Sterling Park Amateur Radio Club (SPARC)

2010 Herndon Festival and Race Field Day

A lot of nice photographs from Duane, K4UW and Gordon, NQ4K.

Herndon Festival
For all the SPARC members that assisted on Saturday and Sunday at the Herndon Festival activities I would like to say Thank You!  With out you it would have been a long boring weekend and we SPARC would not have been successful.  Despite a couple of HT issues on Sunday morning and Zero (0) propagation on Saturday we did meet lots of perspective Hams and a few looking for a Ham Home!  

Thank you again for all your help and I am sure Gordon will be posting pictures shortly!

Bud, w4ksn

Dick, W2YE, and Bud, W4KSN. "When putting up antenna ropes, top goes over left and bottom goes under right, or something like that."

Bruce, KF4MFF. "What??"

Dick, W2YE, "Got it now."

Mark, KI4OBT, helping.

Dic, W2YE, with more cable.

A closer look at the top of the vertical.

The vertical up high.

On the right leg of the blue tent is a short HF vertical.

A really close look.

The HF dipole stretched over the SPARC canopy.

Bud, W4KSN, putting in the radios.

The SPARC booth all set up.

Bud, W4KSN, and Gordon, NQ4K. "You got everything up!"

Lets get on the air. The HF radio with Jim, KF4PQL, operating.

Jim, KF4PWL, and Gordon, NQ4K, trying to make a contact.

Duane, K4UW, the photographer.

Bud, W4KSN, operating a digital mode with his laptop.

Duane, K4UW, and a visitor.

Mark, KI4OBT, watching the excitement.

Dick, W2YE, working the HF radio.

Don, K7CS. It had been a long afternon.

Jim, KF4PQL. A really long afternoon.

Duane, K4UW, with his HT.

Bruce, KF4MFF. "Waiting for the radio.??"

Eric, AJ4LN.

Jim, KF4PQL, working the radio.
Herndon Festival 10K and 5K Race Radio Support

Don, K7CS, and Bud, W4KSN, getting set up.

Don, K7CS, and Bud, W4KSN. "Left is up and right is down unless this is the power cable."

Jim, KF4PQL, Eric, AJ4LN, Dick, W2YE, Gary, K4SRX, Don, K7CS (seated) and a visitor helping get set up.

Bud, W4KSN, (seated), Jim, KF4PQL, and Don, K7CS, waiting for the race start.

Gordon, NQ4K, Jim, KF4PQL, Gary, K4SRX, and Dick W2YE.

Ray, KD4RSL, doing a radio check.

Mark, KI4OBT.

A visitor.

Dick, W2YE.

Bill, WF1L.

Gary, K4SRX

Eric, AJ4LN.

Jim, KF4PQL.

Made on 19 Jun 10