LED Clock

This project is a simple 6 digit LED clock, which reads out HH:MM:SS. In a way it is a ridiculous project, since you can buy LED clocks for next to nothing today, but it was motivated partly by my need for a project to start going with AVR microcontrollers, and by the fact that I bought six large one inch LED displays at the surplus store. This project uses an AVR ATMega48, and a NJU6355 real time clock chip, which I had worked with before. 

(The NJU6355 is no longer available. I used a DS1302 in this project, it could be used as a substitute here.)

By the way, the ATMega48 is running with the internal clock at 8 MHz. I am driving 6 LED digits from the Timer0 interrupt handler, switching digits every 2 ms.

Download C source code for the LED clock

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