
A tunnel through Mount Kastro on Samos Isl. was build to bring water from
north of the mountain inside the fortifications of the city of Samos (modern
Pythagoreon) to the south.


The most amazing part of the aquaduct is the 1036 m long, dug from two
openings, "Eupalinean digging", after Eupalinos, an engineer from Megara.
The construction started in 530 B.C. during the tyranny of Polycrates and
lasted 10 yrs.
The two working groups met in the center of the chanel and they had only
60 cm error! The workers had problems because of unstable soil they found
and had to make a deviation, but they managed to find again the right
way to the oposite working team. The deviation was 200 meters away from
a straight line connecting the ends of the tunnel in the heart of the mountain.
The water was transported through a pipe constructed from 4000 smaller
pieces producted manually.
The tunnel was in operation for around 1000 years until 700 A.D.
Polycrates finally was killed by the Persians in 522 B.C.

