Wave Front

Official Newsletter of the
Virginia Beach
Amateur Radio Club

ISSUE # 219 Amateur Radio Station W4UG March 1999

Ron’s Ramblings

There are so many exciting things going on with Ham Radio and VBARC. The program on “Repeaters” at our last meeting was very informative and interesting. We thank Wally, WA4KXV for that fine presentation. At our next meeting we will hear about “Navy Battle Group Communications,” and in May Microsoft will tell us what is happening in the world of computer software. APRS activity is growing; sunspots this month are the highest since 1992. There are new DX Countries to work (Palestine E44DX). Operators are needed for the Shamrock Marathon, the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel Special Event Station, and the Norwegian Lady Special Event Station. Instructors are also needed for Amateur Radio Classes. The Chesapeake Springfest is just around the corner. The list goes on and on. Grab a piece of the action. If you need technical help or have an operational question, contact a board member for assistance. If they cannot help, they will find someone who can.

Terry, KE4ZHV, has volunteered to do VBARC publicity. He is currently working on the VBARC information flier. Vic, W4VIC is our liaison with Virginia Wesleyan College and W4VWC. Mark, KC4TZN is our Field Day Chairman. These are new volunteers/appointments. The board continues to explore new ways to attract new members and provide education, fun, and excitement for all members. We welcome your comments. Talk to your board members and let them know what you enjoy and what you would like to see VBARC do in the future. I would like to encourage each of you to invite people to visit one of our meetings – people you meet on the air locally, work associates that show interest in your hobby, and ham friends that have become inactive. Many hams do not belong to clubs because they think that clubs are boring. Let’s show them why our members come early and stay late!

73, Ron, W8RJL


The Foundation For Amateur Radio, Inc. plans to administer 66 scholarships to assist licensed Radio Amateurs. For more info contact Charlie, W1WTG or Jeremy, KO4SJ.

1999 Dues are Due

Check your mailing label, if it shows a 98 next to the first line in your address then we do not have your 98 dues registered as being paid in our mailing database. If You have renewed and this mailing does not reflect your renewal please notify the treasurer of the discrepancy. Please be prompt in renewing to help in keeping our membership list up to date. This will be your last newsletter if dues are not paid before the April mailing.

V.B.A.R.E.S. Needs You!!!!!!!!

The Virginia Beach ARES needs all Tidewater Hams to help with the largest public service event in the area for the year. The 27th annual Shamrock Sportsfest will be on Saturday, March 20. This will be the 21st year that hams have provided communications for the event. This year we will again be VHF, UHF, Packet, and APRS. There will be 3 different races overlapping each other. VBARES can not do it alone, we need help from the whole STARES area to cover all mile markers, water stations, and race officials. Tell a friend we need his help also.
There will be a pre-race meeting Thursday, March 18th, at 7:00 pm at the Virginia Beach Pavilion. We will be giving out assignments, maps, and t-shirts at this time. Tom Moore WS9B will be leading the training class. There will be sign-up sheets at the next club meetings. Sign -up early to reserve your favorite spot. If you can not make a meeting, please call me at 497-1235 or contact me on 146.97 repeater.

Al Crawford, WA4TCJ, EC

Chesapeake Hamfest

CARS will have their annual Chesapeake Hamfest on 24 April. For more info contact Charlie, W1WTG. 

thanks and 73
Charlie W1WTG

V.B.A.R.C. General Meeting Minutes
February 4, 1999

The general meeting of the Virginia Beach Amateur Radio Club was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Ron – W8RJL, President. A special welcome was extended to Jake Harvey – N4JH and students from ECPI who were visiting this month’s club meeting. Self-introductions of over 100 attendees included the number of years licensed as an amateur radio operator – the shortest being 3 weeks and the longest 63 years. There is no doubt that those who are exploring the hobby or currently studying were encouraged by our diverse and skilled group of members.

Mike – KF4ZAE, Vice President, introduced our speaker, Wally Burkett – WA4KXV, former President. Wally briefly shared the history of repeaters followed by a slide presentation that expounded on the specifics of the VBEARS repeater system. It was interesting to see the equipment and towers and learn how everything works together to allow us to communicate efficiently in the Tidewater area.

Anne – KF4NHJ presented the Treasurer’s Report and Proposed 1999 Budget. Al – WA4TCJ made a motion to accept the budget as printed, Steve – WA8AHV seconded, motion carried. In order to keep the club roster up-to-date, every member is encouraged to contact Anne or John – KA2OXE with any changes in name, address, phone number, call sign, or email address.
Diane – KF4ZAD distributed copies of the January 1999 Board Minutes as submitted to permanent records. Ron – N4WYR pointed out an error in his call sign. Ed – KN4KL made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected, Sandy – KF4YZY seconded, motion carried. A report of secretarial activities for the month included: completion of the annual State Corporation Commission paperwork and filing fees, updated information on the ARRL club page, and correspondence with ARRL regarding the club’s Special Services Certification (SSC) which lapsed the end of 1997.

