Don Baucom, K4YND (SK)
  24 April 1963 - 13 July 2017

Donald Ralph Baucom, Jr., age 54, passed away at his Sterling, VA, home on Thursday, July 13, 2017. His death ended a courageous, eight-month battle with a rare form of cancer.

He was also active in the Loundon County amateur radio community. He attended both the Loudon Amateur Radio Group meetings as well as the Sterling Park Amateur Radio Club meetings and events.

Was licensed as a Technician class amateur radio operator with the call sign KJ4QKN on16 November 2009.
 Became General Class and then Amateur Extra on same day, 2 August 2010.
Assigned the call sign K4YND on 24 August 2010.

Don participated in many SPARC events events from 2014 to 2017.

And he sponsored the Virginia Single Operator CW QRP plaque in 2014 and 2015.

He was an excellent CW operator and enjoyed working CW from his fixed station as well as from his mobile station.  He won High Single Operator Virginia QSO Party CW plaques several times.

He will be missed.

2014 Field Day. Donald, K4YND.

2014 Virginia QSO Party. The High Virginia Single Operator CW QRP plaque, sponsored by Don Baucom, K4YND, is presented by John, N4MM, to Don Baucom, K4YND, from Loudoun.

2015 Field Day. Adjusting the ropes on the wire antennas.  Chris, KK4DHY, Paul, K4PDF, and Don, K4YND.

2015 Field Day. Don, K4YND and Mike, WB8RDN, setting up some radios.

2015 Field Day. Monte, KV4KS, and Don, K4YND, by the publicity table.

2015 Field Day. Don, K4YND, at one of the SSB stations.
2015 Virginia QSO Party. Don K4YND pops out of his mobile rig to say hello!"
He has quite the CW setup in the back seat. 

2016 Sterling Festival.  Duane, K4UW, and Don, K4YND, carry the heavy battery from Duane's car to the SPARC booth and special event station.

2016 Sterling festival Special Event station. Paul, K4PDF, and Don, K4YND.

2016 Sterling festival Special Event station. Don working the radio. He stayed until noon and helped answer questions by visitors.

2016 Virginia QSO Party. Gary, K4SRX, presented the Virginia Single Operator CW QRP plaque sponsored in memory of Virtnam Veterans by George Marsh, K4GAM, to Don Baucom, K4YND.

2017 Virginia QSO Party. The High Virginia Single Operator CW QRP plaque, Honoring Vietnam Veterans and sponsored by George March, K4GAM, is presented to Donald Baucom, K4YND, by Gordon Miller, NQ4K, (from SPARC).