Modifications for the Yaesu FT-50

19-07-1998 FT-50R TX Mods

19 Apr 1996

From: [email protected] (Mike A. Penner)

The web page is advertising a MARS/CAPS mod, so even Yaesu here in the US does not have it so far. They have promised to send it as soon as they have it.
Has anyone used one yet? I am waiting for the local radio shop to get their shipment in. The radio sounds to good to be true. Is it? I have purchased the FT-50R and yes it is a pretty cool little "radidio". I does have a built in game if yo press the MR button while turning the radio on. I have also modified the radio to transmit out of band.. MARs and CAPs ...Here is the information everyone needs to modify it:

  1. remove the battery pack
  2. remove the two screws contained under the Battery safety sticker on the back of the radio.
  3. remove the key board (instuctions on how to remove the keyboard are in the owners manual)
  4. by removing the keyboard, it will reveal three jumper pads 1,2,&3
  5. Only jumper pad #1 will be bridged by soldier.
  6. remove the soldier from jumper #1
  7. now, put the radio back together
  8. reset the master cpu... instruction in owners manual.
  9. reset the extended receive,.. see the owners manual.
  10. you now have a modified radio.

any questions e-mail me

For those of you who would like to receive the 869-894 MHz range with your Yaesu FT-50, try tuning it to the corresponding image frequency range, 778.8-803.8 MHz. The sensitivity is the same as when tuned to an 860 MHz signal.

19-07-1998 FT-50 Info+Mod

de DG8NBR @ DB0BOX.#BAY.DEU.EU (Albert)

Modification und INFO`s Yaesu FT-50R

TX MOD DL-Version FT-50R :
Akku-Pack abnehmen - Infoaufkleber "Contains Nickel Cadmium....." an (in)der Rückseite des FT-50 entfernen - darunterliegende (zwei) Schrauben lösen - Handy umlegen (Display nach oben) - Keypad (Tasteneld) vorsichtig herausnehmen .............
Auf der nun sichtbaren Platiene sind (links) die Zahlen "1" "2" "3" aufgedruckt.... Darüber befinden sich drei (optischrunde)Lötbrücken in der DL-Version ist "1" gebrückt, "2" frei, "3" frei.......... Bücke "1" mit Lötkolben entfernen ........

entfernen -----> [O]  [ ]  [ ]
                   1    2    3
Gerät wieder zusammenbauen - Reset durchführen.
TX nun von 140.000 - 170.000 Mhz + 420.000 - 470.000 Mhz

Game Play: Taste MR(Skip) gedrückt halten und Gerät einschalten

Dank AM,FM,NFM,WFM,DTMF,CTCSS,ARTS,CW-Indicator,Voice Rec.,Voice Playb.- und und und und ....... ach ja ein Mini Game Boy ist auch noch integriert ein High Tech Gerät und das bei 99x57x30mm
Fazit: 2m + 70cm + Scanner + Taschenradio + Mini "Game Boy"
vy 73 de Abert DG8NBR @ DB0BOX

19-07-1998 FT-50R <=> 2k4-Packet ufb

From: DL5FDI @ DB0SIF.#HES.DEU.EU (Thorsten)

Hallo FT50-Freunde !

Für alle, die es vielleicht interessiert: Packet-Radio mit einer Geschwindigkeit von 2400 Bit/s funktioniert mit dem FT50R einwandfrei. Ich habe hier laut Handbuch einen Widerstand und einen Kondensator in die Mic bzw. PTT-Leitung des TNCs eingebaut und es lief nach einigem Drehen des 1kOhm-Potis im TNC2C auf Anhieb. Wie es mit 9k6 aussieht weiß ich nicht, aber ich denke mal, daß man dann in dem kleinen Gerätchen rumlöten muß (lieber nicht (-:)...

Soweit zu dem....hat denn mittlerweile irgendjemand rausbekommen, wie das eingebaute Spiel funktioniert? Ich weiß nur, daß man beim Einschalten mit dem Wahlknopf die Geschwindigkeit einstellen kann und das Spiel mit der PTT-Taste gestartet wird, achja, mit dem Wahlschalterknopf kann man auf Pause gehen...leider kann ich die Zahlen in keinster Weise beeinflussen (die kommende Zahlen mit der PTT als Morsezeichen einhämmern hat nichts gebracht ;-))

Vielleicht weiß ja jemand mehr und kann mir einen Tip geben...

