ARRL 4th Call Area Incoming QSL BUREAU

How to get QSL Cards from this Bureau

To receive incoming DX cards via the bureau, amateur radio operators need an "account" established with this bureau. This can be in the form of Self-Addressed-Stamped-Envelopes (SASEs) on file at the bureau, or in some cases by establishing a cash account with the appropriate letter manager.  The three options are:

These options have been been updated with a new fee schedule effective 11 November 2024.

Option 1. Send SASEs to the Bureau.

This is the option most frequently chosen by operators to get their incoming cards from the Bureau.

A letter manager is assigned to each call sign based upon the first letter following the number in the call sign.  The letter manager for NQ4K is the "K" letter manager. The Bureau's letter managers receive incoming QSL cards, sort them by call sign, and either put them into a Self-Address Stamped Envelope (SASE) or into an unclaimed QSL file.  When the SASE is fill, the letter manager puts it into the USPS mail.

Generally SASEs are 6 x 9 side-opening envelopes with the operators address in the front middle, stamps for 1, 2, or 3 ounces postage in the upper right hand corner, and the amateur radio operator's call sign in the upper left corner.  We never send more than 3 ounces in an envelope as that then becomes a package at a much higher rate.

For the normal operator making a few DX contacts, we recommend sending 2 envelopes with 1 forever stamp each.  For a heavy DX'er, we recommend maintaining 3-4 envelopes with 1 forever first class stamp on each envelope.  We will notify you when we need additional envelopes by including a notice in your last envelope.

You prepare the envelopes and mail them to the Bureau. Along with $1 per envelope to handle bureau internal administrative shipping and handling.  This method ensures the address is correct on the envelope.

    4th Call Area Incoming QSL Bureau
    PO Box 599
    Sterling, VA 20167

Option 2. Send Funds for Bureau prepared SASEs.

The second option is to request SASEs from this Bureau. We will prepare the SASEs for you if you send funds to the Bureau. 

To use this option, send $2.00 for each envelope to the above mailing address.  Include your mailing address and call sign.  We will address the SASE and apply 1 ounce of postage.  Please print clearly.

Checks should be make out to Sterling Park Amateur Radio Club with your call sign in the memo field.  Alternatively, but not necessarily recommended, you can send cash.  We currently do not support electronic fund transfer.

Option 3. Maintain a "cash account" with your Letter Sorter.

Some Letter Managers will accept cash and maintain a cash account. This is entirely up to the preference of the Letter Manager.   This reduces the amount of space required by the Letter Manager, however this also incurs the additional risk of losing the funds and additional effort by the letter manager to keep track of the funds.

A list of the Letter Managers that accept money and maintain a "cash account" is available at:

Please contact them directly concerning your QSL cards. 

The cost of the cash account will be double the postage applied to mailing the cards to the call sign holder.

     If you move, be SURE to notify us of your new address.  Large self adhesive labels that we can place on your envelopes are desired.  We stamp our return address in the upper left hand corner of each envelope under your call to ensure delivery (so don’t enter yours), but if your envelopes are returned to us by the Post Office for lack of a current address, and your FCC (callbook) address is also obsolete, your cards will likely wind up being destroyed.  (Hence, remember to notify the FCC of any address change).

     BE PATIENT!  Cards we receive from the foreign Bureaus are at least several months to many years old before they ever arrive here.   (Even longer if marked “TNX QSL”).   Then they must be sorted by the letter following the "4", distributed to the appropriate letter manager, additionally sorted by call, put into proper envelopes, and mailed. 

Nearly four dozen amateurs volunteer their time, and a portion of their shacks, to sorting and distributing cards and envelopes.  If  you think  we do a good job, send us a "thank you" note which will be forwarded to your letter manager.  If you feel there is a problem, send a note or E-mail and we will look into it.  

                                                           73 and Good DX,

                                                           Gordon Miller, NQ4K
                                                           Manager, Sterling Park Incoming 4th Call Area QSL Bureau
                                                           E-mail [email protected] or [email protected]