Sterling Park Amateur Radio Club (SPARC)

2008 Sterlingfest

A lot of nice photographs. High resolution images may be obtained from Gordon, NQ4K, at [email protected].

Russ, W3RST, setting up the generator.

Jim, KF4PQL, hooking up connections to the HF radio.

Mark, KI4OBT, setting up his buddy pole antenna.

Bd, W4KSN, putting up antenna rope. Henry, K2BFY, standing in backgfound looking at generator which is not running.

Henry, K2BFY, continuing to look at the not running generator.

Henry, K2BFY, says, "What is this buttion for?"

Watching people set up their booths. Bud, W4KSN, on left and Jim, KF4PQL on the right.

Jim, KF4PQL, and Bud, W4KSN, satching Mark, KI4OBT, on right, put up his buddy pole.

Bud, W4KSN, throwing rock to put up antenna rope.

Forrest, N4UTY, brings out his Heathkit Code Oscillator and telegraph key.

Russ, W3RST, starting the generator.

The SPARC booth.

The 20M dipole in the air (the pole is holding up the center).

The SPARC Tent.

Dick, W2YE, making a contact, being supervised by a lot of hams with coffee cups.

Jim, KF4PQL.

Kevin, W4KLS.

Russ, W3RST.

Henry, K2BFY

Jim, KF4PQL, on the radio.

Craig, KJ4GZY

View from the SPARC booth.

View from the SPARC booth.

Gordon, NQ4K, in profile.

Gordon, NQ4K, watching Craig, KJ4GZY, operate the radio.

Bill, WF1L.

Clown visits the SPARC booth.

Joe, WB2SAI.

Mark, KI4OBT, taking down his buddy pole.

Made on 1 Nov 08