Warning Equipment in Australia
A, RH, White F.W.G., RPL, RP. 179,
Angel on the Yardarm: the Beginnings
of Fleet Radar Defense and the Kamikaze Threat
US, RH, Monsarratt J., Naval War
College, 1985
Army Radar
UK, RH, Sayer A.P., War Office UK,
UK, RT, A.P. 2544A Vol. 1, 1943
Audit of War, The
UK, MT, 0 333 4358 7, Barnett C.,
Macmillan, 1986
Australian Science in the Making, Ch.
10, Science on Service, 1939-45
A, RH, Home R.W., Cambridge
University Press, 1988
Australian Telecommunications at War
MH, Mingay O. (editor), “Radio and Electrical Retailer”, May 1946
Awards to Radar Pioneers
UK, RH, “Wireless World”, March
Bawdsey, Birth of the Beam
UK, RH, 0 8613 8017 7, Kinsey G.,
Terence Dalton, 1983
Bernard Lovell, a Biography
UK, RH, 0 7090 1745 6, Saward D.,
Hale and Co., 1984
BL4, IFF Interrogator
US, RT, MIL-HDBK-162B (pages
1197-98), 1973
BL4, IFF Interrogator
US, RT, Installation Instructions
IB-128A and IB-190, 1943
BL4, IFF Interrogator
A, RT, Manual of BL4 Equipment,
ACD-2052, 1943
Boffin, A Personal Story of the Early
Days of Radar, Radio Astronomy and Quantum Optics
UK, RH, 0 7503 0130 9, Hanbury Brown
R., Adam Hilger, 1991
‘Boffins’ of Botany Bay, The (radar)
A, RH, 0 727 3061, Macleod R.
(editor), Australian Academy of Science, 1999
Bombers Eye, The
UK, RH, Saward A.
Bordfunkgerate der Deutschen
Luftwaffe 1935-45
G, RH, Trenkle F., Motorbuch Verlag,
Bordfunkgerate-vom Funkensender zum
G, RH, 3 7637 5289 7, Trenkle F.,
Bernard and Graefe Verlag, 1986
Brief History of Aircraft Detection
Equipment by the Radio Position Finding Section of Sig. Corps Labs.
US, RH, Anon., 1945 ?
British Microwave Radar 1939-41
US, RH, Robinson D.M., Am. Phil. Soc
V127, 1983
Bruneval Raid, The (Raid on
German radar
UK, RH, Millar G., Book Club
Associates, 1974
Butement, Dr. W.A.S., First Chief
Scientist for Defence (Australia)
A, RH, Williams B., Aust. Govt.
Printing Office, 1991
Butement, The Remarkable Work of Alan
A, RH, Newton D.,
"Despatch" NSW Military Historical Society, Vol. 27 No. 4, 1992
Cathode Ray Tube in Radio Research,
UK, WT, Watson Watt, 1925?
C.H. Radiolocation Transmitters
UK, RH, Dodds J.
and Ludlow J.,
Journal of I.E.E. Vol. 93 Pt. IIA (Radiolocation), 1946
Cavity Magnetron, The
UK, RH, Boot H.
and Randall J.,
Journal of I.E.E. Vol. 93 Pt. IIA (Radiolocation) 1946
Cavity Magnetrons
US, RT, Fink D., “Electronics”
January Vol. 19 p. 126-131, 1946
Cavity Oscillator Circuits
US, RT, Gurewitsch A.,
“Electronics” Feb. Vol. 19 p. 135-137, 1946
Centimeter Wave Magnetrons
A, RH, Argento H.F.
“Amateur Radio” (Australia),
March (reprint from QST), 1946
CH - The First Operational Radar
UK, RH, Neale B.T., GEC Journal of
Research Vol. 3, 1985
CIC Bulletin
- 1945 - Radar, Japanese
July - 1945 - Radar, Japanese
Aug. - 1945 - Radar, Japanese
Challenge of War
MH, Hartcup G., David and Charles, 1970
Civil Application of Radar, The
A, RH, Bowen E.G., IRE (Aust) June,
Complete Summary of Australian RDF
A, RH, RPL, RLR 1, 1942
Conference on Radio and Radar
A, RT, RPL, SRP501/14, 1945
Confound and Destroy
MH, 0 7106 0356 8, Streetly M.,
Macdonald and James, 1978
Contributions to Victory (Radar)
UK, RH, Rowlinson F., Metropolitan
Vickers, 1947
Cossor Radar: The First 50 Years
UK, RH, Price A., Cossor, 1985
UK, RH, Kendall B., “Amateur
Radio” (UK) April/May, 1987
CSIR Radiophysics Reports. (Design
and Development of Australian Radar)
A, RH, Various series ie MUM, PD, RLR,
RP, RPM, TI, CSIR, 1939- ..
