Sterling Park Amateur Radio Club (SPARC)

2011 Herndon Festival and Race Field Day

A lot of nice photographs from Duane, K4UW, John, KK4AHY, and  Gordon, NQ4K.


Both events at the Herndon Festival went off very well.

On Saturday, the Booth was supported by Jim, KF4PQL; Dick, W2YE; Paul, K4PDF; Chris, TBD; John, KK4AHY; Gordon, NQ4K; and George, a friend of SPARC. Eric, AJ4LN, and Duane, K4UW, stopped by and visited for a while. We had several people stop by our booth and indicated that they would be interested in learning more. It was a long day, but a lot of fun.
On Sunday, the Support to the Herndon Races were provided by Red, N3TG; Adrienne, K3MAF; Dick, W2YE; Eric, AJ4LN; Bill, WF1L; Marty, NV3H; Ray, KD4RSL; John, KK4AHY; Paul, K4PDF; and Gordon, NQ4K.

We fulfilled our primary duty of getting the timers to the mile markers and announcing the race starts. In addition, all did very well in keeping track of the status of the race. The radios all seemed to work well and we sounded like we knew what we were doing. It was fun and an excellent way of starting the Sunday while helping out Herndon celebrate another year.
Thanks to all who participated and I am looking forward to seeing the members of the club at the Virginia QSO Party Awards Ceremony at the Manassas Hamfest on 12 Jun and Field Day in 3 weeks (25-26 Jun).

73, Gordon, NQ4K
Herndon Festival

The Special Event Booth with George (on  left) and Jim, KF4PQL.

George (on  left) and Jim, KF4PQL.

John, KK4AHY, also taking pictures.

Duane, K4UW

Jim, KF4PQL, with "Austin Powers," a visitor.

Eric, AJ4LN

Gordon, NQ4K

Young visitor on radio and big white visitor on right.

George (standing), young man working the radio, and Jim, KF4PQL.

Some visitors to the booth.

Jim, KF4PQL, explaining the radio to Gordon, NQ4K.

Waiting for someone to show up.
Herndon Festival 10K and 5K Race Radio Support

Adrienne, K3MAF, and Red, N3TG, at control point.
"How do I get this radio to work?"

Ray, KD4RSL; Eric, AJ4LN; Bill, WF1L; and Dick, W2YE waiting to depart for the mile markers.

Paul, K4PDF, and John, KK4AHY, waiting to depart for the mile markers.

Made on 11 June 2011