Below are plots which show the early morning SR 80m QSOs for the last 9 years vs. UTC time plotted together with the VE6WZ Sunrise.  I wanted to see how the QSO's are distributed compared to SR.  I needed to break down the plot into THREE charts: 200-2003, 2003-2006 and 2006-2010, because one graph was too big.  All QSOs above the SR line are obviously post SR QSO's.  Looking at the charts and analyzing the data, it seems like the latest post-SR QSO is XV2JR (3W) at 1:24 hrs after SR. There are 256 post SR QSO's out of 726 total QSO's (after 13:00z) or 35%. There are times when a DX station has already been worked, but continues to be good copy later, but this time will not get included in the dataset since he was worked earlier so the "post sunrise" QSO count will be somewhat understated in this analysis.