Canadian Flag

Project Definition

This project will provide Radio Amateurs with official Environment Canada notification of severe weather.  APRS Stations will then "relay" the data to the APRS Network.  In doing so, they can provide an additional service to the general public, the communities they serve (ARES) and it can also be used by Canwarn, as a secondary method of communications.  During network conditions yellow and red, it would be very useful to the Canwarn Network Controller to know exactly where Canwarn stations (identified by an eyeball icon) are located in relationship to a storm's radar image.  Specific weather information could then be acquired / exchanged, using either the voice network, APRS messaging, or APRS weather observations may be read direct from the station weather instruments.  While radio amateurs are already sharing weather reports and notifications on APRS, this project would be such that only official E.C. information would be released.

The first phase of this project is to manually send the information to APRS.  The second phase would be to connect with E.C. via the Internet, and automate the process.  That would allow E.C. complete control of the notification.  Graphic data indicating affected weather areas would be relayed from E.C. to the APRS Network across Canada, or to specific locations served by APRS Stations.

Any APRS equipped station can receive these broadcasts.  Currently, in southern Ontario, about 200 radio amateur stations are using APRS at any time of the day.

For more information or to inquire as to how you might contribute your skills and talents to the project, email [email protected]

The following images are intended to demonstrate the adage "A picture is worth a thousand words."   If you don't have a high speed connection, it would be ok to slip out and open an 807, soft drink, or brew a coffee.  Sorry, but I wanted you to see APRS quality images.

Buffalo Long Range Radar - No Stations

This is a Buffalo NY - Long Range Radar image indicating storm conditions.  APRS Stations have been removed for clarity.
The yellow dashed line is the standard for a Thunderstorm Watch Condition.  It has been drawn and published to the APRS Network by VA3LKI, an APRS station.  An automated process would see duplications of Environment Canada graphics superimposed on the map graphic.
If a weather warning (Thunderstorm / Tornado) were to be issued within these boundaries, a separate area would be designated - a solid yellow line for the Thunderstorm Warning, and a solid red line for a Tornado Warning.  

Buffalo Long Range Radar - With Stations

This is the same Buffalo NY - Long Range Radar image with selected APRS Stations being shown for clarity.
Note the Area Object icon for a Thunderstorm and the description of WX WATCH.  It has been published to the APRS Network by an APRS station.

Buffalo Short Range Radar - With Stations

This is the Buffalo NY - Short Range Radar image with selected APRS Stations being shown for clarity.
Note the Area Object icon for a Thunderstorm and the description of WX WATCH.  It has been published to the APRS Network by an APRS station.

Buffalo Short Range Radar - All Stations

This is the another Buffalo NY - Short Range Radar image (a short time later) with all APRS Stations that were in range of the receiving station (VA3LKI)
at time of image capture.  It does not represent all of the stations in the APRS Network.

King Radar - No Stations

This is the King ON Radar image indicating storm conditions.  APRS Stations have been removed for clarity.
The yellow dashed lined is the standard for a Thunderstorm Watch Condition.  It has been drawn and published to the APRS Network by an APRS station.

King Radar - With Stations

This is the King ON Radar image indicating storm conditions.  Some APRS Stations have been inserted for reference.

Political Map - No Stations

This is a political map showing portions of South / Central Ontario, East Michigan, Ohio and NY.  The boundary indicates a Thunderstorm Watch Area.

Political Map - With Stations

The same political map with some APRS stations inserted for reference.

The following maps do not do justice to their potential, and will be very useful during winter weather conditions.  When the road condition data is published, APRS users will be able to see the winter weather impact on road conditions relative to station locations.  This will be tested further later in the year.

Road Conditions - No Stations

This image shows a portion of a Weather Watch boundary.  In winter it is likely to be relative to severe snow storm or blizzard conditions.
The icon that will accompany the WX WATCH will indicate the type of watch condition.

Road Conditions - With Stations

The same image with APRS Stations for reference.