Cumulative Index of Radar Systems
Vol. 8, 9, 11, 13, 19, 24, 25, 27, 1972-1991
Cumulative Index of Radar Systems for
US, RH, Ausherman D., IEEE AES TRANS.
CV35 - A Velocity-Modulation
Reflection Oscillator
UK, RH, Pearce
and Mayo, Journal of
I.E.E. Vol. 93 Pt. IIIA (Radiolocation), 1946
Czechoslovakia Cumulative Index on
Radar Systems, 1960-90
US, RH, Schejbal V., IEEE AES TRANS.
Vol. 27 No. 4, 1991
Decimetre-Wave Transmitter
UK, RH, England T., Journal of I.E.E.
Vol. 93 Pt. IIIA (Radiolocation), 1946
Design and Positioning of A/C Radar
Aerials for Metric Wavelengths
UK, RH, Russell B., Journal of I.E.E.
Vol. 93 Pt. IIIA (Radiolocation), 1946
Development and Principles of
Radar, The
A, RH, Caldwell J.R., Bulletin No. 24
Museum of Technology and Applied Science, 1948
Development and use of Radar in the
RAAF, An Account of the
A, RH, Pither A., Unpublished
manuscript, 1946. Private publication 1999.
Development of Decimeter-Wave Radar
Transmitters for the RAF
UK, RH, England T., Journal of I.E.E.
Vol. 93 Pt. IIIA (Radiolocation), 1946
Development of Gun-Laying Radar
Receivers GL Mk I, GL Mk I* and GL/EF*
UK, RH, Bedford L., Journal of I.E.E.
Vol. 93 Pt. IIIA (Radiolocation), 1946
Development of Radar in the
Netherlands before World War II
UK, RH, Rollema D., “Practical
Wireless” June, 1989
Development of Radar for the Royal
Navy 1935-44
UK, RH, Rawlinson J.D.S., “Naval
Electrical Review” July, 1975
Development of Radio Valves
UK, RH, Griffiths J., Journal of
I.E.E. Vol. 93 Pt. IIIA (Radiolocation), 1946
Development of Soviet Radar, The
R, RH, Lobanov M.M., USSR, 1982
Die Deutschen Funkmessverfahren bis
G, RH, 3 7785 1400 8, Trenkle F.,
AEG-Akteiengesellschaft, 1986
Die Deutschen Funkstorverfahren bis
G, RH, 3 8708 7131 8, Trenkle F.,
AEG-Telefunken, 1982
Digest of Airborne Radio and Radar
April 10 - 1945 - radar, Japanese
June 10 - 1945 - Radar, Japanese
June 25 - 1945 - Radar, RCM against Japanese
Directory of German Radar Equipment
US, RT, TME11-219, US Army, 1945
Divided Broadside Aerials with
Applications to 200 M/c Radiolocation Systems
UK, RH, Taylor D.
and Westcott C.,
Journal of I.E.E. Vol. 93 Pt. IIIA (Radiolocation), 1946
Early Fire Control Radars for Navy
US, RH, Tinus W.C.
and Higgins W.H.,
Bell System Tech. Journal Vol.25, No.1 January, A.T. and T. Co., 1946
Early History of Australia's Radar -
Parts 1,2,3
A, RH, MacKinnon C., “Electronics
Australia”, 1993
Early History of Radar
US, RH, Page R.M., IRE Proceedings
May, 1962
Echoes of War: The Story of H2S Radar
UK, RH, 0-85274-317-3, Lovell A.C.B.,
Adam Hilger, 1992
"Echoes of War" (video)
US, RH, Nova TV
Electronic Countermeasures
US, MT, 0 9321 4600 7, Boyd
and Harris and King, Welch Peninsular, 1978
Electronic Warfare
UK, MT, Arcangelis M., Blandford
Press, 1985
“Electronics” - Special
Commemorative Issue April 17, 1980 (Radar History etc)
US, RH, McGraw-Hill, 1980
“Elektron” - Journal of South
African IEE - RADAR issue
SA, RH, Journal of SA IEE, February,
Engineering Design of Shipborne
Gunnery Radar Panels
UK, RH, Finnimore T.C., Journal of
I.E.E. Vol. 93 Pt. IIIA (Radiolocation), 1946
Evolution of Naval Radio-Electronics
and Contributions of the NRL
MH, NRL 8300, Gebhard L.A., Naval
Research Lab. (USA), 1979
Evolution of Radiolocation, The
UK, RH, Watson-Watt R., Journal of
I.E.E. Vol. 93 Pt. IIIA (Radiolocation), 1946
Expose! A History of Searchlights in
WW2 (includes SLC radar)
MH, 0 86439 160 9, Hill N.F.,
Boolarong Publications, 1993
Eyes of England - Battle of Britain
part 3
US, RH, Price A., “Air
and Space” (journal of Smithsonian Inst.) Vol. 5 No. 4 Oct/Nov, 1990
Fifty Years of Radar
US, RH, Skolnik M., IEEE Vol. 73, No.
