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(Based on the CQ Contest journal article)

The Ukrainian Contest Club (UCC) was created in February 1990 from among the members of the Ukrainian Shortwave Radiosport Conference in Lugansk city in the eastern part of the Ukraine. The objectives of the club are to coordinate and carry out CW, SSB, and RTTY shortwave championships of the Ukraine; to create and sponsor an annual international Ukrainian DX contest; to rate every year achievements of Ukrainian contesters; to set up the annual conferences; to issue the UCC Bulletin; and as a whole to take an active part in the formation of radio sporting policy of the Ukrainian Amateur Radio League (UARL).

The UCC is an associative member of UARL. The problems concerning the organization of shortwave radiosport in the Ukraine are in its authority. Any radio amateur operator may belong to the club if he/she took part in a minimum of 20 contests of any scale for two last years and was placed first in one of them in his country. At the present time the club unites 200 hams from the following countries: UR, RA, RA9, SP,YU, EZ, G, VE, DL...

All members of the club are granted the certificate and have QSL cards with the club's emblem. The club issued and edited a bulletin in which is published contest rules and results, DX info, and articles on contests and technical subjects. Each edition was in great demand. It is read from the first page to the last one in all countries of the former USSR. Vlad, UY5ZZ, Peter, UY3QW, and Tim, UR5QN, usually compiled and edited all issues. The proposal to grant permission for special callsigns of the EM, EN, EO series for contest participants was worked out by the UCC and passed to Ukrainian communication authorities. The selection criteria for the applicants for a special call is their last year's result in the annual rating providing by the UCC.

The UCC organization's leadership consists of a president, a vicepresident, and members of council. Vladimir ("Vlad") Latyshenko, UY5ZZ, is the president of the UCC and Vladimir ("Bob") Gordienko, UTIIA, is vice-president. Members of the UCC council are UX7IA,UT2UB,UR7QM,UU2JZ,UT0ZZ . They carry out a weekly UCC roundtable on 3.662 MHz �QRM at 19:00 (18:00 at summer) UTC on Thursdays. This is a great opportunity to discuss current problems or just the ham's life.

The UCC HQ mail address is P.O. Box 4850, Zaporizhzhe, 69118, Ukraine. E-mail letters can be sent to UY5ZZ or to UTIIA. UCC web-site is .

Contest Activity

The UCC takes part in contests in the Club Competition class and is often in the top places. For example, in the 1996 CQWW DX Contest the Ukrainian Contest Club placed fourth.

The UCC is the sponsor of the EM5HQ station, the UARL Headquarters team in the IARU Championship. The UCC determines the base club station for this competition and many skilled operators. UCC members usually lend their great support for this event.

Members of UCC have taken part in all the World Radiosport Team Championships. In WRTC-1990, Bob, UTIIA (ex-RB5IM), was the official USSR team member, WRTC-1996 Jerry, UT4UZ, and Dim, UT5UGR, WRTC-2000 Dim, UT5UGR and Ken, UU2JZ, WRTC-2002 Jerry, UT4UZ and Serge UT3UA were official Ukraine team members. Of course, we do hope to send our members to the next WRTC.

In 1994 the UCC created the international Ukrainian DX Contest for the first time in the history of the Ukraine. Each year the contest is becoming more popular among amateurs from around the world. You can find annually new Rules and the Results of URDXC at UCC web-site.

In conclusion, we would like to thank Bob, K3EST, for this great opportunity to present the Ukrainian Contest Club in CQ Contest Journal (October,1998), and we would be happy to see all of you fellows in any contest.

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