Photo Album TS7N

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Our QTH Hotel Cercina
Now we are on the beautiful islands of Kerkennah!

Our whole Team

Photos of the day:

Nov. 18th 2003

The team is ready to go from Monastir to KERKENNAH

Nov 19th 2003

Assembling the Spiderbeam
Nov. 20th 2003

Putting up the Hexbeam
Nov. 20th 2003

Visit from Mr. Murphy
A broken tube of the 80m vertical
Nov. 21th 2003

Foreground:The 80m vertical with the 4square for 40m
Background: HEXBEAM

                                                    Nov. 22nd 2003

                     Sunset                                Gun, DJ9CB fixing the V160 after the tide crash

Nov. 23nd 2003

4-square for 3.5mc designed by DF6QV
Nov. 24th 2003

Kerkennah is the Island of Octopus!
Nov. 25th 2003

Operating at our internet access point:
Andy, DJ7IK   Manfred, DK1BT  Rein, PA0R  l.t.r


Nov. 26th 2003

Pulling up one element of the 4-square for 80m.        Our Spiderbeam is working excellent!      The vertical is 21m high!                                                                     
Nov. 27th 2003
The wireless network is operating!
Distance between the operation sites is 300m.
Nov. 27th 2003

Strong winds are blowing: HF9V and V160
Nov. 28th 2003

Contest Team Meeting after lunch.
Nov. 28th 2003

Operation site 2
Nov. 30th 2003

Our Buttenut HF9V
Nov. 30th 2003

Rein, PA0R at running1: ACOM 1000, IC736, Spiderbeam, V160E

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