2 Feb., 1985
Fire Control Radar MPG-1 (parts 1-3)
US, RH, Zahl H.
and Marchetti J.,
Electronics, Dec 1946 - Vol. 18 p. 92-97, 1945
Jan 1946 - Vol. 19 p. 110-117
Mar 1946 - Vol. 19 p. 140-147
Flick of the Switch, A - 1930-1950
US, MT, 0 9141 2610 5, McMahon M.E.,
Vintage Radio, 1987
Flying Searchlights
UK, RH, “Flypast” May, 1990
Four Years of RAAF Radar
A, RH, Moyle J., “Radio
and Hobbies” February, 1946
Fundamentals of Radar
UK, RH, “Wireless World”, Oct.
1945 - Feb. 1946
G, RH, Kaufmann R., Kaufmann R., 1986
Gas-Discharge Switches for Single
Aerial Working
UK, RH, Cooke A.H., Journal of I.E.E.
Vol. 93 Pt. IIIA (Radiolocation), 1946
GEC Communication Equipment in the
Fighting Services. (includes radar, ECM)
UK, RH, GEC Telecommunications No.1,
Generation and Transmission of
Microwave Energy
US, RT, TM11-673, Dept. of the Army -
Washington, 1953
Great Detective, The (SCR-584)
US, RH, Stout W., Chrysler
Corporation, 1946
Great Naval Battle of Ottawa, The
C, RH, Zimmerman D., 1959
Green Beach (Raid on German Radar
station at Dieppe)
UK, RH, 0 4344 1024 1, Leasor J.,
Heinemann, 1975
Ground Controlled Approach for
US, RT, Watson C., “Electronics”
Nov. Vol. 18 p. 112-115. 1945
Ground Radar Systems of the Luftwaffe
– 1939-1945
G, RH, 0 7643 0567 0, Muller W.,
Schiffer Publishing, 1998
H2S: An Airborne Radar Navigation and
Bombing Aid
UK, RH, Carter C.J., Journal of I.E.E.
Vol. 93 Pt. IIIA (Radiolocation), 1946
Hazeltine Corporation in World War
US, RH, 0 934793 50 6, Wheeler H.A.,
Pathfinder Publishing, 1993
High Gain Microwave Antennas
US, RT, Tuller W., QST March, 1946
High-Power Pulse Magnetron: An
Outline of the Mechanism of Operation
UK, RH, Willshaw W.
and Rushforth
L., Journal of I.E.E. Vol. 93 Pt. IIIA (Radiolocation), 1946
High-Power Pulsed Magnetron, The:
Development and Design for Radar Applications
UK, RH, Willshaw W.
and Rushforth
L. and Stainsby A. and Latham R. and Balls A. and King A., Journal of
I.E.E. Vol. 93 Pt. IIIA (Radiolocation), 1946
High-Power Pulsed Magnetron, The:
Review of Early Developments
UK, RH, Megaw E., Journal of I.E.E.
Vol. 93 Pt. IIIA (Radiolocation), 1946
Historical Development of Radar
A, RH, Bowen E.G., IRE (Aust) March
Historical Notes on the Cavity
UK, RH, Boot H.
and Randall J.,
IEEE Electron Devices Vol. ED-23 No. 7 July, 1976
Historical Radar
UK, RH, IEE Proceedings Pt. A, Vol.
132 No. 6, October, 1985
History of Communications-Electronics
in the US Navy
MH, Howeth L.S., US Govt.
