The Wireless Set No. 19 Homepage

Whiskeytown Wireless Collection
By Chris Bisaillion, VE3CBK

Chris has more 19 Set equipment (and other vintage military gear) than you can shake an antenna at! It was my pleasure and privilege to visit him and his collection in November of 1999. (Final photo in the series is me, VE3BDB, enjoying the surroundings!)

Finally, the photos have been posted. But this shows just some of the collection. (I hope more will follow, as Chris' XYL Debbie is an excellent photog!) I apologize for the distortion in some of the pics. It seems to be browser-related.

If you wish undistorted copies, just go to followed by the file name of the individual picture, which you may obtain from 'properties' or 'view image' by right clicking on the individual photo. For example, the opening photo file name is ve3cbk_1.jpeg so you could see it by going to

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