Sterling Park Amateur Radio Club (SPARC)
2016 Sterlingfest

The Sterling Park Amateur Radio Club hosted a special event station at the 2015 Sterling Festival on Saturday, 8 October 2016.

On 8 Oct 16, Gordon, NQ4K, emailed:


It was a good Sterlingfest.  We started at 0900. At 1530, it started to rain a little heavier and we decided it was over.

We had several visitors in the morning and early afternoon.  Around 2 it seemed most people had come and gone.  Very few still walking around.

We had many SPARC people come out to visit us at the booth. We had a good time and hope that others did also.

73, Gordon, NQ4K

Pictures were taken by Gordon, NQ4K.

Its sprinkling a little, but the canopy is set up.

Duane, K4UW, and Don, K4YND, carry the heavy battery from Duane's car.

Starting to set up the buddipole antenna in the background.
Chris, KK4HDG;. Don, K4YND; and Paul, K4PDF, set up the antenna.

Paul, K4PDF, and Don, K4YND.

The station is set up.  IC-730 with MFJ antenna tuner and a battery.  Paul's antenna tuner is on top of box on the right of the table.

Gordon, NQ4K, talking on his handheld

Paul, Don, and Duane standing around waiting for the event to start. Don is trying out the radio.

Chris, KK4HDG.

Paul, K4PDF

Duane, K4UW, stayed at the site all day.

Don working the radio. He stayed until noon and helped answer questions by visitors.

We all greet Henry, K2BFY, when he arrives with his paint can radio.  A 10W 2M rig is all contained in the can.

Henry looking comfortable and staying dry.
Henry, Gordon, and Duane.

We had plenty of visitors.
Paul, KK4AIA.

Joe, WB2SAI.
Eugene Delgaudio enjoyed his pizza while talking to us.

Ed, the clown.  Used to be a navy radioman and rumored to have some old teletype machines.

Monte, KV2KS.

And then it was time to leave

Henry leaving near the end of the day

Duane, K4UW, pushing the rain off the top of the canopy just before we take it down.

Loading all the equipment into the car. Ready to leave at the end of the event.
And it was over.
In spite of a little rain, it was a fun event.

Made on 10 October 2016