Sterling Park Amateur Radio Club (SPARC)
2022 Sterlingfest

The Sterling Park Amateur Radio Club hosted an information booth and special event station at the 2022 Sterling Festival on Saturday, 8 October 2022.

We had a good time.  We started with setup at 0800.  People started to stop by starting at about 1100.  We started to tear-down a little early about 1600 and by 1630, we were gone.

We had a few SPARC people come out to visit us at the booth. We had a good time and hope that others did also.

73, Gordon, NQ4K

The booth is set up and we are awaiting visitors.  Bud, W4KSN, and Duane, K4UW, are standing.  John, W3XWT, is in the background sitting at the radio table.

Bud, W4KSN, had arrived early and stayed all day. In addition to bringing equipment, he helped with the visitors to the booth.

Duane, K4UW, had also arrived early and helped with answering questions about amateur radio.

Bud, W4KSN, working on the 40M wire antenna.  Bud saved the day by bringing some MilSpec mast sections.  We tied them to fence posts and strung wire between them.  Only a few feet off the ground, but the NVIS was good.

John, W3XWT, at the radio table.  An IC-730 with a manual tuner on the right and a 2M rig on the left.  We made 14 QSOs with the PA QSO Party.  

Paul, KK4AIA, arrived a little later and stayed all day.  He supplied the batteries to oeprate the radios. They worked very well. Lasted all day.

Duane, K4UW, carrying his balloon animal.  He left it on our publicity table and a young girl came by and looked enviously at it. We gave it to her. We forgot to tell Duane.

Gordon, NQ4K, looking happy that all is going so well.

We stopped at about 1600.  Even though we were supposed to stay until 1700, there were no more people wondering around, so we slipped away.  Fortunately, we were able to park very close by and carrying the equipment to the cars was easy.
We had plenty of visitors.

Henry, K2BFY, visited our booth.  He reports that he is still alive.  He did not stay long, I understand the police, or maybe the feds, are looking for him.  HA HA.  

Joe, WB2SAI, is a long time member of the club.

Some more visitors.

Another visitor.

We encountered several hams holding tech licenses who wanted to become more involved in amateur radio.  We encouraged them to come to our meetings and get involved with us.

Pictures were taken by Gordon, NQ4K.

Made on 12 October 2022