Map Courtesy: Google Visit:
on a station shows its information in the status bar.
[distance and bearing from base station VU2MUE ]
page demonstrates ham radio capability in penetrating the Internet
to serve useful purposes. This is a live APRS data feed page. APRS® stands for Automatic
Position Reporting System. But this is not
to be mistaken just as a mere automatic vehicle tracking system.
It is real-time two way digital radio communication where many of
the vital information are exchanged almost automatically. Non-hams
can monitor ham radio APRS digital communication using this type
of Internet
web page.
APRS benefits
Accurate position information about mobile & fixed stations.
Direction finding for precise beaming.
Tracking a mobile station [useful during emergency operation/tactical
situation when prompt receipt of information about positions
and progress of mobile stations is of utmost necessity for efficient
Line-of-Sight Distance and bearing of stations from base station
available just at the click of a button.
Monitoring of 'radio to radio digital
text messages' on an Internet browser. Non-ham family members
of a ham can track him/her and read messages. During emergencies, if the Internet does not fail, this would help
non-hams to monitor emergency messages.
Monitoring of real-time weather information originated from
ham radio weather stations [Real-time Weather information like
Wind Speed, Wind Direction, Temperature, Barometric Pressure,
Humidity, Rainfall etc. are available on this map with just
the click of a button.
Plotting of objects on the map. For example an accident site,
crash site, intimation about a traffic jam for route planning,
fire site, flood, cyclone, land-slide, road blockage or information
about a ham radio event etc.
important information to be exchanged without human
intervention. This is important during a tactical or
emergency situation, when we need to concentrate on other important
jobs [for example 'Search & Rescue'].
voice traffic by avoiding repetitive conversations and thus economical use of the radio bandwidth.
[e.g. What is your name/call-sign? [QRA/QRZ?]/Where are you?
[ QTH? ]/Tell me your location so that I can turn my Yagi beam
Antenna towards you/What is your e-mail?/Where are you going?/Are
you busy?[ QRL?]/What is the height of your antenna/building?/How
far you are from me?/In which direction you are now moving?/At
what speed you are traveling?/what is the wind direction and
wind speed?/What is the Temperature?/Is there any rainfall today?/What
is the barometric pressure at your place......