The following announcements were made:
1. Shamrock Marathon – Scheduled for March 20. Training will be at the Pavilion on Thursday, March 18 at 7:00 p.m. Anyone interested in helping with this event should contact Al – WA4TCJ as soon as possible. (He currently has 1/3 of all the help needed for this event.)
2. Virginia Wesleyan Radio Club –Geared for youth and students. Equipment and antennas are in place, and the station will be operating as W4VWC for the School Club Round-Up, Monday through Friday, February 8-12. Anyone interested in helping in the station is encouraged to contact Charlie – W1WTG and Vic – W4VIC.
3. Upcoming VE Sessions – Portsmouth – February 6; CARTS – February 11 and March 11; VBARC – March 27.
4. Chesapeake Spring Fest – April 24 beginning at 5:30 a.m. Cost is $5; tailgating is allowed.
5. Novice Classes – Portsmouth Club – February 24 for 10 weeks; VBARC – May 1 for 6 weeks (with a week off over the Memorial Day holiday).
6. FIST CW Novice Contest – February 12 – 15
7. Publicity Chairperson – VBARC is looking for someone to coordinate publicity for club events.
8. Amplifier for Sale – Vernon – W4THN has an 80–10 MHz amplifier for sale.
9. VBARC Web Page – Ron – N4WYR has been updating the VBARC web page. All club members who are interested in having their picture and biographical sketch included on the site should contact Ron for details.
10. Scholarships – The Foundation for Amateur Radio, Inc. is offering scholarships to all licensed Amateurs meeting requirements specified for each award. Contact Charlie – W1WTG for more information and application forms.
11. CW Handouts – Don – W4ZYT has written and is making available a handout called “Tips on Learning Morse Code”. Be sure to pick up a copy.

The winner of this month’s 50/50 ($43) was Alan – KG4BKP. John – KA2OXE made a motion the meeting be adjourned, Melessa – KC4FBR seconded, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.

Diane – KF4ZAD
VBARC Secretary

V.B.A.R.C. Board Meeting Minutes
February 18, 1999

The Board meeting of the Virginia Beach Amateur Radio Club came to order at 7:30 p.m. Officers attending were: Ron Y. - W8RJL, President; Mike - KF4ZAE, Vice President; Diane - KF4ZAD, Secretary; and Anne - KF4NHJ, Treasurer. Board members attending were: Wally - WA4KXV, Al - WA4TCJ, David - KF4NMK, Charlie - W1WTG, Ron T. - N4WYR, Lew - W4BLO, and John - KA2OXE. Guests included: Terry - KE4ZHV and Mark - KC4TZN.
Mike announced upcoming program speakers for general meetings: March – U.S. Navy Battle Group Communication with Lt. Commander Steve Carlisle; April – QSLing with Don Lynch; May – Microsoft Office 2000 with the local Microsoft representative. 
Lew reported that Miami’s Hamfest earlier this month had a better than expected turnout by the general public and good dealer participation. Charlie was able to attend the Orlando Hamfest and observed that they did not have the same positive results as Miami partly due to higher prices for tables and lack of forums or programs. Charlie also has tickets for the Chesapeake Springfest April 24.
The next Tech classes are scheduled to begin May 1 through June 12 (with a week off for the Memorial Day holiday weekend). Anyone interested in being an instructor for these classes should contact John. A VBARC VE test session is scheduled for June 12. John will include updated roster in next month’s newsletter.
This year’s Field Day Chairman is Mark. The park has been reserved for June 25-27. Mark will be recruiting station captains over the next few weeks. A training session will be planned about a month before field day.
Ron T. announced that the club web site has been moved to www.qsl.net/vbarc. Charlie made a motion to donate $10 to the web host for this year, Wally seconded, motion carried. Board members discussed equipment needed to conduct VBARC VE test sessions. Ron made a motion to purchase a tape player, headphones, speakers, and cables totaling $99, John seconded, motion carried.
Ron Y. updated the Board on the progress of Virginia Wesleyan Radio Club. VBARC is working with this newly organized club (W4VWC) in an effort to introduce students to amateur radio and to offer activities and technical skills. The Board appointed Vic as official liaison between VBARC and Virginia Wesleyan. Vic is currently writing a report for submission to the college in an effort to obtain a permanent location for the club station in the school. Details concerning the scope and function of the club will be passed on to VBARC in the near future.
Wally announced that computer equipment has been donated as a result of the repeater presentation; voice features should be working once again very soon.
Diane reported secretarial responsibilities completed for the month: the completion of the SCC yearly filing, submission of the yearly club report, update of the ARRL club page, and progress on the SSC application process. Board members will review supporting documents needed for SSC certification and forward comments to Diane for final submission of paperwork to ARRL. 
Our new 1st Contact Certificate program coordinator is David. More information should be available next month.
Terry was designated as the new Public Information Officer (PIO) for VBARC. He will coordinate publicity for club events through magazines, newspapers, and other area media. ARRL tapes will be reviewed and special VBARC videos may be produced for possible use in television/cable publicity spots. He will also develop a new VBARC brochure for local distribution.
Anne and Ron Y. announced that an estate of HAM equipment is being evaluated for sale. A listing of equipment and prices should be available at the March general meeting.
Al reported that several old pieces of club equipment stored at the location of John (W4HDW) have been moved and is being evaluated for current use or disposal. Board members approved the purchase of gummed stickers in the amount of $14 to replace staples used for newsletters. This change is per postal service request, and the supply should last two years.
The March Board meeting will be moved to Monday, March 15 to accommodate the Shamrock Marathon Training Session March 18 at the Pavilion. Diane made a motion that the meeting adjourn, Anne seconded, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Diane KF4ZAD
V.B.A.R.C. Secretary

