The Victoria-Haliburton Amateur Radio Association serves the amateur radio needs of it's members and the City of Kawartha Lakes as well as Haliburton County.

The Association is open to all Amateur Radio operators and SWL's interested in promoting the Ham Radio hobby.


The Association owns and operates three 2 meter FM voice repeaters, VE3LNZ and VE3LNZ Fusion (located in Grasshill) and VA3MIN (located in Eagle Lake). In addition we offer a Packet Radio Node (VE3LNZ),  APRS Station (VE3LNZ-3)  and an IRLP Node.


General meetings are held once a month, on the last Tuesday of the month (excluding July, August and December). The monthly Club meetings are now being held using the Zoom video meetings. The Link to the VHARA Zoom meeting is emailed out to members ahead of time and posted on the webpage.

 Guests are always welcome so drop by for one of our meetings and see what we're all about!


Social events are held throughout the year including Field Day, Fox Hunts and picnics. In the past, some of our community service events have included Talk To Santa By Ham Radio Day (in the Lindsay Square Mall), participation in the Lindsay Santa Clause parade, JOTA (Boy Scouts Jamboree On The Air) and school presentations to all ages on the hobby of Amateur Radio.


Note!   Please use the official web page address,   , to type in the address bar of your web browser, to bring up the correct vhara web page.

The VHARA web page is hosted at the, web site



VE3LNZ   ( 147.195 MHz + , Tone  156.7 Hz  )    With optional Linked Access to the COARC system

VE3LNZ Fusion  ( 146.925 MHz - ), CTCSS Tone  156.7

VA3MIN   (145.210 MHz -)    With optional Linked Access to VE3LNZ


Packet Node:

VE3LNZ   (145.050 MHz S)    1200 BAUD User Port linked to 19.2 Kb Back-Bone


APRS Station:



IRLP Node:




VE3LNZ-R     Node 748673


Event Call Signs:




New - To be able to operate on the VE3LNZ repeater, you will need to program the LNZ frequency on your transceiver with an input Tone of 156.7 Hz


Club Monthly Meeting, Feb. 25, 2025  Tuseday evening 6:30 pm. Location - Lindsay Library, Kent St., downstairs.  6:30 to 7:30 pm

A few of us usually meetup for dinner, at the Bistro Restaurant on Queen St. in Lindsay, at 5 pm, on the day of the Club meeting.


VHARA Fox Hunt - TBD


VHARA Field Day June 2025 - TBD


Link To VHARA Membership Registration  -   Cash donations are greatfully accepted, to help maintain the Club repeater and equipment. Please email

Bill VE3WAH, VHARA President,  ( replace the _at_  with @  ) for the VHARA Club etransfer  email address.



New ARRL portal website for contests -


From the Archives:


2019 VHARA Swap Meet Photos


Indoor Vendors


indoor vendor


ross ve3rqn


Outdoor Tailgaters





Free Door Prizes

door prizes





Paid Draw Prizes

RadioWorld Gift Cards, Canadian Tire Lindsay, Home Hardware Lindsay

paid draw prizes

Food Basics Lindsay gift card, Neabors Restaurant Lindsay Mall meal certificate, Swiss Chalet Lindsay food cards, etc.

paid draw2



Items of Interest:


School Boys Who Cracked The Soviet Secret - an excellent Nova episode, found on YouTube, that shows how, in the 1960's, a British science school teacher and another teacher who was an Amateur Radio operator and their students, found out the Soviet space satellites were spying on North America by taking satellite photos.

The teachers and students cobbled together, amateur radio receivers to listen in on the radio signals from the Soviet satellites. From the charcteristics of these radio signals, the group was able to deduce that the Soviet satellites were probably taking photos of the United States and also that the Soviets had begun using a new launch site for their satellites.

Do a search on the YouTube website, to find the video.


Remote HF Vertical Antenna  -  A new remote hf vertical antennae has been installed at the Grasshill repeater site.

Thank you to Doug VE3ATP and Vic VE3JAR for providing the antenna and doing the install!!!

remote hf antenna

remote hf antenna2

remote hf antenna3

remote hf antenna4



VE3LNZ Antenna Change Out, Grasshill Repeater Site, Sept. 24, 2016 - Tower climbers, Martin VE3PWR and Doug VE3ATP.  Ground crew, Mark VE3LJQ and Bill VE3WAH


doug martin





 Nuts and Volts - website/magazine for the electronics hobbyist.  This is a terrific website/magazine




VHARA Contact Information:


Mailing Address:


PO Box 321

Bobcaygeon, Ontario

K0M 1A0



Bill   VE3WAH

email (replace _at_, with @ )

photos, information, etc, for posting on the vhara webpage, are always welcome


RAC Region:

Ontario East (ONE)












