Best Times for Propagation Between TS7N and the World

All time are UTC, centered on Nov 25, smotthed sunspot number = 50, K< 3
from W6EL Prop, by K9LA 3 Oct 03 (Thanks!)

Target Area 160m 80m 40m 30m 20m 17m 15m 12m 10m
NA East Coast 2129-0607 1830-0830 16-10 16-23,03-07 11-22 11-19 12-18 13-18 14-17
NA Midwest 2255-0607 2000-0830 18-11 1700,06-08 14-19 15-18 16-18 17 17
NA West Coast 0042-0607 2200-0830 18-11 14-02,08-10 15-19 15-18 15-17 17 17
EU - north 1607-0607 1200-1000 all day all day 06-18 07-17 07-16 08-15 09-13
EU - south 1607-0607 all day 06-18 07-17 09-14 12 nothing nothing nothing
EU - west 1609-0607 13-10 all day all day 07-18 07-17 08-16 09-15 10-13
EU - east 1607-0531 all day all day 05-22 06-17 07-16 08-15 09-13 11
JA 1607-2139 1430-0000 12-02 11-03 05-10 06-10 06-09 07-08 07
S Amer - north
2202-0607 2030-0800 19-09 18-09 10-02 10-19 11-19 11-18 12-17
S Amer - south 2255-0607 2100-0700 20-08 20-08 17-10 06-02 09-01 11-18 12-17
Pacific (KH6) 0345-0607 0230-0830 01-19 00-19 17-18 17 17 nothing nothing
Africa - south 1647-0320 1630-0400 16-05 15-05 all day 05-02 05-01 06-22 08-19
Africa - north 1703-2111 1530-2300 14-00 14-00 12-01 05-23 05-18 05-16 12-14
Mideast 1607-0327 1330-0630 all day all day 04-10 04-21 05-17 05-16 12-14
Far East 1607-2349 1430-0200 13-03 13-02 04-21 05-17 06-16 06-13 07-12
VK/ZL short path 1607-1656 1500-1830 15-19 14-18 12-23 10-14,18-23 10,22 10,22 nothing
VK/ZL long path nothing nothing 06-09 06-09 07-13 08-16 09-11 nothing nothing
VK - west 1607-2111 1530-2300 14-00 14-00 12-01 05-23 05-18 05-16 12-14
Legend: NA=North America, EU=Europe, SA=South America
1kw, verticals/dipoles on 160m-30m, small Yagis on 20m-10m
160m based on sunset/sunrise times, 80m-10m based on > 50% availability and > S5 signal strength