VE Exam Session March 27

VBARC will sponsor a VE exam session Saturday, March 27th. It will be at 9:00 AM in the Graybeale 1 room of the Village II complex at Virginia Wesleyan College. Exam elements for all license classes, both written and cw, will be given. Pre-registration is encouraged. Contact Melessa Errington, KC4FBR, at 430-3948 or email to [email protected] to register.

I will be contacting VE's to help out from the list of those who helped at the December exam. If you are an ARRL VE who would like to help us out, please contact me at (252) 435-6805, or email to [email protected].

73 de Ron Thomas N4WYR
VE Team Liaison

VBARC World Wide Web Page

The VBARC web page has a new address. It is http://www.qsl.net/vbarc. 

We are making regular updates and announcements on this page, so check it out regularly. Please write a ham radio biography of yourself concerning your ham radio interests and expertise, and send it to me at [email protected]. Also send any ham radio photos of yourself, your station, your antennas, and so on. I will link the photos and biographies to the club roster. If you don't have a scanner, I can scan them in and return your original photos. And thanks to Al Waller K3TKJ for providing free space with no advertising for our web page. If you would like to post a free ham radio personal web page of your own, go to http://www.qsl.net and read their instructions on starting your web page.

73 de Ron Thomas N4WYR
Web Page Editor

Sunshine Committee

As the Sunshine person I would like to take this opportunity to tell everyone a little about the position. The sunshine person sends cards from V.B.A.R.C to those members who are sick, in the hospital or those who have recently lost a loved one. In order to do my job I need help from the membership. If you know of anyone who falls under any of these categories please contact me at 468-9166. Thank you and stay well. 

For Sale

2 NC-18B wall chargers for _09 series and -727 ht's $5 each.
1 NC 15 desk quick charger; $20.
1 headset /w boom mic $15 
All purchases help support the kc4jgc 223.14/224.74 repeater in Norfolk. Contact [email protected] or leave msg on pager 527-8849

Norwegian Lady Special Event

The special event will be from 1700Z 27 March to 1700Z March 28. The Norwegians will use LA5M and the beach club will use W4UG. Page 6 of the March CQ provides more details. For more information contact: W1WTG/KN4KL/KE4AZL.

The Norwegian Lady statue is a bronze replica of the figure-head that was on the bow of the barque "Dictator", homeported in Moss, Norway. The Dictator was bound for Boston from Pensacola with a cargo of Georgia Pine when she was caught in a disabling storm in the Atlantic. The barque was heading to Hampton Roads for repairs when she was caught is a second gale and wrecked at Virginia Beach (near 37th Street on March 27, 1891.)

Crews from Cape Henry and Seatack lifesaving stations as well as beach residents and hotel guests responded to the mariners in distress. High winds and seas seriously hampered efforts to secure a buoy line to the vessel. Four crewman desperately tried to reach shore in the ships' dinghy but drowned when the dinghy capsized.