Printing Office, 1963
History of Engineering and Science
in the Bell System, A – National Service in War and Peace 1925-1975
MH, 0 9327 6400 2, Fagen M.D.,
Bell Telephone Labs, 1978
History of The Radio Research Board
A, RH, Evans W.F, CSIRO, 1973
History of The Radiophysics Advisory
A, RH, Evans W.F., CSIRO, 1970
History of Signal Corps Development
of US Army Radar
US, RH, Davis H.M., Library of
Congress, 1944
History of U.S. Electronic Warfare
Vol.1 Beginnings – 1946
US, MH, X-000918-01 5, Price A.,
Assoc. of Old Crows, 1984
History of U.S. Electronic Warfare
Vol.2 1946-1964
US, MH, X-000918-02- ?, Price A.,
Assoc. of Old Crows, 1989
Identification Friend or Foe (The
Story of Aircraft Recognition)
UK, RH, 0 11 290496 3, Hamilton T.,
HMSO, 1994
Industry's Contribution to Radar in
UK, RH, “Electronic Engineering”,
Vol. 17, No. 212 October, 1945
Instruments of Darkness
MH, 0 9321 4617 1, Price A.,
Peninsular Publishing, 1987
International Race for Radar
US, RH, Lyon E., Mid-Atlantic Antique
Radio Club, Dec., 1992
Introduction to Radar Systems
US, RT, Skolnik M.I., McGraw-Hill,
Invention that Changed the World, The
US, RH, 0 684 81021 2, Buderi R.,
Simon and Schuster, 1996
"Invisible War, The"
(video) The History of Electronic Warfare Vol.1
US, RH, Association of Old Crows,
Japanese Magnetrons
US, RT, Hobbs M., “Electronics”
May Vol. 19 p. 114-115, 1946
Japanese Radar and Related Weapons of
World War II
US, RH, 0 89412 271 3, Nakagawa Y.,
Aegean Park Press, 1997
Japanese Radar in WWII, Japanese
Radar Development in WW II
NZ, RH, Nakajima S., “The
Radioscientist” Vol.3, No.2 June, 1992
Japanese Radar, Short Survey of -
parts 1 and 2
US, RT, Wilkinson R., I. of E.E.
Electrical Engineering Aug and Sept and Oct, 1946
Lightweight Air Warning and GCI
Radar in Australia
A, RH, Briton J.N., I of E (Aust)
Vol.19, No. 6 June, 1947
Luftwaffe Night Fighters (showing
radar aerials)
UK, RT, Wier A., “Aircraft Scale
Modelling”, August, 1991
LW/AW Radar, The
A, RH, Moyle J., “Radio
and Hobbies” April and May 1946
LW/AW Radar, The
A, RH, Smith N., “HRSA
Newsletter” No.16 April, 1986
Magnetron as a Generator of
Centimeter Waves, The
US, RT, Fisk J.B.
and Hagstrum H.D. and Hartman P.L., Bell System Tech. Journal Vol. 25, No. 2, A.T.
and T. Co.,
Making Technology Work in World War
US, RH, Menaker E.G., IEEE AES
Systems June, 1993
Manufacture of a Reflex Klystron
A, RT, Hollway D, IRE Proceedings
Vol.8 No. 10, October, 1947
Messenger Gods of Battle
UK, RH, 0 08 035829 2, Pope,
Brassey's, 1991
Metre-Wave Ground Radar Transmitters
for Warning and Aircraft Location
UK, RH, Whelpton R.
and Dodds J.,
Journal of I.E.E. Vol. 93 Pt. IIIA (Radiolocation), 1946
Microwaves to Detect Aircraft
US, RT, “Electronics” Sept p.
18-19, 1935
Military Application of Radar, The
A, RH, Bowen E.G., IRE (Aust) May,
Military Communications - A Test for
technology, US Army in Vietnam
MH, Bergen J.D., Center of
Military History, 1986
Mobile Metre-Wave Ground Radar
Transmitters for Warning and Location of Aircraft
Uk, RH, Whelpton R., Journal of I.E.E.
Vol. 93 Pt. IIIA (Radiolocation), 1946
More Radar Yarns
A, RH, 0 646 03827 3, Simmonds E.,
Simmonds E., 1991
Most Secret War
MH, Jones R.V., Hamish Hamilton
(hard cover), 1978
My World War II Experience Revisited
MH, 1 882 79221 1, Green L.,
Proctor, 1996
Naval Airborne Radar
US, RH, Berkner L.V., IRE (Waves
and Electrons Sect) Sept., 1946
Naval Fire-Control Radar
UK, RH, Coales J.
and Calpine H. and Watson D., Journal of I.E.E. Vol. 93 Pt. IIIA (Radiolocation), 1946
Naval Radar
US, RT, Friedman N., Conway Maritime
Press, 1981
New Eye for the Navy, the Origin of
Radar at the NRL
US, RH, NRL 8466, Allison D.K., Naval
Research Lab., 1981
Newmann Memo (UK radar documents
captured in Singapore 1942)
J, RT, Japanese Intelligence, 1942
Night Fighter
MH, Rawnsley C. and Wright R.,
Collins 1957
Night Intruder
MH, 0 7153 7054 5,
Howard-Williams J.N., David and Charles, 1976
Nova TV, USA video: "Echoes of
US, RH, Cooper W., IEEE AES Systems
Vol. 4 No. 10, 1989
NZ Radar in WWII, The Development of
Radar in NZ in World War II
NZ, RH, Unwin, R.S., “The
Radioscientist” Vol.3, No.1, March, 1992
Official History of RAAF Directorate
of Telecommunications and Radar, The
A, RH, W/CDR. C.F. Gates, unpublished
manuscript, 1945
One Single Weapon. (Narrative History
of Aust. Radar)
A, RH, Barnard M., unpublished
manuscript, 1946
One Story of Radar
UK, RH, Rowe A.P., Cambridge
University Press, 1948
Orfordness-Secret Site
UK, RH, 0 8613 8006 1, Kinsey G.,
Terence Dalton, 1981
Origin of Radar, The
UK, RH, Judd F., “Practical
Wireless” Feb and Mar, 1984
Origins of Radar
UK. RH, “Wireless World” March,
Origin of Radar, The
US, RH, Page R.M., Anchor Books, 1962
Outline of Radar, An
A, RT, Evans F.J., “Amateur
Radio” August, 1946
Outposts that Scanned the Sea and Sky
SA, RH, Mangin G., SSS Radar
Contacts, 1993
Pioneers of Radar
UK, RH, 0 7509 2120 X, Latham C.