Tnx im Voraus und 73! de Thorsten aus Oberaula / Knüll

19-07-1998 FT-50R Features - Specifications Link

From: DL6RDE @ DB0BOX.#BAY.DEU.EU (Charlie)

Yaesu announces the latest in dual-band handheld technology with the release of the new FT-50R Dual-band handheld transceiver. This engineering achievement offers features never before found in this small palm sized handheld radio, rugged weather resistant construction with a full 5 watts of power output.

Exclusive INDUSTRY-FIRSTS found only in the FT-50R dual-band will enhance your operating pleasure. Wide-band Receive coverage to 999* MHz with 3-Selectable Filters (AM, FM-N, FM-S), Keyboard or PC programmable, Rugged MIL-STD 810 Rated, CTCSS and DCS (Digital Coded Squelch), distinguish Yaesu as the world leader in amateur radio products.



Wide Multi-band Receive for the scanning enthusiasts 76-200, 300-540, 800-999* MHz (*Cellular blocked)
3-Selectable Rx modes (AM, FM-Narrow, FM-Standard)
Rugged MIL-STD 810 Rated for Shock and Vibration
Auto Range Transpond SystemTM (ARTS) uses DCS to automatically poll other stations, indicating if they are within simplex range.
Digital Coded Squelch (DCS) is used in the commercial industry, DCS provides 113 unique codes in addition to the standard CTCSS tones.
112 Memory Channels each stores offset, CTCSS/DCS & power level.

Alpha-Numeric Display up to 4 characters may be used to name each memory channel.
Digital DC Voltage Display monitors current battery voltage.
Full 5 Watts of Power Output with 4 selectable power levels (Available in 2 and 5 watt versions).
Automatic Tone Search (ATS) scans for DCS and CTCSS tones. (w/ FTT-12 installed)
Receive and Transmit Battery Savers built-in.
ADMS-1C« Windows« PC Programmable (available May 1996)
Keyboard and Menu Programming allows for simple FT-50R operation.
MARS/CAP Modifiable with proof of permits.

19-07-1998 FT-50r Problem

From: DL2ZBV @ DB0ULM.#BAY.DEU.EU (Harry)

hallo ft 50 Besitzer,

ich habe seit der HAM-RADIO auch so ein kleines Wunderwerk der Technik leider hatte ich schon die ersten Probleme damit, beim Empfang war alles klar und das Gerät schien in Ordnung .
Doch nun wollte ich natürlich auch mal ein QSO damit machen und rief ganz erwartungsvoll auf dem Relais in die Runde .......
Man reagierte erst garnicht weil man mich nicht gehört hat , als ich dann mal etwas mehr Hub machte (ich schrie ins Mikrofon) erkannte man mich und fing an mich zu bedauern ???
Meine Modulation war kaum zu verstehen und sehr leise was mich wiederum total fertig machte , ich dachte schon ich müßte das Gerät wieder zurück schicken und Ersatz verlangen . Zu Hause angekommen machte ich einige Versuche und war noch niedergeschlagener als aus den Kontrollempfänger fast nichts zu hören war. also , griff ich mir meine Lupe und untersuchte mal mein kleines Gerät und siehe da , ich fand auch gleich was ...
Man hatte doch tatsächlich das Loch für das Mikrofon nicht richtig gebohrt und so war schon klar , ich mußte das nach holen . Also Minibohrer her und frisch ans Werk. Sollte einer von Euch ebenso ein Problem haben , zeige ich hier wie ich mein Problem gelöst habe.

Ich ging folgendermaßen vor:

Akku abnehmen , den Aufkleber unten (grün) abnehmen , die beiden Schrauben lösen aber nicht ganz rausdrehen, mit den Schrauben die Tastatur nach vorne heraus schieben und dann die Schrauben ganz heraus nehmen .
Die beiden Bedienknöpfe oben abziehen und die Gummiverschlüße der Anschluß- buchsen rechts und links herausziehen , jetzt kann man mit einem kleinen Schraubendreher am unteren Ende das eigentliche Funkgerät aus dem Gehäuse heraushebeln und nach unten aus dem Gehäuse ziehen . Natürlich macht man das sehr vorsichtig um nichts zu zerstören.
Jetzt kann man mit einem kleinen Bohrer das Mikrofonloch aufbohren (0,5 mm) und das Gerät in umgekehrter Reihenfolge wieder zusammen setzen.
Sollte es dann immernoch zu leise sein braucht man einen winzigen Kreuz- schraubendreher um noch etwas nach zu regeln.

