Sponsored by the Sterling Park Amateur Radio Club, Call Box 599,
Sterling, VA 20167.
To promote amateur radio activity in the 95 Virginia Counties and 38
Virginia Independent Cities.
Saturday, 15 March 1400 UTC - Sunday, 16 March 0200 UTC and Sunday, 16 March 1200 UTC - 2400 UTC.
(For Virginians this is Saturday 10 AM - 10 PM and Sunday 8 AM - 8 PM
Virginia local time.)
ENTRY CATEGORIES Operator Categories
Single Operator - One person performs all operating and only one
transmitter may be on the air at a time
Multi Operator / Single Transmitter - Two or more operators with one
transmitter on the air at one time.
Multi Operator / Multi Transmitter - Two or more operators with two or
more transmitters on the air at one time.
Station Categories
Fixed Station
Mobile - Single or Multiple individuals operating Mobile under a single
call sign with only one transmitter on the air at a time. A mobile
station is self-contained and capable of legal motion (land, water or
air) while operating. Motion is optional, and discouraged, during
Expedition - One or more operators of a station that
moves between two or more Virginia locations during the course of the
contest. All equipment, power supplies and antennas must be transported
to each operating site.
Power Categories
High (greater than 150 watts), Low (150 watts or less) and QRP (5 watts
or less)
Band Categories
Multi-Band or Single Band
Mode Categories
Phone, CW, Digital, and Mixed.
Club Entry
Club - Minimum of three valid contest entries each indicating club
Virginia stations work all stations. Out-of-State stations work
Virginia stations only. Work fixed stations once per band/mode.
Virginia Expeditions and Mobiles in each Virginia County or Independent
City from which
they operate. Stations on County or Independent City
lines count as one QSO and one County/Independent City
Mobile and Expedition stations must use appropriate sufffix in callsign.
Satellite contacts allowed. No cross-mode or repeater QSO's. Spotting
nets, DX clusters, etc., may
be used to locate other stations - no self-spotting permitted.
Exchange QSO number and QTH (Virginia County or Independent City for VA
stations; State, Province or "DX" for others).
Mobile and Expedition Stations log QSO's by Virginia Independent City
County of operation.
Identify all QSO's with band/mode, sequential QSO number sent/received
and date/time of contact in UTC.
Please follow standard contest
practices by making and responding to "CQ Virginia QSO Party" calls.
Multiple Transmitter stations may maintain sequential QSO numbers
independently for each transmitter.
QSO's count 1 point per Phone, 2 points per CW, 2 points per digital
mode (RTTY, PSK31,etc.), and 3 points per contact made with a Virginia
Mobile (Phone or CW or Digital).
Multipliers: Multipliers are only counted once, i.e., contacting the same
County, Independent City, State, Province or Country using a different
band or mode counts only as a new QSO, not as a new multiplier.
Virginia Mobile, Expedition, and Fixed Stations multipliers are the
number of Virginia counties, Virginia Independent cities, U. S. States
(except Virginia), Canadian Provinces, and DX entities. No extra
DX multiplier for U.S. (including Alaska and Hawaii), Virginia, and
Canada. Mobile and Expedition
stations that contact 10
(ten) or more different
stations while operating from a county or independent city may claim it
as a multiplier, if not otherwise worked.
Outside of Virginia station multipliers are the total number
of Virginia Counties (95) and Independent Cities (38) worked.
Bonus Points:
Virginia Mobile and Expedition stations
receive a bonus of 100 additional points for each
Virginia County/Independent City from which they log a valid QSO.
All stations add 500 bonus points for a contact with K4NVA the club
station of the Sterling Park Amateur Radio Club.
Final score
Final score is the number of QSO Points multiplied by the number
of Multipliers plus Bonus Points
160 meters and up, except no WARC band QSO's permitted. Suggested
CW -- 1805 KHz and 50 KHz up from band edge on
PHONE --1845, 3860, 7260, 14270, 21370 and 28370
Novice/Tech Plus -- 10 KHz up from the edge of the
CW band and 28370 KHz on PHONE.
VHF -- 50.130, 144.200 (CW & SSB), 146.580 and
223.50 MHz.
UHF -- 446.00 MHz.
Digital contacts should use normally accepted
subbands for these modes.
For award purposes, Fixed, Expedition,
and Mobile operation will be considered
separately. Please submit separate logs for Fixed, Expedition, and
Multiple operator stations should indicate all operators by call sign.
Electronic (preferred) or paper logs, summary and dupe sheets (200 or
more QSO's) are required for all entries. The summary and 'dupe sheet'
is waived if recognized contesting software is used. Summary sheets are
available at the contest web site.
For Club Competition purposes, be sure to indicate club name on summary
sheet and log.
Submit log entries by 15 April 2014 by mail to the VA QSO Party, Call
599, Sterling, VA 20167 or by email to [email protected]. If you
have problems, please send an email to [email protected].
A $1.00 donation to help defray the costs of printing and mailing is
All participants submitting a log will receive a certificate.
The Plaques to be awarded are identified on the contest web site.
Additional information may be obtained by mail at VA QSO Party, Call
Box 599, Sterling, VA 20167, from the SPARC website
www.qsl.net/sterling, or by contacting Gordon, NQ4K, at [email protected].
Plaques available only to
Virginia Stations
Virginia SO High Power
Virginia SO Low Power
Virginia SO Phone High Power
Virginia SO Phone Low Power
Virginia SO Phone/ Mixed
Virginia SO CW QRP
Virginia Mobile Multiple
Virginia Mobile Single
Virginia Expedition
Virginia Club Combined Score
Virginia Club - Virginia QSOs Only
Multiple Operator Single
Transmitter Station
Multiple Operator Multiple
Transmitter Station
Virginia SO CW High Power
Virginia SO CW Low Power
Plaques available to any
Single Operator Station
SO Novice/Tech/Rookie
Single Band
SO VirginiaCounties/ IndependentCities
SO Digital Mode
SO Youth (18 or younger) (Enter age in soapbox or on summary sheet)
Plaques available to
Single Operator stations Outside of Virginia
Outside Virginia SO
Outside Virginia
Phone/ Mixed QRP
Outside Virginia Single
Operator CW QRP
Plaque available only to
a Single Operator DX station (outside US and Canada)