and Stobbs A., Sutton, 1999
Polish Radar Technology
US, RH, Gawron
and Klembowski, IEEE
AES TRANS. Vol.27 No.5 September, 1991
Pre-tuned Frequency Changer for the
10-cm region
UK, RH, Dahl H., Journal of I.E.E.
Vol. 93 Pt. IIIA (Radiolocation), 1946
Precision Radar
UK, RH, Butement W.
and Newsan B. and Oxford A., Journal of I.E.E. Vol. 93 Pt. IIIA (Radiolocation), 1946
Precision Ranging Systems for
Close-Range Weapons
UK, RH, Pout H., Journal of I.E.E.
Vol. 93 Pt. IIIA (Radiolocation), 1946
Principles and Practice of Radar
UK, RT, Penrose H.E., Newnes UK, 1949
Principles of Radar
US, RT, M.I.T. Radar School Staff,
McGraw Hill N.Y., 1946
Problems in Shipborne Radar
UK, RH, Ross A.W., Journal of I.E.E.
Vol. 93 Pt. IIIA (Radiolocation), 1946
Proceedings of Royal Commission on
Awards to Inventors
UK, RH, Science Museum Library, 1951
Proceedings, Aug '65 (No further
information available)
US, RT, IEEE 1965
Pulse of Radar: the Autobiography of
Robert Watson-Watt, The
UK, RH, Watson-Watt R., Dial Press,
1959 (US version of Three Steps to Victory)
QRM-The Electronic Life Saver (RCM)
US, RH, Robbiano P., “QST”
Jan/Feb, 1946
RAAF Radar - 50 Years Old - 1992
A, RH, Williams P., “Amateur
Radio” (Australia) August, 1992
RAAF Radar in World War II -
Pictorial I Overseas Stations
A, RH, 0 646 07577 2, N. Smith
and E. Simmonds, E. Simmonds, 1992
RAAF Radar in World War II -
Pictorial II Mainland Stations
A, RH, 0 646 07578 0, Fenton, Smith
and E. Simmonds, E. Simmonds, 1992
RAAF Radar in WWII- Pictorial III All
A, RH, 0 646 15385 4, Fenton M.
and Simmonds E., E. Simmonds, 1993
RAAF Service Manual, LW/AW Mk I,
A, RH, ASD 2056, RAAF
Race on the Edge of Time, A
UK, RH, 0 0702 1088 8, Fisher,
McGraw-Hill 1988
A, RT,
"Radio World" -
reprints from UK "Wireless World", June 1945 - Radio Location - War
Oct. 1945 - Radar's work with the
Feb. 1946 - Growth of the Radar Chain
NZ, RT, "Radio
and Electronics", April 1946 - Radar
June 1946 - Radar
July 1946 - Radar, AGLT
Aug. 1946 - Radar, Japanese
Sept. 1946 - Radar, H2S
Oct. 1946 - Radar, Oboe
Nov. 1946 - Radar, Fishpond
Radar (Vol. 9 of Land Warfare series)
UK, RT, 0 08 037710 6, Hall
and Garland-Collins and Picton and Lee, Brassey's, 1991
Radar - A Report on Science at War
US, RH, US Govt Printing Office
(reprinted by HMSO), 1945
Radar – A Wartime Miracle
UK, RH, 0 7509 1114 X, Latham C.
and Stobbs A., Allan Sutton, 1996
Radar at Sea, The Royal Navy in World
War 2
UK, RH, 1 55750 704 X, Howse D.,
Naval Institue Press, 1993
Radar Circuits - Electron Tube Type -
circa 1940-45
A, RT, RAAF Radar School Notes
(handwritten), 1945
Radar Countermeasures
US, RH, Fink D., “Electronics”
January Vol. 19 p. 92-97, 1946
Radar Days
A, RH, 0 8527 4590 7, Bowen E.G.,
Adam Hilger, 1987
Radar Defence and the Darwin
Disaster, 1942
A, RH, Moran M., Thesis whilst at
Australian National University, 1980
Radar Development in Canada
C, RH, Sanders F.H., IRE (Waves
and Electrons Sect) Feb., 1947
Radar Development in Canada, the
Radio Branch of NRCC 39-46
C, RH, Middleton W.E., Wilfred
Laurier Press, 1981
Radar Development to 1945 (Includes
world wide developments and bibliography)
UK, RH, 0 8634 1139 8, Burns R.