Um die Lautstärke (Hub) zu erhöhen braucht man das Gerät nicht wieder auseinander zu nehmen den man kommt an die beiden Poti`s auch so dran. wenn man den Akku noch nicht wieder aufgesetzt hat und das Gerät mit der Tastatur nach unten auf dem Tisch liegen hat (Antenne oben) erkennt man neben der linken Befestigungsschraube für die Tastatur zwei kleine Poti`s Der Poti direkt neben der Befestigungsschraube ändert die Empfindlichkeit des Mikrofones und der Poti daneben (rechts) ändert den Hub .
jetzt kann man selber entscheiden wie man da nun einstellt , ich habe mein Signal mit einem Kontrollempfänger und Kopfhöhrer abgehöhrt und die beiden Regler auf eine angenehme Lautstärke einreguliert.
Anschliessend habe ich mir bei den Funkfreunden die mich mit anderen Geräten kennen einige Raporte eingeholt und war mit mir zu frieden .

Eines sei noch gesagt , wer selber an seinem Gerät rumschraubt ist auch selbervvverantwortlich für das was er da tut. Was ich hier geschrieben habe ist nichts anderes als eine Beschreibung dessen was ich hier mit meinem Gerät gemacht habe. Also , nachmachen nur auf eigene Gefahr . Ich übernehme keine Garantie dafür das es bei Euch auch so klappt wie bei mir.

Ich jedenfalls habe mir so die leidige hin un her schickerei und den damit verbundenen Streß erspart und habe nun endlich meinen Spaß mit dem kleinen Seifenstück großen Gerät hi.

73 all Denen die diesen Text gelesen haben und tschüß DL2ZBV Harald

22-08-1998 FT-50 Game Mode

The FT-50R includes an interesting "game" that³s programmed into it. Here³s how it works:
  1. Power up the radio while holding down the MR key. (PWR + MR).
  2. The display will show GAME on the left side, and Spd 1 on the right. You³re in game mode!
  3. By rotating the knob, you can change the speed of the game. Higher numbers are faster.
  4. Press PTT to start the game.
  5. Numbers will start to scroll across the screen from left-to-right. As they come, you are supposed to push the number on the keypad that makes a sum of ten, followed by F.
    Example: 6 appears, press 4, F. If 0 appears, enter 10 followed by F.
  6. The game is over when the screen fills up with numbers.
  7. To exit the game, simply cycle the power.

03-01-1999 FT-50R Expanded Transmit 120-230, 315-505 MHz

  1. Remove battery
  2. Remove the Ni-Cd sticker
  3. Slowly lift off the keypad and carefully locate the jumper pads
  4. Locate and unsolder jumper number "1" (see picture below) it is a solder blob between 2 pads.
  5. Locate and unsolder surface mount resistor "A" (see picture below) be carefull!

    It is the first resistor on the from left
  6. Reinstall the keypad with the two screws
  7. Turn radio off
  8. Press down and hold the tuning knob and lamp button while turning on the radio.

    VIEW: looking down with keypad removed
            ***        ***
       =   *****   *   ***
      I *******************
       *  ---------------  *
      I* | [FREEBANDER]  | *
      I* | _____________ | *
       *       YAESU       *
      I*  ===============  *
      I*  ===============  *
       *  ===============  *
       *      ===========  *
       *                   *
       *  ---------------  *
       * | ABCDE         | *
       * | IIIII         | *
       * | : : :         | *
       * | 1 2 3         | *
       *  ---------------  *
  9. The vfo should display 144.000 Press FW. (this step may not be needed but it worked for me) Power off.
  10. Powerup with lamp/ptt/knob held down. It should now be in tune mode with something new (BAND= A 1) change it pressing the knob for 1/2 second and then turn the knob to FREE. (BAND=FREE)
  11. Power off and back on NOW RADIO DISPLAYS 50~540 590~1000 no gaps!!!
    (Dont change any other function or you could screw up alot of adjustments here) IT will tx where ever it locks. One radio 122~231 and 309~502 and another radio was 120-232mhz and 315-509mhz. This varies radio by radio.
    Tx is only miliwatts near the edges (DONT TX OUT OF BAND!!!).
    Rx locks after about 74mhz. it is very def in the 220 band tx is miliwatts. no tx above 502 but varies radio by radio.
  12. If you have the ADMS 1 software you should have a copy of what was in your radio.before you started.
  13. Copy from the radio. Save and name this file FREEBAND. This is to be saved as a clean copy for future use.
  14. Copy from the radio again (or just copy the file) name this file MERGE.
  15. Merge the old file to this file and send to radio.
  16. With your palms facing forward put your thumbs in your ears, wiggle your fingers and stick out your tongue at your Users manual while it is open to page 10.
  17. Then update page 10.
Dont make the FCC and Yaesu angry at you by trasmitting where you are not supposed to.

