VE6EMU 6 meter beacon
I've installed this beacon
in its location
10 km east of Camrose, Alberta (grid DO33pa) on a former emu farm (the home of
my parents VA6TX and VE6LEY). The antenna
is a 4 element yagi pointed NNE at the auroral curtain (towards
Europe) and can be found on a frequency of 50.041
MHz. Its output power is about 35 watts and
it's transmitting its CW (Morse code) message 24 hours a day, 365 days a
year. It has turned out to be an excellent aurora indicator as its auroral
reflections can be heard across the northwest states and western provinces
with a Planetary K
index as low 2.
This is what the beacon sounds like on a direct path
under 'normal' conditions.
This is what the beacon sounds like as it's being reflected
off the auroral curtain (notice all 'full tone' quality is gone).
This site of the VE6EMU 6M beacon
VE6EMU 2 meter beacon
I've installed this beacon 32 km north of Camrose, Alberta (grid DO33ng) on a fairly high ridge and operates on a frequency of 144.286 MHz. The antennas (stacked M2 HO loops) is mounted 160 feet from the ground and its output power is variable between 5 and 80 watts (currently set at 40 watts). It has 7 selectable CW (Morse code) messages and is turned on via remote control on demand. Thanks to Barry VE6SBS for his work on the beacon transmitter.
This is what the 2 meter beacon sounds like under
'normal' conditions. (sound files
coming soon)
This is the site of the VE6EMU 2M beacon
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