(Editor), Peter Peregrinus for IEE, 1988
Radar ECCM in WW2
US, RH, Johnston S., Journal of
Electronic Defense Jan Vol. 13 No. 1, 1990
Radar Equation
US, RT, Fink D., “Electronics”
April Vol. 18 p. 92-94, 1945
Radar for Blind Bombing (part 1
and 2)
US, RT, Holdam J.
and McGrath S. and Cole A., “Electronics”, May 1946 - Vol. 19 p. 138-143
June 1946 - Vol. 19 p. 142-149
Radar for Carrier Based Planes
US, RH, Barnes C., “Electronics”,
October 1946 - Vol.19 p. 100-105
Radar Glossary
A, RH, Griffin A., Army School of
Artillery (Australia), 1947
Radar Handbook
US, RT, Skolnik M.I., McGraw-Hill,
Radar Hist - the Journal of Early
Radar Enthusiasts
US, RH, Helgeson D., Helgeson D.,
No.1 Summer 1987, No.2 Jan. 1990
Radar History of World War II:
Technical and Military Imperatives, A (with extensive references)
US, RH, 0 7503 0659 9, Brown L.,
Institute of Physics Publishing, 1999
Radar in A.A. Defence
UK, RH, Foster H., “Electronic
Engineering” January, 1946
Radar in the US Army
US, RH, Colton Maj. Gen. R.B., IRE
(USA) Nov., 1945
Radar in War
RH, Bowen E.G., Australian Journal
of Science, Oct-Dec, 1945
Radar in WW2, OSRD
US, RH, Guerlac H.E., Dept. of
Commerce, Publications, 1947
Radar in WW2, Vol. 8 of History of
Modern Physics 1800-1950 (in 2 sections A-C and D-E)
US, RH, 0 8831 8486 9, Guerlac H.E.,
Thomash Publishing USA
Radar Information Pamphlets – Air
A, RH, RAAF Radar HQ, No. 1-4 1945
Radar Navigation
UK, RH, Smith R., Journal of I.E.E.
Vol. 93 Pt. IIIA (Radiolocation), 1946
Radar on 50 Centimetres TPS-3 (part 1
and 2)
US, RH, Zahl H.
and Marchetti J.,
“Electronics”, Jan. 1946 - Vol.19 p. 98-104
Feb.1946 - Vol.19 p. 98-103
Radar Primer
Hornung J.L., McGraw-Hill, 1948
Radar Receiver, The
US, RT, Morrison L.W., Bell System
Tech. Journal Vol. 26, No. 4 October, 1947
Radar Receivers
UK, RH, Lewis W.B., Journal of I.E.E.
Vol. 93 Pt. IIIA (Radiolocation), 1946
Radar Sketchbook
A, RH, 0 959 68666 5, Fenton M.,
Fenton M., 1993
Radar Specifications
US, RH, “Electronics” Nov Vol. 18
p. 116-119, 1945
Radar Specifications, Airborne
US, RH, “Electronics” Feb. p.
132, 1947
Radar Techniques
US, RT, Desoto C., “QST”
April-July?, 1945
Radar Transmitters: A Survey of
UK, RH, Ratsey O., Journal of I.E.E.
Vol. 93 Pt. IIIA (Radiolocation), 1946
Radar War, The
UK, RH, 1 8526 0246 5, Pritchard D.,
Patrick Stephens, 1989
Radar Yarns
A, RH, 0 646 03827 3, Simmonds E.
and Smith N., Simmonds E., 1991
Radar, Radiolocation Simply Explained
UK, RT, Hallows R.W., Chapman
and Hall London, 1946
Radar, What it Is
US, RT, Rider J.F.
and Baxter Rowe,
J.F. Rider Publisher N.Y., 1946
Radar, What Radar is and How it
US, RT, Dunlap O.E, Harper
and Bros. N.Y., 1947
Radar: History of a Need-Fostered
US, RH, Cooper H.W., “Microwave
Journal” May, 1989
Radar Warfare
US, RH, Fink D., “Electronics”
October Vol. 18 p. 92-97, 1945
Radiation Laboratory Series M.I.T.