This information came from a Newsgroup message by Alan Judd, information gained from the Web Page at and my own attempts at restoring the radio using this FREEBAND Mod.
Please give Alan Judd great thanks for subjecting his radio to T&E R&D (trial and error research and development).

E. Scott Sykes

03-01-1999 Software mods for FT-50r. Mod any thing

This is a method to do any MOD to your FT50R. The procedure is very simple and fast done:
  1. You make a template from your FT50R
  2. Change 3 Bytes in the template
  3. Upload the template to your FT50R

So you can switch to any BAND, you don't have do hardware interventions or similar staff like pull the adapter cable out, ...

If you want do return the FT50R to its original state, just upload the old (unmodified) .TPL to the Unit.

Information and explanations:

All MOD's can be made by software only. To do the MOD's you need the ADMS 1C Software (I am using the 1.05 Version) and a HEX editor to manipulate the .TPL file (I am working with .TPL file's only) I am using HIEW 5.24 (Hacker's View) but any HEX editor will do the job (PCT, Norton, Multiedit, ... )

Everyone has noticed the problem after making same MOD's to the Unit that the old .TPL files can not be uploaded to the Unit any more.
There is a simple protection scheme (2 bytes) that prevents uploading a .TPL file from a different hardware configuration to the Unit.

This is a description how to bypass this protection. By uploading a .TPL file with different hardware configuration, ( from a other Unit or just to change the 2 bytes) the Unit will be assigned to this new configuration.

First a description of Terms and Positions:

1. Current_Byte

This is the Byte that tells the current Status (Hardware configuration) of the Rig, you can get this Byte as follows:

2. Key_Byte (Security Key)

The Key_Byte is at the same place as the Current_Byte, but in the .TPL file you intend to upload.
If you want to upload a .TPL File to the Rig, the Key_Byte must match the Current_Byte (that means that the Hardware configuration of the Unit and the .TPL file you intend to upload must be the same). Just change with the HEX Editor the Key_Byte of the .TPL file you intend to upload to be the Current_Byte and you can upload anything (any .TPL file) to the Rig.

!!! No more CERR Messages !!!

(As mentioned in 1. if you change the first byte, you have to change this)
(byte also (in the .TPL File you intend to upload) to be the same Byte as)
(in the Template you have just made to read the Current_Byte.)

3. Band-Set_Byte

This Byte tells the Rig to switch to Band XX (XX is a Nr.between 00 and 06) To change the Band simply change the Band-Set_Byte to the desired Number.
After Uploading the Modified .TPL File to the Rig, it switches to the desired Band and the Current_Byte becomes the Band-Set_Byte. That means if you want to upload later something else to the Rig, you have to change in the .TPL File you intend to upload the Key_Byte to the new Current_Byte (with the HEX Editor).
The Sub_Band-Set_Byte tells the Rig in with Sub Band to switch (see Table) *The byte (0CE6) is usually 07, rare 03 or same other number.


Now, to do a band change do as follows:
and so on ...

Here are the MOD's (Band's) available:

      I 00   01   02   03   I <- Sub_Band-Set_Byte (Address 0CE8)
   00 I F1   F2a  F2b  F3   I
   01 I A1   A2a  A2b  A3   I
   02 I B1   B2a  B2b  B3   I
   03 I C1   C2a  C2b  C3   I
   04 I D1   D2a  D2b  D3   I
   05 I H1   H2a  H2b  H3   I
   06 I FrEE FrEE FrEE FrEE I
    ^ Band-Set_Byte (Address 0CE7)
When you set the Rig in a band (with the Band-Set_Byte) then you can switch from Sub Band X1 to X3 (if solder jumper 1 removed) with the key sequence:

The TX for the X3 Bands is:
 BAND SUB_Band    TX
    F        3    120-222 320-500
    A        3    140-174 420-470
    B        3    140-174 420-470
    C        3    140-174 420-470
    D        3    144-146 432-438
    H        3    144-148 430-450
 FrEE              50-300 300-540*
* It will TX from aprox. 118-233 and 312-508 RX from aprox.71-540 and 600-999 depending from the Unit.

The Sub Bands 1,2a and 2b are with restriction variations in TX and RX and I am to tiered to examine them closely and write them down. I guess that they are not very interesting.

ARS lost - effect

The FT50R has e BAND_PLAN like database and depending for witch country your unit is configured (A,B,C,D & H) it is using the repeater database? from his Memory for that country.

It is understandable that for the BAND_FrEE and BAND_F (TX:120-221&320-499) there is no data in the database because those band's are not for any specific country. That is why the ARS does not work any more, and not? same mess up (magic) in the memory of the unit.