Captain J.M. Jorgenson was able to float a line ashore to the surfmen who then attached a breeches buoy and hauled it back to the ship. After the breeches buoy had brought several sailors safely ashore, Captain Jorgenson tried to send his pregnant wife, Johanna on the buoy. But she refused to leave without their 4 year old son, Carl. The captain sent another crewman to shore with instructions to the surfmen to send a lifeboat to rescue the others. The surfmen could not send a lifeboat because of the treacherous sea.

Night fell and still no lifeboat was launched. The bouy line became entangled in the ships' rigging and the barque was breaking up. In desperation, the captain lashed his wife between the rungs of a thirty foot ladder with a life buoy. He then lashed his son to his back, jumped onte the ladder and pushed it overboard. Mrs. Jorgenson was washed away by a mountainous wave. Captain Jorgenson was found by patroling surfmen in the surf, exhausted and unable to walk. Three other lives were lost in the disaster.Johanna and Carl Jorgenson were buried at Elmwood Cemetary in Norfolk. 

Captain Jorgenson continued to sail the seas for many years after the wreck. He often visited the site of the wreck and his family's graves whenever his ship tied up at Norfolk or Baltimore.

The weathered figurehead of the Dictator washed ashore near the Pribncess Anne Hotel where it was found by a guest. The figurehead, which became known as the "Norwegian Lady" was erected at 16th Street where it stood until 1953. In 1961, a local effort began to fund a permanent memorial. An article on the tragedy was published in "Norwegian Magazine of the Seas", then was broadcast throughout Norway on radio and television. This caught the attention of city officials in Moss. The citizens of Virginia Beach and Moss responded with enough contributions to commission twin bronze "sister" statues.

Dedication ceremonies were held simultaneously in Virginia Beach and Moss; the Norwegian Lady statues were unveiled on September 22, 1962. One stands at 25th Street; the other stands at the harbor entrance at Moss, facing each other across the sea.

Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel
35th Anniversary
Special Event Station K4V

The Virginia Beach and Portsmouth Amateur Radio Clubs will be operating a special event station on 17-18 April 1999. This special event is done every five years to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the opening of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel. We will be operating from both home stations and the first island of the bridge tunnel. The station on the first island will begin operating on Sunday 18 April at 1300 and last till 1900 or what ever.

Frequencies  CW  Phone 
80 meters  3.700  3.878 
40 meters  7.130  7.270 
20 meters  14.040  14.270 
15 meters  21.150  21.370 
10 meters  28.200  28.363 
2 meters    146.550 

Those who are interested in helping operate these stations can contact Butch, KE4AZL 481-9294 or Ed, KN4KL 486-3597.

For Sale

AMERITRON AL-811 HF Linear Amplifier. Like New Condition, covers 160-15, all the new HF bands. An AUX position for 10 mtr conv. Only $400. Three 811 tubes give 600Watts CW power out or 1000 PEP. Only used on 80 meters, several other bands unexplored. Remember, that first 600 Watts makes all the difference in busting through the QRM. Call Vernon, W4THN, at 495-1541.

My First CW Contact

There is NO mistaking – those first radio contacts are experiences we never seem to forget. Remember back to the day when…

There you are, all set – the radio and keyer are on, “cheat sheets” predominantly located, a big pad of paper sitting in front of you, and a fresh pen ready to copy. Tonight is going to be the night of your very first CW contact – that is, if somebody is calling CQ slowly enough for you to copy. There’s no way YOU are going to initiate the first contact! You slowly turn the dial. Nope, too fast. No, too faint. Uh-uh, can’t copy that one at all. Oh well, maybe not tonight.

Then you hear it, nice and slow – CQ CQ CQ. Believe it or not, you can actually copy the call sign! Maybe someone else will answer. Again you hear it – CQ CQ CQ. Still there. You’ve GOT to respond. Your heart begins to pound. Your fingers feel like ice even though your hands are all sweaty. Your brain seems to have locked up. And the room suddenly becomes very warm. This is going to be impossible!

Timidly, falteringly you respond to the call. Maybe he’s gone. But no, there he is with his name, location and rst report. You actually copied it. Wow! That’s fantastic. But now it’s your turn. Somehow you key your report back and let him know he’s your very first CW contact. You wonder if he was able to copy any of that mess! Hopefully he will understand and be forgiving of all your mistakes. 

He graciously slows down even more and praises you for your efforts. He, too, remembers his first contact (though long ago) and encourages you to stick with it. As the QSO continues, you begin to relax a little. This isn’t so bad. It seems like the conversation goes on forever. Your hand becomes tired. Your mind begins to fog over. Perhaps it’s time to call it quits for the night. You thank him for being so patient with you; he says he looks forward to working you again another time.