Radar System Engineering - Ridenour
Radar Aids to navigation - Hall
Radar Beacons - Roberts
Loran - Pierce, McKenzie
and Woodward
Pulse Generators - Glasoe
and Lebacqz
Microwave magnetrons - Collins
and Microwave Triodes -
Hamilton, Knipp and Kuper
Principles of Microwave Circuits -
Montgomery, Dicke and Purcell
Microwave Transmission Circuits -
Waveguide Handbook - Marcuvitz
Technique of Microwave Measurements -
Microwave Antenna Theory
and Design
- Silver
Propogation of Short Radio Waves -
Microwave Duplexers - Smullin
and Montgomery
Crystal Rectifiers - Torrey
and Whitmer
Microwave Mixers - Pound
Components Handbook - Blackburn
Vacuum Tube Amplifiers - Valley
and Wallman
Waveforms - Chance, Hughes, MacNichol,
Sayre and Williams
Electronic Time Measurements -
Chance, Hulsizer, MacNichol and Williams
Electronic Instruments - Greenwood,
MacRae, Reed and Holdam
Cathode Ray Tube displays - Soller,
Starr and Valley
Microwave Receivers - Van Hoorhis
Threshold Signals - Lawson
and Uhlenbeck
Theory of Servomechanisms - James,
Nichols and Phillips
Radar Scanners
and Radomes - Cady,
Karelitz and Turner
Computing Mechanisms
and Linkages -
Index - Linford
US, RT, McGraw Hill, 1947
Radio Aids to Navigation
UK, RT, Smith R.A., Cambridge
University Press, 1947
Radio Background of Radar, The
US, RH, Guerlac H.E., Franklin Inst.
Vol. 250 No. 4 Oct., 1950
“Radio Bygones” (quarterly
magazine, containing articles on IFF, radar, radio)
UK, RT, Arnold G. (editor), 1989 -
Radio Direction Finders
UK, RT, Bond D.S., McGraw-Hill, 1941
Radio Engineering
US, RT, Terman F.E., McGraw-Hill,
Radio Equipment RC-192-A (BC-800 IFF
for SCR-602)
US, RT, TM11-1133, War Department,
Radio Progress during 1946
(Proceedings of the IRE - Waves and Electrons Section)
US, RH, IRE (USA) April (includes
bibliography), 1947
Rad Lab 50 years later
US, RH, Flock W.L., “The
Radioscientist”, Vol.3 No.1 March, 1992
Resnatron, The
US, MH, Salisbury W.,
“Electronics” Feb. Vol. 19 p. 92-97, 1946
Report to the Executive Committee on
Australian Air Warning Equipment
A, RH, White F.W.G., RPL, RP 201,
Rise of the Boffins, The
MH, Clark R.W., Phoenix House,
Royal Air Force Beam Benders, 80
Signals Wing, 1940-1945 (extensive references)
UK, RH, 1 85780 040 0, Brettingham
L., Midland, 1997
Role of Science and Industry, The
(Ch. 19 of Australia in the War of 1939-45)
A, RH, Mellor D.P., Aust. War
Memorial, 1958
Saga of Achievement, A, the RAAF
Story (Signals and radar)
MH, 0 9595 9270 9, Hall E.R.,
Bonall Publishing, 1978
Science on Service, (Ch. 10 of
Australian Science in the Making)
A, RH, 0 5218 5556 7, Home R.W.,
Cambridge University Press, 1988
Scientific Principles of
UK, RH, Appleton E., Journal of I.E.E.
Vol. 92 Pt. I No. 57 Sept., 1945
Scientists Against Time
MH, Baxter J.P., Little Brown and Co., 1946
SCR-268, -B, -C, SCR-516, -C, -D, -E
US, RT, TM11-1306, 1406, 1506, War
Department, 1944
SCR-270-B, -C: SCR-271, -A (Technical
US, RT, US Signal Corps, 1941
SCR-268 Radar, The
US, RH, Fink D., “Electronics”
Sept. Vol. 18 p. 100-109, 1945
SCR-268, Radio Set, Training
Equipment for
US, RT, Sylvania Electric Products
Inc., 1942
SCR-268, Radio Set, Instruction Book
US, RT, Chief Signal Officer, 1941
SCR-268, Gun Laying Equipment
US, RT, Southern Signal Corps School,
Camp Murphy, Florida
SCR-268, Radio Set, Replacement
Equipment, Preliminary Technical Manual
US, RT, War Department, 1943
SCR-270, The - A Brief History of a
Radar Unit
US, RH, Suffield F., "OTB"
(journal, Antique Wireless Association) Vol.30 No. 3 Dec., 1981
SCR-584, The - (parts 1 - 3)
US, RH, Fink D., “Electronics”,
Nov. Vol. 18 p. 104-109, 1945
Dec. Vol. 18 p. 104-109, 1945
Feb Vol. 19 p. 110-117, 1946
SCR-602-A, -T6
US, RT, TM11-1126, 1326, 1426, 1526,
War Department
US, RT, Southern Signal Corps School,
Florida, 194?
