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Name: Jun Tanaka
Profession: International Civil Servant
Preferences: DXpeditions, contest expeditions include.
My concerning on radio is DXpeditioning and contesting..... this means pile ups. I like any kind of pile ups. I prefer SSB, CW and RTTY, low bands, high bands.
Other hobbies:
Other calls: OE1ZKC, KH2S, ZL1RH
Former DXpeditions: JA3YKC/JD1, JA3YKC/T32, AH0B, FK/JH4RHF, XF4L, KH2S (WW SSB +CW, Oceania M/S records), KH2S/KP1, P40S, ZL9DX, 3D2CT/CU Conway Rf, BV9P, VK9LR , ZL9CI