That does not mean that it is not possible to enter additional data to the ARS memory database (I am working on it).

If you want to use the ARS again you just have to switch it into any ordinary country BAND_X and it will work again.

Original .TPL file

If you don't have a original .TPL file, you can make (improvise) one:
  1. Start the ADMS 1C software
  2. Goto the File Menu and save a .RDF file as original.rdf (don't download anything from the Unit, don't use a template)
  3. Change with a HEX editor the first 3 bytes from RDF to TPL
  4. Set the Key_Byte in this file to be the Current_Byte of your Unit
  5. Rename the original.rdf to original.tpl
  6. Start the ADMS 1C and upload the original.tpl to the Unit.

This will switch your unit to BAND A1 (USA), ARS will work again !


Don't TX and RX at frequencies that you are not allowed to! I do not guarantee the validity of this information, as Yaesu may change programming or hardware so that some of the techniques in this document may cease to function. I am not responsible if these instructions damage your rig in some way. All I can say is that I have performed the following procedures to my unit, and I am quite pleased with the results. Your mileage may vary, etc.

Some newsgrups messages.

Subject: Re: FT50R Software MOD's
From: [email protected] (Ingra-Beton)
Date: 26 Mar 1997 08:21:18 GMT

Just e short explanation of the Message I've send:

It is a Method to do any MOD to your FT50R.
The procedure is very simple and fast done:

1. You make a Template from your FT50R
2. Change 3 Bytes in the Template
3. Upload the Template to your FT50R

So you can switch to any BAND, you don't have do
Hardware interventions or similar staff.

If you want do return the FT50R to its Original
state, just upload the old (unmodified) .TPL
to the Unit.

It is also a solution to Upload your old .TPL
files to the Unit, (those files your are not
able to Upload after making Hardware MOD's)


PS. I need various .TPL Files from
    different FT50R's for my further
    investigations, please send
    me a couple of .TPL files
    - The Original
    - After making same MOD's
    - any other
    (I still need the 1.04)

To: [email protected]
Subject: FT50 Freeband
From: [email protected] (Ingra-Beton)
Date: 2 Apr 1997 07:07:40 GMT

> Mark Grandstaff wrote:
> O.K. I read through all the info on mods for the FT-50R and am more
> confused than ever.
> My goal is to get expanded transmit and expanded receive (freeband)
> operation.
> I have a newer model (SN begins 6L12) so I realize that "pulling the
> plug" won't work to achieve freeband.  I assume that the expanded Tx
> MARS/CAP mod of unsoldering the jumper #1 will work though.  In an
> article submitted by E. Scott Sykes in addition to the jumper
> modification he suggests unsoldering the resister at location "A" to
> achieve a freeband state.  Is this part of the "pulling the plug
> method"? What is the purpose of this resister?  Is this recommended with
> the newer radios?
> It looks as though my best option to get to the freeband state is to
> first do the MARS/CAP mod as described by Bill Childers (unsolder jumper
> #1) then follow the software suggestions outlined by Ingra-Beton
> (3/26/97).  Any comments?
> --
> Mark Grandstaff  KF7JA  [email protected]

I have a newer model also, the articles by Scott Sykes work's just fine.
It is not a part of the "pulling the plug method".

You just remove the solder jumper 1 and the freeband resistor and it's

The removal of the solder jumper 1 is hardware enabling of the 
sequence "hold down LAMP and KNOB by powering on"
(You can switch from BAND_X1 to BAND_X3) 
(usually MARS/CAP)

The removal of the freeband resistor is hardware enabling of the
sequence "Hold down LAMP and PTT and KNOB by powering on" 
When you see BAND_X1, push KNOB for 1/2 sec. and rotate.
(You can switch  BAND A , B, C , D , H , F or FrEE)

With the hardware MOD's you will not have the ability to switch
to the xxa and xxb BAND's (you probably not need them anyway)

If you don't want to make any hardware MOD's you can use the
software MOD's, you can have any BAND you want, you will only 
not have the ability to switch from one BAND to another becouse
the hardware switches are not enabled.

Of course you can use the hardware and software MOD's together. 

23-04-2000 VFO access blocking mod
Author: Bryce P Rumery - [email protected]

This mod applies to either the FT-10 or FT-50.

Once programmed the radio can be set to block out access to VFO and frequency display. Only memory channel names will be displayed. User can not switch to a frequency not programmed into memory.

With radio off press & hold LAMP & PTT simultaneously and power radio on.
To switch radio back into VFO available mode repeat the process.

73, Bryce, K1GAX