Secret Action of 305. (LW/AW Radar
A, RH, 8625 2594 3, Smith N.
and Coghlan F., RAAF Museum Australia, 1989
Secret Story of the Yagi Antenna in
World War II, The
NZ, RH, Sato G., “The
Radioscientist” Vol. 2 No. 4 Dec., 1992
Secret Tubes for Radar: The Western
Electric 700-Series
US, RT, Sibley L., A.W.A. Review
Vol.7 August, 1992
Secret War, The
MH, 0 0992 0790 7, Johnson B.,
Arrow, 1979
Secret War, The
MH, Pawne G., Odhams, 1958
Selected Bibliography on Radar
UK, RH, Northwestern Tech. Institute
Library, Northwestern University Library, 1946
Shaping Science and Industry,
History of CSIR 1926-49
A, RH, 0 049 0936 4, Schedvin C.B.,
Allen and Unwin, 1987
Signal Corps, The: The Emergency
MH, Terrett D., Dept. of the
Army, Washington, 1956
Signal Corps, The: The Test
MH, Terrett D., Dept. of the
Army, Washington, 1956
Signal Corps, The: The Outcome
MH, Terrett D., Dept. of the
Army, Washington, 1956
Sky Searcher in Australia - the Story
of Dr. Edward Bowen
A, RH, Norry R., 198?
Sound Locators, Fire Control
Systems and Searchlights of the German heavy Flak Units – 1939-1945
precursor to radar controlled searchlights)
MH, 0 7643 0568 9, Muller W.,
Schiffer Publishing, 1998
South African Radar in World War II
SA, RH, 0 620 17890 6, Brain P., SSS
Radar Book Group, 1993
Story of 319 Radar, The (at Mascot,
Fenton, Drysdale, Truscott 1943-1945)
A, RH, 0 646 07047 9, Ferguson A., A.
Ferguson, 1992
Story of British Radar, The
UK, RH, Kendall B., “Amateur
Radio” (UK) March/April, 1986
Story of RAAF Radar, The
A, RH, “Wings” (journal of the
RAAF), January, 1946
Surprise and Enterprise, 50 years of
Science for Australia, CSIRO
A, RH, White F., C.S.I.R.O., 1976
Survey of the Development of Radar, A
UK, RH, Smith R.A., Journal of I.E.E.
Vol. 94 Pt. I No. 76 April, 1947
Technical History of the Beginnings
of Radar (includes extensive bibliography)
UK, RH, 0-86341-043-X, Swords S.S.,
Peter Peregrinus, 1986
Textbook of Radar, A
A, RT, Bowen E.G. (editor), Angus
and Robertson, 1947
Three R's of Radar, Recollections,
Remonstrances, and Ruminations
US, RH, Fowler C., IEEE AES Systems
August, 1989
Three Steps to Victory
UK, RH, Watson-Watt R, Odhams, 1957
UK, RH, Clark R.W., Methuen
and Co., 1965
Triodes in Radar: the Early VHF
L. Sibley, The Tube Collectors Association, 2000
Triodes for Very Short
UK, RH, Bell J.
and Gavin M. and James E. and Warren G., Journal of I.E.E. Vol. 93 Pt. IIIA (Radiolocation),
US Radar Survey, Section 3 - Ground
US, RT, National Defense Research
Committee (N.D.R.S.C.), 1945
Use of a Common Aerial for Radar
Transmission and Reception on 200 M/c
UK, RH, Banwell C.J., Journal of
I.E.E. Vol. 93 Pt. IIIA (Radiolocation), 1946
Variations in Radar Coverage
US, RT, JANP-101, 1944
VT-Numbered Tubes and Early US Army
US, RT, Helgeson D. “OTB” (Old
Timers Bulletin) Vol. 30 No. 3 Nov., 1989
VT-128, The Strange
US, RT, Dowd Bro. P. “OTB” (Old
Timers Bulletin) Vol. 30 No. 3 Nov., 1989
War Adventures of an Industrial
Research Laboratory, Some
UK, RH, Paterson C.C., IRE
Proceedings (Australia) July, 1948
Watching the Skies
UK, RH, 0 11 772723 7, Gough J., 1993
We Stood and Waited, Sydney's
Anti-ship Defences 1939-1945.
MH, 0 646 04599 7, Fulford R.K.,
RAA Historical Society, 1994
Winning the Radar War
UK, RH, 0 7090 3731 7, Nissen J.
and Cockerill A.W., Robert Hale, 1989
Wireless Direction Finding
UK, WT, Keen R., “Wireless World”
UK, 1947
Wizard War, The (US version of
"Most Secret War")
MH, Jones R.V.
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