++++++++++++++++++ From: Marteinn Sverrisson Date: Sun, 11 May 2003 17:07:20 +0000 To: elecraft at mailman.qth.net Subject: [Elecraft] morse.tcl - a simple MORSE terminal for K2 Hi All I have just written a very basic morse terminal which uses the internal keyer of the K2 to send morse code. The program is only 160 lines of TCL/TK code and can be run on any Linux/X11 computer with serial interface. There are two windows, one for entering text and another showing the text sent to the K2. Words are sent to the K2 when spacebar or newline are entered. There are also 12 buttons with user configured texts, callsign, cq, qth, etc. The programs can be found on: http://www.raunvis.hi.is/~matti/TF3MA/MAMorse.html http://www.raunvis.hi.is/~matti/TF3MA/MATerm.html 73 Matti, TF3MA tf3ma_at_raunvis.hi.is ++++++++++++++++++++