My portable instalation

Subaru Outback Sport 2004

Inside, the detachable front of the FT-100D is instaled in the console below the car radio
The radio itself is under the driver seat.

For mobile operation, I use the ATAS-120 on HF band
and a COMET SSB5 double-band on VHF-UHF.
There is also a quarter wave antenna on the roof for APRS.

For portable operaion at lighthouse, I put up an home-made Valor hamstick dipole.
The mast mount fits in the trailer hitch.
The Idea for the dipole come from the May 2003 QST issue (Volume 87 Number 5) "A Small, Portable Dipole for Field Use"
but I made a different design to save some weight.
You can also find the article at
The mast base is from the same issue, look at "The Black Widow--A Portable 15 Meter Beam".

Operating at Sainte-Pétronille, Île d'Orléans, QC CAN-997 january 4th 2004
with the Subaru RS-2.5