Sterling Park Amateur Radio Club (SPARC)
2012 Sterlingfest

The Sterling Park Amateur Radio Club hosted a special event station at the 2012 Sterling Festival.
Pictures were taken by Duane, K4UW, and Gordon, NQ4K.

Once again, the 10M antenna stretched between the Cardinal Bank sign and a pole attached to traffic sign You can just see the the center connector where the transmission line meets the dipole.

John, KK4AHY, was there early with the promotional material and to help set up.

Ray, KD4RSL, helping with the setup. This year Ray brought three batteries, which was extremely helpful, because we were able to set them on the legs of the tent to keep the tent from flying away in the gusts of wind that occured frequently.

All set up and ready to go except the radio is not quite working right. Dick, W2YE, is working on it.  See the white battery setting on the back left leg of the tent (between the table legs).

Duane, K4UW.

Paul, K4PDF.

Gordon, NQ4K.

Henry, K2BFY, and his Red Ryder Wagon Mobile. The metal wagon makes an excelleng ground plane for the 2M mag-mount antenna connected to his HT.

Dick W2YE.
We had a lot of club members stop by to visit.
Jim, KF4PQL.

George, who has been to so many SPARC events he is effectively a club member.

Gary, K4SRX.

Chris,  KK4DHG, stopped by between marching in the parade and his afternoon baseball game.

Linda, K4LDT, always brings cheer, but not her spouse Russ, W3RST.

Paul, KK4AIA

Joe, WB2SAI.
And we had some guest opertors, most of which operated the radio for the first time.

A visitor and possible club member.

A visitor and possible club member.

Stephen, KG4NRD.

Willie West, one of the festival chairs.

Henry, K2BFY, explaining the mysteries of 2M to a visitor.

A visitor.

A visitor.

A visitor.

A visitor.
Once again, we had a great time.

Made on 14 October 2012