There! You did it! Your very first CW contact in the log book! All that hard work learning those dit’s and dah’s paid off. You can actually communicate with someone using that stuff! “Hey, world, I did it!” It was fun! Now you’re looking forward to your second contact – well, maybe it can wait until tomorrow! You’ve had enough excitement for one night!

— Diane KF4ZAD

For Sale - from the estate of 
Henry Howard, KE4JDZ

Icom 736 HF+6 mtrs $1200, Yaseau FT5200 & ant $350, Radio Shack HTX-202 VHF portable $125, MFJ 949E ant tuner $100, Astron RS-20A power supply $80, Kantronics Packet Comm 3 Ver 6.0 $75, MFJ 1272BYV mic/tnc switch $20, MFJ 557 key/code practice $15, GC Electronics Pwr/SWR meter $20, 6 mtr gain GP antenna $25, 6 meter 5 ele yagi $80, 80-10 meter Windom ant $50, Channel Master HD/9515 rotor $50, 4 - 10 ft sect of light weight tower $60, 2 meter gain base antenna $30, Straight key $5, assorted books, cw tapes & maps $1 to $5 each. To see items call Mrs Howard at 464-9489 or Ron W8RJL 427-5695 for info on these items. 

King Hussein, JY1, Dies 

Radio amateurs around the world joined in mourning the death over the weekend of Jordan’s King Hussein, JY1. Hussein, 63, died Sunday morning. The Middle East’s longest-reigning ruler, he’d been Jordan’s king for 47 years, taking the throne when he was just a teenager. His son, Abdullah, 37, succeeds him. 
Hussein had earned a reputation as a catalyst for peace and as a conciliator in the Middle East. President Clinton is among the heads of state from around the globe gathered in Jordan today for King Hussein’s funeral. 
Hussein was a life member of the ARRL. ARRL Executive Vice President David Sumner, K1ZZ, called him ‘’an enthusiastic radio amateur whose support was invaluable to us in obtaining new amateur bands at the 1979 World Administrative Radio Conference.’’ Sumner recalled that in May 1979, International Amateur Radio Union President Noel Eaton, VE3CJ, was invited to Amman to meet with King Hussein. 
‘’Jordan’s support of the Amateur Service was much in evidence at the conference that fall, and was a crucial element in our success,’’ Sumner said. The WARC-79 resulted in Amateur Radio’s gaining the 30, 17, and 12-meter bands. That same year, JY1 was featured in the film, ‘’The World of Amateur Radio.’’ Hussein regarded his 1983 contact with Owen Garriott, W5LFL, on board the Space Shuttle Columbia, as a high point in his Amateur Radio activity. 
King Hussein also participated in the historic 1995 joint Israel-Jordan JY74X operation on Mt Nebo, where hams from both countries participated in a Field Day-like operation. The King put in appearances both on the air and in person, much to the delight of the participants and those waiting to work him and JY74X. 
Hussein’s friend Bruce ‘’Blackie’’ Blackburn, W4TA/JY9BB, of St Petersburg, Florida, called him ‘’one of the world’s most respected amateurs’’ and recounted many stories about King Hussein as a person and an avid Amateur Radio operator. ‘’He was a wonderful guy, interested in everything and everyone,’’ he said. 
Blackburn said King Hussein ‘’promoted Amateur Radio to the hilt in Jordan’’ and saw to it that Amateur Radio classes were instituted in elementary schools. King Hussein also dropped in on meetings of the Royal Jordan Radio Amateur Society in Amman. King Hussein also was involved with the early satellite experiments. 
Hussein had been active in recent months from the US while seeking cancer treatment at Minnesota’s Mayo Clinic. A QSO with JY1 was considered by many hams to be both an honor and a privilege. His elegant QSL card was prized. AMSAT Area Coordinator Bruce Paige, KK5DO, in Houston, worked JY1 while the king was in the US last summer. ‘’That was a very exciting moment for me,’’ he said. 
Pat Kilroy, WD8LAQ, says he enjoyed a three-minute contact on 20 meters with King Hussein in the fall of 1995. ‘’JY1 was traveling aeronautical mobile, enroute to the United Nations. He insisted on me addressing him simply as ‘Hussein’,’’ he said. ‘’In one of the oldest traditions in Amateur Radio, Hussein upheld that this kinship transverses not only age and nationality, but also between citizen and head of state. 
All members of the Jordanian royal family automatically have Amateur Radio privileges in Jordan. Although the new king does not appear to have a call sign, King Hussein’s widow—the American-born Queen Noor—is JY1NH. King Hussein’s brother, the former Crown Prince Hassan, is JY2HT, while his cousin, Prince Raad, JY2RZ, is chairman of the Royal Jordan Radio Amateur Society.