EC Annual Report
Report Type
ARRL District:
Jurisdiction (County):
Title (DEC / EC):
E-mail address:
Based upon your current file of registration cards (FSD-98) for present Amateur Radio Emergency Service members within your jurisdiction, please complete the following information. Information from this form is used to indicate general trends in ARES activity. The more reports returned, the more accurate our analysis will be. Please take a few minutes to complete tis report. Mail one copy to ARRL Headquarters, one copy to your SEC/DEC and retain one copy for your files.
Total # of ARES members in your group:
Total number of new licensees (licensed since 1998) in your ARES group:
Total number of members who operate CW:
Total number of members who operate VHF:
Total number of members with HF emergency-power capability at home:
Total number of members with VHF emergency-power capability at home:
Total number of members who can operate HF mobile:
Total number of members who can operate VHF mobile:
Total number of members who are active on packet radio:
Approximate number of ARES drills or nets per year:
Is your ARES net affiliated with or have liaison to the ARRL National Traffic System?
List the primary agencies served by your ARES group (civil preparedness, Red Cross, NWS, etc):
Does your ARES group work with RACES?
If yes, explain the relationship
Deadline for reporting is January 31, 2002
Main to: ARRL HQ, 225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111 USA